we select the most successful color combinations

There are many ways to highlight the strengths of the house and hide the weak ones, one of which is a competent choice of colors for the facade and roof. This article is devoted to the selection of the optimal color for the decoration of suburban housing. Your attention is invited to information on how to accurately combine the shades of the roof, walls and minor details. The ideas presented in the material will tell you how to create a memorable look, even if your home is crowned with a modest brown roof.

we select the most successful color combinations

The first impression is based on color harmony

About the general principles of color selection

House designs presented on numerous construction sites, in most cases are made in neutral shades. This is done so that the colors do not distract from the details of the project, allowing you to more fully evaluate the design. The selection of the colors of the facade and roof goes to the owner; It will be successful if you follow the simple rules that guide professional designers.

Before dwelling on one or another color scheme, you should decide whether you want to highlight your house, emphasizing its advantages, or, conversely, to make it inconspicuous, built into the environment. The solution to this question will tell you which direction to go. For the first option, you will need rich colors and bold combinations, for the second - the harmony of natural shades.

we select the most successful color combinations

For fans of extravagant solutions

When choosing colors for a country house, it is important to remember some of the features inherent in all colors, although varying degrees. All of them have the following properties:

  • Burnout . It is the more noticeable, the more saturated and brighter the color. The burnout champion is black; brown, red and lilac roof will be exposed to the sun to a lesser extent. The best resistance is shown by gray color, only slightly changing a shade. A white roof is also not ideal; elegant at first, with time it will inevitably turn yellow, and not evenly, but stained.

  • Heat absorption . From the school course in physics, we remember: the brighter the surface, the stronger it reflects light, and the darker the coating, the stronger it absorbs solar energy. Therefore, the more to the north the house is located, the more practical the choice of dark materials and paints for its facade and roof becomes.

we select the most successful color combinations

Bright colors become brighter over time
  • Emphasizing . Paints can change the appearance of the building. Light shades visually enlarge the object, dark ones reduce it, but also give clarity to details. Caution is needed when using several bright colors - as a rule, it is a good solution for a home of a simple form with a minimum of architectural details.

To simplify the task, it is convenient to choose the appropriate color scheme in one of the following ways:

  • Selecting shades of the same color . Common and almost win-win. One color is broken down into successive shades: for the roof, facade walls and more minor details. Structures made in green, sand or brown tones look harmonious, more boldly in red or blue.

we select the most successful color combinations

Selecting single color shades
  • Selecting contrasting colors . The appearance of such a building will be vivid and memorable. The color solution is based on two maximally contrasting colors, for example, chocolate brown for roof material and pale yellow or beige for the facade. Sometimes, to enhance the effect, the details of the facade (doors, trim, plinth) are also painted to match the roof.

we select the most successful color combinations

Selection of contrasting shades
  • Combination with white color . Universal option, given that white perfectly harmonizes with both pale and rich shades.

we select the most successful color combinations

Combination with white also contrasts
  • Combinations of several colors . A tricolor combination is set: brown - beige - olive or gray - pink - white. They are complemented by a suitable background tone, which is supposed to be used for finishing. With proper selection, even the black facade of the house, complemented by a light roof, will look harmonious and stylish.

we select the most successful color combinations

Combination of several colors

The influence of tradition and landscape on the choice of colors

More often the selection of the color combination for the facade and the roof is based on the location, features of the local landscape and national traditions:

  • In the southern hot regions of , cool shades from white and purple, to emerald and bright blue.

  • In regions with cold and long winters warm colors are popular: yellow, chocolate, red, orange.

  • In flat forest regions , facades and roofs of natural shades — earth, grass, moss, sand — are common.

  • In lowland steppe regions for finishing the roof they stop on bright finishing materials: red, cherry or orange.

we select the most successful color combinations

A warm option for a cold winter
  • Near the lake , The combination of white, turquoise, blue and blue is popular with the river or at the seashore.

  • Country cottages look particularly attractive in pastel colors.

  • If the estate is surrounded by a vast garden , you can include a bright palette with yellow, purple and lavender accents in its design.

  • Private house in residential quarter . Modern urban architecture involves an experiment with bright and unexpected combinations of colors.

  • Construction in the old quarter . You will have to adapt to the style of the environment, so as not to destroy the historical surroundings.

we select the most successful color combinations

Facade in a pastel palette

About the compatibility of roof and facade colors

Specialists advised to conceive a combination, starting with the roof, and then pick a facade under it. This rule is explained by the peculiarities of the construction process - the roof is mounted first. In addition, in the construction market, the choice of facade materials is much more diverse than roofing. You will significantly simplify your task if you choose the front material to the roofing, and not vice versa. To make the combination harmonious, use the following rules:

  • For decoration, are limited to two or three shades .

  • You can contact for advice from a professional or choose the color combination yourself using special compatibility tables . Tables clearly demonstrate how well or poorly different shades are combined.

About color matching with the program in the following video:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies, who offer the service of design and construction of turnkey country houses. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the low-rise country exhibition.
  • The alternative is to access one of the many visual online applications . With this program, you will be able to evaluate the appearance of the house with the selected materials before investing money in a purchase.

  • It is not recommended to select and buy materials according to the catalog (paper or on the Internet); better to visit a specialty store and see the colors live.

  • Chimney color . You can choose a shade that is in harmony with the tone of the facade (if the chimney is small). Color under the tone of the roof is relevant if the chimney is large in size (as it merges with the roof and attracts less attention). Sometimes the best solution is the chimney, contrasting and the walls of the house, and the roof.

  • Color of drainpipes . It is chosen at the discretion of the owners - a variant that is close to the decoration of the facade and to the roof is considered acceptable. If you want a more complex color solution, the pipes can be painted a shade that differs from the main one by two or three tones.

we select the most successful color combinations

The chimney does not look like an alien part
  • Binder overhang . Usually the same color as the roof, sometimes an interesting solution is obtained.

Traditionally, the brown, black, red and green roofs are the most popular; which facade will look most advantageous with these and other shades can be seen from the following comparisons:

  • Roofing in the green range . Fits well in any landscape; It is appropriate to paint the walls of such a house in beige, colors of baked milk, sand, white, olive or yellow color.

  • Red or brown roof . It can often be found on buildings of the classical type; a pair of white, cream or beige tones will suit her. Turquoise or pink facade will look ridiculous.

we select the most successful color combinations

Classic design
  • Gray roof . A practical option to which just pick up a pair. Modern look gray roof, complemented by a facade in pastel colors. Gray is friendly with rich, noble shades of red.

  • Light roof . Such roofs, with a hint of a blue or gray tint, can be found in southern areas with short warm winters and little rainfall. They crown houses with walls of rich shades: blue, cherry, brown and peach.

  • House with a blue roof . The image of the structure will be complete if you pick up a contrasting facade - white, as well as beige, ivory, milky white or pearl gray.Slightly worse will look light blue, light brown and pink walls, and a turquoise, crimson or lime facade will appeal to rare originals.

we select the most successful color combinations

Elegant combination with dark gray roof
  • Black roof . A rare choice, characteristic of houses in the Gothic and some ethnic (Japanese, Scandinavian) styles.

Most often, the facade is tried to give natural shades of beige, green, yellow and brown colors. They are not only well combined with each other, but also easily combined with bright and saturated shades. The combination of the color of the facade and its details (doors, trim, basement) is determined by the following rules:

  • The facade in natural shades . Supplement in the form of windows and doors of a lighter in tone wood give the building a solid and presentable look.

we select the most successful color combinations

Comfort in the natural palette
  • Green facade . It is appropriate to add details of white, gray and dark green.

  • Bela e walls . Successfully combined with decoration elements of any color.

  • Terracotta facade . The clinker tiles that give this bright look to the walls are perfectly complemented by white details and gray tiling (from light to graphite).

About combinations of brown shades in the following video:

  • Brown . It does not matter whether the wood or plaster, for finishing it is worth choosing warm shades and refrain from lilac, gray and turquoise.

  • Blue . Country housing is guaranteed an elegant look, if its blue walls are shaded by a gray roof and white window frames.

  • The dark facade of the house . The facades of black, indigo (dark blue) and violet shades are found in the Scandinavian countries, they are also used in conceptual projects.

we select the most successful color combinations

In the northern style
It might be interesting! In the article on The following link read about how to choose a paint for the roof.

Useful tips

If you are dreaming of a house with impeccable styling, the following recommendations are useful:

  • If your house has a traditional look , in most cases it is assumed that the roofing material will be chosen darker than the facade finish (although the opposite solution is not prohibited). If the dominant color seems bland, you can dilute it with bright accents.

  • For home in the classic style bright and defiant colors are prohibited. The combination of white and dirty-pink tones of facade decoration has a noble sound; White and hot pink will remind you of a bowl of marshmallow.

About the influence of lighting on the color of the facade decoration in the following video:

  • If you soul modern style , do not give up the contrasting, dynamic combinations of white, graphite, orange, lemon, dark blue and black. Purple and violet colors, saturated and mysterious, should be used with caution - you can quickly cool to them.

  • When choosing a color palette, think about how it will look in different conditions : against the backdrop of snow, greenery, rain or bright sun. The green walls will merge with summer fat, and the white walls with snow. So that the gray facade of the house is not lost in the winter garden, set it off with contrasting accents and a rich blue roof.

  • Small in size and simple in construction roof will benefit from bright roofing material. It should be borne in mind that the color of the roof is set lighter than the base.

we select the most successful color combinations

Due to the additional colors, the gray facade does not look boring
  • For a large roof of complex construction, the right choice will be soft and muted tones; saturated can make individual elements.

  • A reliable solution for most cases - choosing two shades of the same color , the difference between which is a couple of tones; which one to use for the facade, and which for the roof - you decide. As an accent, you can use the door, decorating it in a third, contrasting, color.

It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read how to choose paint for the house from a log.

Invalid Techniques

The following solutions will degrade the appearance of the building:

  • Using more than 4-5 colors in wall decoration . Perhaps the result will surprise you, but it is unlikely to please.

  • The use of incompatible or several bright interferes with each other shades.

we select the most successful color combinations

A mistake in the choice of color worsens the perception of the house
  • The facade and the roof should be performed in either warm or cold colors ; otherwise harmony will not work.

  • Using the whole house for decoration about of the same color .

  • Not the best solution - copying the decoration of neighboring houses . It is enough to choose colors that match in tone or style.

  • If you want to make an emphasis on fine details (door and window frames, curtain rods, pipes), use one shade to prevent impression of variegation, tiring for the eyes.

  • So that the house does not resemble a children's designer (only if you do not achieve this effect), the ideal colors for accenting will be white, black and gray rather than red, blue or yellow.

we select the most successful color combinations

The main thing for the black facade is the accents
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about finishing materials for the facades of private houses.


It doesn’t matter if you prefer bright, saturated or soft base colors. For finishing works, the color gamut is a factor that largely determines whether the house will harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape. In order not to make a costly mistake, it is useful to get the advice of an experienced designer. A specialist with solid experience and knowledge of modern fashion trends will be able to take into account all the features of your home and offer the best option.

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