To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

There is a large list of various inventory, tools and accessories that gardeners use all the time. But one position from this list stands alone and is an integral part of suburban life. This is a barrel for water. Therefore, in this article we will talk about what the barrel is used at the summer cottage, what purposes it has, what materials they are made of today, and also at what prices to buy a barrel today for the summer house.

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Barrel at the dacha to collect rain and melt water

Varieties of barrels

We begin our story with that all water barrels are classified according to different positions. The first one is the material from which they are made. More recently, these were metal tanks with a capacity of 200 liters. They stood on all the dachas, used them mainly for collecting rain odes, which they used for domestic needs and watering greenery.

Metal barrels finally lost their positions when plastic products appeared on the market. The fact is that plastic, unlike metal, does not corrode, the life of plastic containers is much longer. And some products do not have a statute of limitations. Secondly, plastic barrels are much cheaper than metal ones.

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Metal barrel for collecting water at the cottage

They are made using the technology of thermal extrusion or rotational molding. That is, plastic tanks do not have joints, like metal ones, but are integral tanks. No joints, no leakage.

It is the manufacturing technology of plastic products that allows the production of barrels of various shapes and sizes. Therefore, they have a huge range of products on the market. It should be noted that the integrity of the product, its solidity, as well as chemical stability does not depend on the shape of the barrel, nor on its size.

Another plus in favor of plastic is a small proportion of manufactured products. Therefore, even the largest barrels can be easily transferred even manually, not to mention their installation anywhere in the suburban area. This applies not only to a flat plane, but also to elevations.

Since the plastic does not corrode, such tanks easily carry different loads. They are often buried in the ground without pre-held waterproofing measures. And in the ground they serve no less than in the open air.

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Plastic containers used in summer cottages for water

But it should be noted that metal barrels are still on the market. Manufacturers are just approaching their production today from the perspective of using the latest technologies. As for the variety of raw materials, today the barrels are made from: galvanized steel, stainless steel and carbon steel. Denote the positive and negative sides of each material.

  • Galvanized steel is known for its products used for a long time . In fact, this is a common draft steel sheet, coated on both sides with a zinc layer. The latter performs protective properties, prolonging the life of galvanized barrels. Depending on the aggressiveness of water poured into the barrel, galvanizing can last up to 50 years.

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Galvanized steel barrels
  • Stainless steel . This metal alloy is unique. It is clear that such barrels do not rust . At the same time, the water filled in it for a long time does not change its taste , which is why drinking water is often stored in stainless steel tanks. Another plus is stainless steel perfectly copes with some aggressive and active chemical elements . At the same time, its it is not necessary to paint , because the very appearance of this steel is quite presentable. The only minus - high price . But if the task is to buy a garden barrel in which drinking water will be stored, then this is the ideal variant .

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Stainless Steel Tanks
  • Carbon Steel . By degree reliability and strength barrels of this material exceed the previous two. But with corrosion this material copes with difficulty. Therefore, tanks of this steel must paint using powder coating technology or chrome plating surfaces. But, as practice shows, all these efforts extend the life of the tanks not for long. At the same time, these barrels weigh more than the same galvanized and stainless steel. True, many gardeners are attracted by the price of the product, which is the lowest in the proposed category.

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Carbon steel barrels (painted)
On our site you can see the most popular projects modular houses and laminated veneer lumber from the best construction companies with an impeccable reputation in the market. Order a free draft on the site of the project and get the turnkey value, use the filters to set the necessary parameters of a country house. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Plastic barrels

Some of the characteristics of plastic tanks have already been mentioned above. Add some specific points to which you need to pay attention, choosing a barrel to give.

  • If you met a plastic barrel of blue colors in the market or in a store, and internal its surface turned out to be white , then know that this tank is intended for the storage of drinking water or products . But it is not recommended to use it in the sun. Plastic under the action of sunlight heats up, while the polymer elements that make up the plastic begin to be active. And this affects the quality of the water poured into the barrel, and its taste properties. Therefore, these barrels are best kept in the house.

  • If you need barrels of small sizes , then choose those with handles . They easily maintain a mass of the capacity itself and a weight of water poured into it.

  • Pay attention to the bottom of the tank . It should be level , ensuring the stability of the barrel. If you need a capacity of horizontal execution, then you need to pay attention to the plane supporting protrusions .

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

A variety of plastic tanks under water

Barrel separation by purpose

This classification shares country tanks at the place of their installation. For example, if you need to collect rainwater, the barrel is installed under the drainage system. Moreover, its volume of 200 liters will be more than enough.

If a barrel is needed for a summer shower or a bath, then everything will depend on how many people use the water. A two hundred liter may be enough for two or three people. But gardeners - people are thrifty, so they often install tanks with volumes from 500 to 1000 liters.

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Plastic barrel for summer shower

As for tanks for autonomous water supply, there are no special restrictions. Usually such barrels are installed inside the house, and their purpose is to collect water from a well or a well, which is pumped through with a pump. Water is used for domestic needs. But if you install a water treatment system inside the dacha, that is, several filters for various purposes of cleaning the liquid, then water can also be used for drinking. In this case, the volume of the tank is calculated taking into account the consumption by one person per day of 200 liters.

For example, if 3 people live permanently in a house, then a 600-liter tank will be the best solution. True, it will have to be filled daily. But if there is a pump in the water supply system, this is no longer a problem.

Previously, tanks of this type were installed above water use points: sinks, sinks, showers, toilets, and others. Thus, pressure was created inside the internal water supply. Therefore, the barrels were mounted either in the attic, warming them, or under the ceiling, if the house is one-story. Today there is no such need, because after the tank you can install a small power pump, which will provide the required pressure in the water supply network.

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Plastic storage tank in the autonomous water supply system
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer water supply and sewage, including wells. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

And the last purpose of the barrel is an autonomous sewage system. And although today manufacturers offer a huge number of septic tanks, plastic barrels are not inferior to them in demand just in the sewer system. This is especially true of cottages, which are operated only in the warm season or with a certain frequency.

The main task is to correctly calculate the volume of the barrel to be installed and competently carry out its installation.

To buy a barrel for giving to destination, on production material taking into account the prices of products

Plastic barrel in the sewage system of a private house

Calculation of a barrel for sewer

Three parameters are taken into account:

  • number of people living at the cottage ;

  • the daily rate of consumption of one person of water , it was indicated above and equals 200 liters (0.2 m³);

  • time during which organic matter is processed in the natural environment by bacteria , this parameter is standard and equals 3 days .

For example, if 3 people live at the cottage, then the minimum volume of the barrel used in the sewage system will be: 3x3x0.2 = 1.2 m³. If there is no such capacity on the market, then the closest one is selected from the standard tank size.

As for the installation rules of a sewage barrel, then:

  • the minimum distance from the foundation at home to the place of installation - 5 m ;

  • the tank deepens so that the supply pipe the sewage pipe keeps within a slope of 2-3 °;

  • if the level freezing of soil is sufficient low , then the sewer barrel must be warmed ;

  • if it’s necessary to organize a kind of septic , then install two or three barrels in series, constructing overflow , each The next tank should be below previous.

The video shows how to install the barrel in the sewage system of a private house:

This could be interesting! In the article on the following link read about water supply of a private house from a well.

Prices of barrels for giving

To buy a garden water barrel today is not a problem. These products are filled up with construction markets and shops, they are now sold in online stores. Almost all the major manufacturers of plastic products on their sites post full information about tanks with an indication of the size, shape and price. At the same time, many manufacturers are ready to deliver their products themselves at their destination, if the purchased batch has a certain volume.

As for cost. Denote several positions so that you can understand what price indicators we are talking about today.

  • Plastic food barrel of 65 l, equipped with lid , costs 900 rubles.

  • Same with handles and with a lid with a volume of 120 liters, into which two nozzles are inserted (one for water , the second to drain) with heating system - 3300 rubles. Such tanks are used for summer showers.

  • A normal twenty-liter plastic barrel costs 650 rubles.

  • A barrel of carbon steel sunset type with a removable lid of 210 liters costs 2300 rubles.

The video shows how a plastic barrel is tested for strength:

This could be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about the water supply system in the country: for seasonal or year-round living, features, schemes, installation steps, photos and videos.

Conclusion on the topic

So, choosing and purchasing a barrel for the dacha, it is necessary to build on the purpose for which it will be used. In this case, be sure to consider the size of the tank and its price. Preference today, almost all give plastic products. Why - we explained in the article. But do not write off with the account and metal tanks, which are more durable.


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