Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

The article will discuss what features a sports lawn has, what kinds of it exist. Anyone who examines in detail the proposed material, learns the nuances of creating high-quality green cover, sowing techniques and care for the finished coating. The advantages of using artificial coatings are described in detail.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Ideal green lawn

Features of sports lawns

Owners of impressive suburban areas often use landscape landscaping to create large green lawns professional coatings. The herbal blends used to create these elements help create more functional than English or porter coatings. They can hold picnics, invite a huge number of people to them, and not be afraid that the grass will stop, and will look ugly afterwards.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Sports lawn at the cottage

To create a sports lawn, grass composition is used with which you can create dense turf. Sowing them allows you to get a lawn, which over time will not be trampled, and look not neat. Today, with the help of such plants, football fields, large spaces of game towns, tennis courts and golf courses are created. Such coatings have a long service life. But it is difficult to keep sports grass.

In order for the lawn to maintain its high qualities, it is impossible to allow it to accumulate large amounts of organic dirt. Stagnant water after heavy rains is also considered dangerous. The formation of voids and cavities in the base must not be allowed. The coating should not be idle for a long time. Only continuous operation will maintain a beautiful appearance.

Kinds of sports grass

Different grass compositions are used for different kinds of sports on the lawn.

"Universal Sport Mixture". In its composition there is meadow grass, fescue and bentholes. Sowing them helps create dense sod. It can withstand high loads, so it is best suited for arranging football pitches. Seeds are sown very densely. Where the gate is, seeding is done in double form. After the grass has risen, it must be regularly fertilized and mowed.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

A lawn created using the universal mixture of herbs

Monosyme. They are best for creating tennis fields. With the help of them a smooth uniform surface is formed, which demonstrates high resistance to treading. For sowing using the same grass, which are part of the canvas for football. But at the time of sowing only one type of plant is used: either fescue, meadow meadow or field leaves. Creating a mixture is not allowed. Smooth coverage is created by frequent mowing. After the end of the season, the sod is often pierced. Otherwise, the root system will become dense. The grass from this will lose its emerald color.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Grass bluegrass lawn

For golf, complex surface meadows are created. They have different pile heights. This indicator depends on the specific gaming zone. Where the game starts, the lawn mows low. Therefore, it is preferable to plant long-term ryegrass here. The center part, in which the zone "Farway" is formed and the holes are lined up, the height of the grass should be four centimeters. Provide similar gaming conditions can only meadow bluegrass. You do not need to mow the grass often in the “raf” zone, therefore a mixture of raygrass and bluegrass is sown there.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Complicated cover meadows from the sports lawn
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"Park Mix" is best for creating playgrounds for children. In its composition cereals (fescue and timothy). To enhance the quality characteristics of the coating is added clover. Such lawns are less whimsical, they can be mowed twice a month and fertilized once during this period.

There is a special technology for lawn making. It must be strictly followed when making all phases of work.

Preparatory process

Arrangement of green coverage begins with clearing the area. All stumps are uprooted on it, the bumps are aligned. If the area on which the described type of lawn will later be organized has been planted with shrubs, it is impossible to do without using a tractor with a cutter. It will be necessary to dig up the earth to a depth of forty centimeters, loosen it and mill. Only then can the next stage of work begin.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Leveling the lawn area

Drainage system

Since the lawn for sports does not tolerate the formation of puddles, in advance It is worth considering a system of water drainage that can accumulate on the site after rain or watering. The drainage system is constructed as follows:

  1. The ground is removed around the perimeter of the lawn (one meter deep).

  2. The beacons are driven into the bottom , and the rope is stretched between them.

  3. Along the axes, a slope is made (in centimeter per meter).

  4. Then plastic pipes are stacked in increments of five meters. Holes are drilled into them every thirty centimeters, which are then closed with mineral fiber.

  5. Along the edges of the perimeter, the trenches are being dug out; they should be lower in level than the base itself.

  6. they are fitted with geotextiles; pipes that have a diameter greater than those laid inside the perimeter are laid into it. In the direction where there will be a sewage system, a slope is formed.

  7. At the top of the trench are buried with rubble .

In the corner, at the point of intersection of trenches, drainage pits of one and a half meters and a half and a half and two in depth (their walls do not need to be strengthened) are dug out, pipes from the trench are removed. The pits themselves are also filled with rubble.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Drainage trenches and pits
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The created drainage system must be closed with a multilayer cake before planting the grass. Large crushed stone is laid on the bottom, fine over the top. On it is coarse gravel, on top of small. Level the base with sand. The height of the cake should be such that thirty centimeters remain to the ground level. Each new stacked layer must be tamped with a roller and watered abundantly. It is important to continue to form the level of the slope in the direction of drainage trenches. Experts do not recommend using inexpensive limestone when creating a cake. It condenses over the years and ceases to pass moisture.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Tamping the ground before planting a lawn

Soil for sowing

It is impossible to plant seeds for a lawn in ordinary soil. It is not suitable for these purposes. Before filling the soil layer it is necessary to mix the earth with peat (30% of the total volume), with turf (20%) and with sand (50%). The quality of the base will improve if you add bone meal, perlite, expanded clay and humus to it. All this mixture is laid out on a preformed cake, leveled, tamped with a roller. In this state, the earth should stand month.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Ready base for grass sowing

During this period, subsidence areas will appear. As they form, they should be filled with soil mixture. Sprouted weeds are ruthlessly destroyed. Before planting the grass, the base must again be tamped down with a roller and pour with plenty of water.

Correct sowing technique

To create a dense lawn, experts recommend using lawn sport seeds (you can buy them at any specialty store). If there is a desire to make a collection yourself, then experts recommend mixing red fescue with any other component (with common dresser, with meadow bluegrass, with white bred or with long-term ryegrass).

It is best to sow the seeds in the spring. This can be done manually, but if you use a special planter for these purposes, you can evenly distribute the seeds over the entire area of ​​the site and minimize labor costs. Previously the earth is processed by a rake, fertilizers are scattered.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Seeds for planting a lawn
It may be interesting! In the article the following link read about , how to arrange a lawn in the country: varieties of landscape solutions, care + 45 photos .

A new layer of soil must be laid on top of the seeds. To do this, mix the turf, sand and peat in a 4x2x1 ratio. After this, the soil is again compacted with a roller and watered abundantly. When the grass rises, it is allowed to grow up to fifteen centimeters, and only after that the first haircut is made. After two days, the field is plentifully watered. If the device of a sports lawn was made correctly, it will be possible to fully use it in two, three years.

Video story about how to sow grass lawn:

Rules of care

Creating a dense green carpet is one thing . He will be able to delight with his beauty only if he is properly looked after. Experts recommend doing this as follows:

  1. Every ten days, you need to mow pile , leaving three, four centimeters of height. Use for this will have specialized equipment. Only she will allow to receive as a result a smooth plain surface.It is better to choose models for this purpose that mow and collect grass at the same time. They may cost a little more than regular lawn mowers, but they make the maintenance process much easier. Before cutting it is useful to walk across the green lawn with a rake. They will lift the pile and ease the process of cutting. You can only mow dry grass.

  2. Lawn is irrigated as the soil dries. To do this better in the evening, then the soil is better soaked with moisture. In hot weather, you can leave mowed grass on the lawn. It will not allow the soil to dry out much. But after two days it is better to remove debris from the surface of the lawn.

  3. During active growth, plants need a monthly top dressing with fertilizer . After they root well, you can fertilize the lawn once a year, in the fall.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Lawn mowing with special equipment

If there are dead spots on the surface of the lawn, it is useful to repair them promptly. This is done in the following way: the bald spots are gently weeded in advance, the soil beneath them is loosened and re-seeded with seeds that have fast germination. As a rule, their germination occurs five days later.

Artificial coating

The price of sports grass for a lawn is low, but the process of arranging a green lawn and caring for it requires a lot of material costs. If you want to save money and minimize labor costs, you can buy and spread artificial turf. It does not need to cut, water, feed, provide the necessary lighting. When bald spots appear, it is not necessary to buy seeds again and resume the full cycle of work. Artificial turf eliminates all these problems, while it looks quite natural.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

The artificial turf in front of the house
It might be interesting! In the article the following link read about Liliput lawn or grass for the lazy - composition, sowing, watering, care .

The product being described has an elastic base, a nap made of polypropylene. It fastens securely to the base and skillfully imitates living grass. Between the villi there is a filler. By means of it the effect of a magnificent and dense covering is created. The filler is made of different materials. If it is sand and a rubber pelletizer, a filling type lawn is obtained. It is ideal for artificial football fields. If quartz sand is used as a filler, a semi-grassed lawn is obtained. It is used for arranging children's play areas or tennis courts.

The video shows how to properly lay artificial turf:

When making a choice in favor of an artificial lawn, you must first weigh all its advantages and disadvantages . The advantages include:

  • durability ;

  • a wide range of color solutions;

  • lack of plastic gloss;

  • increased strength ;

  • excellent elasticity ;

  • preserved in constant shape;

  • good adhesion of soles of the feet to the surface of the coating;

  • resistance of to temperature extremes and to fires;

  • able to operate lawn throughout the year .

The lawns do not turn yellow with time, they are not trampled. They can be washed with water and soap. In winter, many owners fill them with water and arrange skating rinks. Such an extreme load does not harm the coating.

Sports lawn - technology laying on the plot

Green artificial turf as part of the landscape

The minuses include the features of operating an artificial turf. During heavy rain puddles form on its surface. If the coating was previously heavily polluted, the water will long be standing inside the inanimate grass. This situation provokes the appearance of moss. Its presence makes the surface of the lawn slippery and dangerous. To prevent this, every eight weeks artificial turf should be subjected to aggressive cleaning. And between them to carry out easy cleaning.

In order for the weeds not to penetrate the artificial turf filling and not to pierce the canvas from the inside, it is necessary to treat the territory adjacent to the field with special herbicides.

How an artificial turf fits is shown in this video:

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Summary of the topic

Lawn is the main element of decoration of any garden. If the area of ​​the local area is large, for arranging green lawns it is better to choose a sports universal lawn. Only he has a high resistance to trampling. It can play football, run with a dog, arrange game relay races, invite a huge number of guests and organize summer picnics.For planting sites need to use certain varieties of herbs. Beforehand it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work to prepare the foundation. If there is a desire to significantly save money and time, it is better to give preference to artificial counterparts.


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