Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Creating a log house design begins at the planning and construction stage. The house is decorated with special corner dressings, five-wall configuration, the presence of a bay window. As a rule, interior decoration, which helps to retain heat, gives the walls a more attractive look, is required for an old house. If the house is new and the construction work is done according to the rules, and the insulation between the crowns looks neat, sheathing the walls is not necessary.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Interior trim of a log house

When should I start finishing work

If we are talking about a new house, it is advisable to start the finishing work at the end of shrinkage. The shrinkage period depends on the quality and type of construction wood material. For example, if you used:

  • glued laminated timber, then it will take about 3-4 months to shrink;
  • a log or a regular timber - at least a year.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Interior trim of a timber frame

Humidity and air temperature affect the rate of shrinkage.

What kind of work is done inside the house

The interior of the house from a log house includes work:

  1. Organization and finishing of the floor.
  2. Installation of double-glazed windows, window-sills, trim doorways. If necessary, they are painted or varnished.
  3. They build the base of the ceiling, which is the floor for the upper floor or the attic. Next, the ceiling is sheathed with clapboard, panels or plasterboard, followed by plastering.
  4. Wall finishing using cladding materials is the last thing to be done.
The main rule is to perform all dusty work first, then finishing. Decorative items are installed at the final stage.


Installation of the floor begins after a divorce of communications. Layers of materials are successively laid on the subfloor:

  • waterproofing membrane;
  • mineral wool insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • counter lath;
  • Flooring made of planks or plywood.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Floor Installation

The next step is to finish the floor. In bathrooms and other rooms where tiling is supposed to be done, the screed is made with a thin layer of concrete.

Preparatory work for the walls

First of all, the walls are caulked, this allows eliminating drafts and reduces heat removal. The caulk is performed in two stages:

  1. The first time is a few weeks after the walls are assembled.
  2. Second - in half a year or a couple of months before full shrinkage.

A sealing and heat insulating material is used, the work starts from the bottom of the walls, both outside and inside, around the entire perimeter of the building.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Caulking of walls

Instead of caulking iron, it is allowed to seal joints with special sealants.

In order to protect against rotting, mold and mildew, wood is treated with a special antiseptic. Applying a layer of flame retardant can significantly increase its fire resistance.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of finishing and house insulation. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Ideas for decorating walls

Designers offer several options for finishing a log house inside:

  1. A style that is as close to natural as possible, suggesting minimal changes to the texture of the walls. In this case, methods are used to hide intervene insulation and at the same time emphasize the beauty and good quality of the tree.
  2. Walls are sheathed with clapboard or decorative rail. The skin color must be in harmony with the tone of the wood itself.
  3. A popular option is the use of standard plasterboard plates, decorative plaster, natural or artificial stone, ceramic tiles and other modern finishing materials.

Often it is the kitchen or bathroom that is finished in a modern style with materials that can provide comfort and beauty for an extended period.

A selection of photos of interesting embodied ideas of the interior design of the log house - in this video:

Natural style

Finishing works are simple. Proceed to them, without waiting for shrinkage at home, not necessarily pre-trim the floor and ceiling. The most profitable option from the economic point of view.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Natural style

However, the method does not allow you to hide communications, you will have to update the coverage every five years.

According to the fire safety regulations, in wooden houses the main part of the electrical wiring is laid on the outside of the building, so you don’t have to hide it.

Work order

Wall decoration in natural style is performed as follows:

  1. Logs (outside and inside the house) are grinded with a grinder and flap wheels of different grain sizes, 36-150 units.Grinding removes mechanical damage, irregularities received during the construction of the building. Internal grinding should be done in several layers, special polishing agents are used. Often polishing is carried out at the construction stage.
  2. Next, the tree is impregnated with a special agent. The impregnating agent can be colorless or color coded for a particular color. After impregnation, the surface becomes smoother, matte.
  3. The wood is coated with protective varnishes, which make the color of the wood more saturated, and the texture - contrast. At least 2-3 layers are applied

The wood treated in this way looks very impressive, while it almost does not absorb moisture and dust.

Use of jute rope

Often, jute decorative rope is used for interior decoration of a log house assembled from a rounded beam.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Decorative rope in finishing

The sequence of works when laying a decorative rope:

  1. Cut the rope on the desired length.
  2. The edges of the rope are wrapped with thread, coated with varnish or glue by dipping.
  3. The rope is impregnated with water repellent.
  4. In mezhventsovye joints, using a pistol, squeeze out thermal glue.
  5. The jute rope is laid, and nails 15-20 cm long are driven into it.
  6. They are varnished.

The rope is not expensive, allows you to hide defects between the joints, additionally protects against drafts, gives the wall a more refined appearance. But trim with a rope becomes more time consuming process.

Cladding with clapboard

The finish of the log cabin with clapboard has a number of features, they should be considered when choosing a material. There are several methods of laying lining:

  • vertical, more suitable for small houses, with a height of walls not more than 2.5 m;
  • horizontal.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Cladding with clapboard
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about trim imitation timber.

Lining is made of different wood species, up to 220 mm wide. The configuration of the cross section is divided into:

  • standard,
  • block-house,
  • soft-line,
  • land-house,
  • American.

Before installation, the lining is treated with means that enhance the fire-resistant characteristics, as well as the level of protection against fungi and insects.

Frame organization

Experts recommend fixing the wall panel to the frame. In this case, the result is as smooth as possible; in addition, the gap between the wall paneling and the wall allows you to close the wires and communications, lay a layer of insulation, provide air circulation and dry walls.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Framework for lining

The framework is erected from wooden bars or metal profiles, the guides are positioned horizontally through 0.5 m, around the perimeter walls.

In a house of profiled or glued timber, the walls are already fairly even, and the frame for fixing the wall paneling is not necessary.

Fastening methods for clapboard

Installation of clapboard starts from the corner. The thorn-groove clutch ensures that the boards fit snugly together. Wooden lining is fixed to the sheathing in several ways:

  • with a special clamp - kleimer;
  • with a self-tapping screw;
  • with a galvanized nail.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Fastening the wall panel with the clamp

The nail is inserted into the groove and driven at an angle of 45 0 . For the screw make a hole to a depth of half the thickness of the board. The screw is screwed and covered with a pin, the surface of which is compared to the board by grinding.

Wooden lining assembly is simple, it is an environmentally friendly, natural material. Lining, past chamber drying, different quality, but also a higher price.

Finishing with a putty

Sometimes a plaster is chosen for the internal finishing of a wooden framework. The work is simple, does not require experience, is performed in two stages:

  1. A special net is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.
  2. Apply a putty.

Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

Interior putty .
  • Low cost of materials.
  • A wide selection of color shades.
  • It is better to choose a putty based on mineral or acrylic components. It protects the tree from moisture and destruction by insects. After about five years the coverage is updated.

    Wall panels

    Modern, aesthetic material loved by many designers. Popular types of panels:

    • wooden;
    • bamboo;
    • MDF;
    • glass;
    • plastic;
    • leather.

    Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

    Wall panels

    The panels are attached to the wall in the manner recommended by their manufacturer. You can get acquainted with it when choosing a material.Great care is required when installing glass panels; working with them requires special skills and devices.

    Finishing of an old wooden house

    The finishing work inside an old wooden house should be approached with particular care. Previously, using a knife or screwdriver, check the walls for strength, estimate in the tree:

    • darker and lighter places;
    • parts that differ in texture, density.

    Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

    Restoration of the old house inside

    If the wood is subject to destruction, contact a specialist who will determine the amount of restoration work.

    General recommendations

    When choosing a material for covering a log house from the inside, they take into account not only its external attractiveness, but also study the operational characteristics and assembly technology. It is advisable to use natural, air-permeable materials, otherwise building a house from a wooden bar does not make sense.

    Interior decoration of the log house: styles and materials, major works and life hacks from professionals

    The best interior design of a wooden house is based on the use of natural materials.

    Do not forget about the foundation, the ribbon version is not designed for heavy structures . Installing a fireplace will require reinforcement of the support under it, the installation of a vertical chimney through the ceiling is carried out taking into account the beams.

    It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the finishing of wooden houses.


    The interior decoration, executed correctly, extends the life of the house and provides comfortable living. A variety of modern materials allows you to realize the most original design wishes of the owners of the house.


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