installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

The construction of any home begins with the laying of its foundation. The choice of material, foundation design becomes the most important operation at the beginning of work. From the decision will depend on the entire course of further construction, the quality and durability of the erected building. One of the promising directions for the installation of a reliable, simple, inexpensive foundation of a house is TISE technology. The author of the idea was the Russian designer R. Yakovlev, who solved the problem of creating such a structure. The main condition for the development of this method is to enable a wide range of developers in building their own homes to get a decent result at the lowest cost without losing quality.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

Foundation TISE

Features of the Foundation TISE

The technology is based on the idea of ​​using a pile construction method with your own hands . The difference from the traditional method is that a special drill is used in construction, which, upon reaching a given depth, is capable of forming an expanding contour at the bottom of the well. During the subsequent concrete pouring, a kind of pillow is formed there, which increases the area of ​​the support. Previously, this technology has not been used. It was possible to expand the bearing area only with the help of full earthworks. This method allows the drilling to form the desired configuration of the well, thereby increasing the stability, strength and reliability of the pile installed in it. As in any business, there are pros and cons, but the foundation of TISE, the technology of its installation definitely deserve attention.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

Using the TISE drill


An undoubted achievement in the development of technology was that, at low cost, Acquisition of equipment the user gets a great tool for creating their own hands a quality foundation for the house, avoiding significant expenses. There is no need to incur the following expenses:

  1. Buy excess material.
  2. Attract costly special equipment to perform individual operations.
  3. Pay for the work of specialists in the construction of the foundation.

Equipment can be supplied in the optimal configuration required for a particular case. All operations can be done by hand without special construction skills. The cost of purchasing the instrument is more than repaid. Marked and high speed of work. The unique technology allows you to significantly save material. Only the base of the filler is thickened. The bearing part of it along the main length is designed according to the requirements of the SNiP. Cost-benefit ratio is considered the most profitable. Building a foundation using TISE technology is recognized as the most economical way to prepare a foundation for building a house. It has a foundation TISE and disadvantages. However, the advantages of the method do not give grounds to claim that they are critical.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of repair and design of the foundation. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".


The technology outlook is obvious. The advantages overlap the disadvantages, but in some cases there are reasons for which there is reason not to use the foundation of the TISE in the construction of a certain house. The disadvantages are most often the following:

  1. The inability to apply technology in areas with high groundwater levels. Where the soil is silty, too stony, with dense rock layers.
  2. Laboriousness. A simple, cheap drill has a mechanical drive. It is necessary to show remarkable physical abilities, especially in heavy soils at the stage of opening the knife for trimming the tapered base. Manufacturers today offer to equip the handheld device with an additional drive. The price of equipment at the same time increases several times.
  3. To stop the developer may lack the ability to equip a full basement under the house. Its construction can cost in this case even more expensive than when building a house using traditional technologies.
  4. To avoid critical wetting of the support structure, it is recommended to make a blind area of ​​sufficient width to protect the foundation.

All restrictions, one way or another, relate to the quality of the soil, but having such a plot, the owner will certainly spend more money on building the foundation in the usual way. If the soil is under construction of satisfactory quality, then it makes sense to pay attention to the foundation of the TISE technology. The advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

Building a foundation using TISE technology

A detailed review from the owner of the house on the TISE foundation is in this video:

Equipment for TISE technology

You can find a tool for performing work using this method in construction markets, in specialized stores and on network sites. Two types of drills are offered - TISE - F and TISE - FM, each of which has three working diameters - 200, 250, 300 mm. The first type has one drilling blade. The second, more productive, is two. It is not much more expensive. Both types are successfully used for the construction of the foundation, and for some agricultural work on the site. The larger the diameter, the more weight the structure can withstand. Pile 200mm has a base 500mm. Support 300mm - 600mm. It is easy to calculate how economical is the application of this method. The area of ​​a circle of 300 mm is approximately 70,700 mm 2 . If the base is 600 mm, this figure increases to 282800 mm 2 . Practically, when doubling the diameter, the area increases 4 times.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

Drilling scheme TISE - F300

Standard equipment

The manufacturer offers a ready-to-use tool. The main product consists of the following elements:

  1. Handle for rotation.
  2. A set of rods. The main and additional sections, allowing to adjust the depth of drilling.
  3. Soil lift. With it, the collected soil goes up.
  4. A drill with a folding mechanism for the production of expansion.

The main set can be supplemented with a cover, spare parts and formwork elements. With the help of TISE equipment, all questions of the foundation construction are solved. The possible depth of the well is 2, 3 m when performing expansion at the base. Without the last operation, you can create a hole up to 3 m. The drill is made using a special technology and is flushed in a telescopic rod after passing the plow. Upon reaching a predetermined depth, the cutting part extends, which performs expansion. The collection mechanism allows you to effectively deliver the spent soil to the surface. Recently, the demand for an additional drive has increased. Many sellers offer to complete the device with a gasoline engine, which significantly reduces the complexity. The costs are paid back by the speed of the operation, by the less weary of the contractor and not too significantly reduce the economic benefits of using TISE technology.

It might be interesting! In the article on the next link read about penoplex foundation.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

Bundling the

Step by Step Guide

Since the technology is primarily intended for a wide range of developers, wishing to independently perform this operation, should pay attention to the order of the work and the requirements for each stage. The main difference from the usual method of mounting the foundation is the configuration, which has a pile TISE. Focusing on the method of obtaining the desired form, do not forget about the general construction requirements. The order of operations is as follows:

  1. Soil Analysis.
  2. Markup area.
  3. Installation of beacons horizontally over each pile location point.
  4. Drilling the well to the desired depth.
  5. Expansion of the hole in the base.
  6. Removal of the soil and control of the completed operation.
  7. Fitting the fittings.
  8. Filling the hole under the pile with concrete.
  9. Making the foundation, grillage.

Technology allows you to install piles on any terrain. The construction of the usual foundation is always associated with serious excavation. Leveling the site, removal of vegetation. It is not necessary to do this when using TISE technology. When drilling it is important to observe the vertical direction. To control the position, you can use the usual plummet. The smaller the deviation, the more reliable the pile will be. In the working position of the blade, which performs the expansion, is provided with a cord (cable). The screw mechanism of the soil lift must be periodically cleaned by lifting the device. Fill tank quickly. Experimentally calculate the time of discharge of the breed. When the lift is full, the drill does not work. Work will be done idly.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

Working with a drill

Features of filling wells with concrete

Structures are necessarily strengthened. Armature is prepared in advance. The length is calculated in such a way that it will be possible to make high-quality binding with the grillage. In some cases it is reasonable to release metal rods with a margin. So it will be easier to make a mark of the horizontal level, after which the excess is cut by a grinder. It is not recommended to use cement grades below the 400th. The proportions of sand, gravel standard, used when mixing the solution for power structures.1 part of cement for 3-4 parts of filling.

Making the foundation

Next, proceed to the formation of the strapping around the perimeter. There are two options on the principle of the device.

  • Tape foundations - from prefabricated slabs, asphalt concrete, supported on the ground. To do this, run around the perimeter of the trench. Prepared cushion of gravel and sand. Then a formwork is installed into which the concrete mix is ​​poured.
  • The second option is to install an independent carrier system installed on piles. Such a support structure is called a grillage. With proper design and quality performance, the load on the piles is distributed evenly. The structure is mounted on the trim on the grillage and has limitations in mass. Excellent option for frame houses and buildings from the VULTURE of panels.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

Pile and strip foundation TISE

Calculation of the foundation

At this stage it is important to find the right location piles, count their total. The maximum distance between units is 3 m. When marking the area on a scale, determine the projection of the internal walls. In the places of their interfacing with the bearing front part, the pile is also necessarily installed. To facilitate the calculation, experienced craftsmen use the following formula - the average weight per 1 m 2 of the finished house is such values ​​depending on the material of manufacture:

  • buildings made of bricks and blocks - 2400 kg:
  • foam concrete, aerated concrete - 2000 kg;
  • frame, wooden houses no more than 1800 kg.

The bearing capacity of a pile with a diameter of 250 mm according to the TISE technology varies from 1.5 to 5 tons depending on the soil. The exact calculation can only be done by a highly qualified specialist. But the above information may be sufficient so that, using these values, by minimal indicators, we can independently design the foundation. A frame house with an area of ​​100 m 2 during construction on loose soil should be erected on piles in an amount approaching 100. They are distributed as evenly as possible along the entire perimeter and projection of the walls inside the building. If the soil is reliable, then the number of piles can be safely reduced by half. The given examples are given for the variant when the foundation of the TISE with the grillage is performed. Support bases require fewer piles. The strip foundation, the construction of concrete beams, slabs, embedded in the soil, takes over part of the mass of the house.

installation technology, advantages, disadvantages, design features

Calculation of pile foundation tape
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about concrete for the foundation.

Comparative characteristics of the estimated cost of TISE technology with other methods of building the foundation

This method successfully takes root in the market of construction services. Many companies offer to perform work on this technology. The average cost of 1 running meter of the TISE foundation is from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles, taking into account the cost of the material. By doing this work yourself, the costs can be reduced by about half. The benefit is obvious. An even greater difference is found when comparing with traditional types of foundation. The cost of 1 running meter of the capital base, made according to the usual technology, can reach 10,000 rubles and more. In some cases, costs may vary significantly, up to 4 times. With a limited budget, the TISE pile foundation will be an excellent alternative to traditional technologies. Saved money can be spent on more expensive, high-quality finishing materials or reduce the total estimated cost of the object. Sensitive advantage, not to pay attention to which it is impossible.

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