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This article discusses the construction of a gazebo with a flat roof, the features and advantages of the design, design options. All owners of suburban areas or private houses, this information will help determine the choice of construction, type of roof and other elements. For greater clarity and informativeness, photographs of finished samples are shown, demonstrating design or design options.

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Arbor with a flat roof

Advantages of a single-sloped gazebo

The main advantage of such arbors is the simplicity of construction. For this reason, a rectangular gazebo with a single-sided roof is cheaper and more common than complex polygonal structures. Schematically, such an arbor consists of four pillars, a truss system and a roof, i.e. it consists of simple elements. Often it is built in several techniques - first they create a foundation in the form of a canopy, use it for some time, and then decide how to proceed further - to build walls or to design an existing structure.

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An arbor with a sloping roof can have a universal design, if necessary turning into a closed or open room

The second advantage of a modern-style arbor with a flat roof is light weight. For the construction of light structures there is no need to plant serious work with digging trenches and other activities that lead elements of the improvement in the ruins. You can do the foundation of screw piles, inexpensive and takes a minimum of time to create.

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Piles can be installed manually, in the immediate vicinity of the house or other elements of the area

The advantage of this solution is the ability not to remove the upper soil layer, do not level the pad.

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It is possible to put a gazebo on the slope or in the fold, which will decorate the site and turn it into a stylish and solid place for communication

High speed of construction is not a hindrance for decoration of the arbor in any style, according to the wishes and tastes of the owner. The simplicity of the design allows you to get any stylistic decision that is much more difficult to perform on the arbors of more complex shapes. In addition, the degree of closeness of such structures can vary from fully open areas under a canopy to fully closed pavilions.

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You can adjust the degree of closure of the arbor

Another advantage of a gazebo with a straight roof is the ease of transforming the structure. At the request of the owner, you can always complicate, enlarge, make it closed or, on the contrary, open. Often such designs are combined with other elements, expanding the functionality. For example, a gazebo with a brazier has long become a popular and favorite vacation spot in the circle of relatives and friends.

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Arbor with brazier
On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular sites in Moscow Region for building a country house . In filters you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Design choice

A large number of design options is one of the strongest sides of a single-leaning gazebos. The Internet has a huge variety of photos showing a variety of ways to design or implement appearance. You can put the design in the style of Hi-Tech, reminiscent of the design of villas on the coast of the southern seas:

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The design in the style of Hi-Tech

For lovers of old, there is an opportunity to get a building in a deliberately rude, primitive bungalow or country style:

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Arbor in Country Style

Shed roof does not have to be direct. There are many options with a round or curved roof.

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Arbor with a curved roof

The design can be massive and durable or light and airy.

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Light construction

The curved roof provides increased roof rigidity, which is important for regions with heavy snowfalls.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services for designing and repairing roofing . Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

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The weight of the snow cover can be tens of tons, which can be fatal for a flat roof

Round roofing contributes to the independent snow melting design from the extra load. It is necessary to foresee such an opportunity and organize the space around the gazebo in such a way that the heavy snow masses do not destroy the landscaping elements of the site.

Material selection

Materials for construction can be:

Wood . Affordable, lightweight and easy to handle material.Most people have the skills to work with wood, which significantly increases the maintainability of wood structures. The disadvantage of wooden buildings is fire hazard, which, in combination with a brazier or other elements using open fire, creates a threat not only to the owner of the site, but also to the neighbors.

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The wood construction is fire-hazardous

Metal . Durable and tough material that allows you to create reliable designs. Metal arbors can be installed on prepared sites without any foundation, which reduces the amount of work. The disadvantage of metal structures is the tendency to corrosion, forcing regularly to paint the visible parts of the structure.

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The metal construction is reliable and durable
It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read o glass roof of the house, features of the device, materials and technology .

Natural or artificial stone . Stylish and solid construction, which creates a very attractive area on the site. The disadvantages include the need for high-grade construction with all the relevant elements - earthworks, the creation of the foundation, etc.

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Arbor made of stone

Piece materials (brick, cinder block, etc.). Such buildings differ little from stone and have almost the same features. A noticeable difference will be the price - piece building materials are much cheaper both in acquisition and in work. If they are properly trimmed, the difference in artificial or natural materials will hardly be noticeable.

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Most often such facilities are built in conjunction with stoves or barbecues, with which they look natural and very comfortable

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Open arbor

Combined options (stone with metal, wood and brick, etc.). The combination of several materials is a common technique in the construction of arbors. Usually more massive and heavy materials are located in the lower tier, and lighter and thinner elements are installed on top. This is done in order to reduce wind loads on open structures and shift the center of gravity to increase stability.

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Combined version of the gazebo
It may be interesting! In the article the following link read about the roof over the porch: the main types of structures and stages of installation .

The choice of material is quite wide and is determined by the tastes, possibilities and preferences of the site owner. Defining the most attractive material for yourself, you should remember the construction time for this type, so as not to get stuck with long work in the offseason.

From the video you can learn how to choose the material for the roof:

Which roof to choose for the gazebo

The choice of roofing material is enough wide and diverse. Can be used:

Professional sheet (professional flooring). Metal sheets coated with a protective polymer coating. They have a fairly large weight, prone to corrosion. The advantage of these materials is the ability to bend in the transverse direction, which allows the semicircular roofs to be covered.

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The professional sheet is ideal for creating semicircular roofs

Metal tile . The material close to a professional flooring. The difference is the presence of both longitudinal and transverse waves, eliminating the possibility of bending in any direction. There is a wide choice of color, the roof looks stylish and attractive.

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Metal roofing looks stylish and attractive

Slate . Roof, common in Soviet times. The presence of asbestos and harmful emissions have made this material undesirable, at present it is used sparingly.

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Currently, slate is used in a limited amount of

Ondulin . Light roof of cellulose fibers with the addition of binders and stabilizing substances. Easy to process, easy to install.

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The natural origin of the material sometimes contributes to the appearance of fungus or mold
This can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the colors of the facade and roof: the rules and secrets of the harmonious combination of .

Polycarbonate . Fashionable material having transparent or translucent sheets with different color shades. Allows you to create a light roof, which does not "crush" psychologically, increases the illumination of the room, has a fairly low price.

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You can choose transparent or translucent polycarbonate sheets to create a roof

Polycarbonate is currently considered the most popular type of roof.Modern gazebos with a flat roof, covered with this material, look easy, cozy and especially elegant, under such a roof is always light.

Polycarbonate has several undeniable advantages:

  • Low weight .

  • The ease of processing .

  • Simplicity mounting .

  • The transparent roof reduces the shading of the room and makes it more comfortable to stay.

  • A wide choice of color and degree of transparency of the material.

Other materials have their advantages and disadvantages, but they are not transparent, which is a decisive argument in choosing a roof covering.

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The open gazebo
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about Ondulin roof: description and material characteristics, installation methods .

Construction of a single-roof gazebo

The construction of a gazebo is divided into several stages:

  • The first stage is design work . Typically, the owner of the site may be required only a sketch or photo found on the Internet. A professional working drawing of a single-roof gazebo should be created by professionals with the necessary knowledge and experience.

  • After that, marking of the section and preparation of the foundation or base of the arbor is performed. These works can be quite laborious and dirty, but you can do without the destruction and dirt.

  • After the completion of the foundation construction, the creation of supporting vertical structures - walls or corner pillars begins.

  • The final stage is creating the truss system and laying the roof covering.

This scheme is conditional, since the order of actions depends on the material and design of the arbor, but in general terms it is quite reliable.

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Construction of a single-roof gazebo

In the video you can see the installation of the roof of the gazebo:

It may be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the project of a house with a wavy roof .


An arbor, built on a plot of a private or country house, is a favorite vacation spot of the whole family. The flat roof option allows you to speed up and simplify the construction process, reduce costs and significantly increase the maintainability of the structure. Most owners prefer this option because of the ability to quickly and without special expenses change the look of the gazebo, complement its design with some details, arrange it to your liking. The choice of a gazebo with a lean-to roof is fully justified both technologically and financially.


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