options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

No matter how beautiful and comfortable the frame house was inside, it would not look without a high-quality facade finish. In addition, the finishing of a frame house from the outside greatly increases the heat-insulating qualities of the structures, as well as protects them from the negative effects of rain, snow and other external factors. This often raises the question of how to sheathe a frame house?

But before ordering the facade cladding, it is necessary to understand its main purpose and learn about the properties and qualities of the materials available for such work. In addition, a significant role in the facing of the frame house is played by the quality of the work done, because only in this case can the desired result be achieved, both from a technical and aesthetic point of view.

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Already see what will be the result of finishing the facade of the frame house

The purpose of the exterior finish of the frame house

The frame house represents is a structure made of wooden boards and a heater hung on them. The latter is sheathed on one and sometimes two sides with cement-bonded or OSB slabs or plywood. The last detail that hides the frame and insulation on the street side is the external lining. In addition to the aesthetic qualities, its purpose is:

  • increasing the energy efficiency of the building - thermal insulation will improve in any case, since an additional layer will appear on the wall;

  • increase the life of individual building structures and the entire building as a whole - the exterior finish takes on exposure to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, moisture, dust and dirt.

When choosing the necessary material with which the exterior finish of the frame house will be performed, it is necessary to pay attention not only to aesthetic appeal, but also to technical characteristics.

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

In the photo, the process of carrying out a wet finish of the facade of a frame house

Exterior finishing options

Exterior facing options frame house, quite a lot, but most often used for years proven materials:

  • acrylic or mineral facade plaster;

  • facade tiles;

  • PVC panels;

  • front brick;

  • vinyl siding;

  • fiber cement siding;

  • painted front board.

In addition, to enhance the aesthetic and thermal insulation properties, the systems of the ventilated hinged facade, block-chaos facing material and various types of thermal panels are widely used.

The choice of material for exterior finish of the frame house

In order to correctly determine the choice of material for the exterior cladding of the frame house on the street side, it is first necessary to understand for what purpose it is performed. If we are talking only about aesthetic appeal, then the choice of finishing material will depend only on the taste and preference of the owners of the house.

If the finishing of a frame house is carried out, first of all, to increase its heat-insulating properties, then it is best to choose hinged facades or thermal panels as finishing options. They imply the use of a multi-layer construction, which will significantly increase the thermal insulation of the building and provide a comfortable microclimate inside.

Whichever of the finishing options is chosen, the main thing is that all work on its design should be done qualitatively. Only in the absence of gaps and gaps, as well as reliable fixation to the supporting structures, the finish will be fully consistent with its purpose.

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Front decoration of the frame house with brick

Painted front board

One of the options for exterior decoration of the facade of the house is painted board. The method is very popular in the countries of Scandinavia, where they give great importance to environmental friendliness and safety of materials for construction. It is a wooden rectangular element, when facing which imitation of a bar is created. The board can have different lengths, it is ground on the front side and planed on the inside. Grinding the outer part of the front board is performed to ensure the best absorbency of the paint.

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Painted board for finishing facades of houses

In most cases, a painted front board is used in a fully finished form. Moreover, each of its elements before painting is treated with a layer of protective primer, which is applied to the surface no later than within two days after grinding. The front side of this board is covered with two layers of paint, for better protection and color saturation, and the inner one only.

If in the process of working on such exterior finish all the technological rules were observed, then the need for additional processing of the elements with paint will not arise within 9-10 years.In addition, this type of decoration implies air supply to the space between the board and the wall of the building, which is provided by the device frame and leaving a gap between each element. Otherwise, the negative impact of moisture will lead to rotting and subsequent destruction of the material.

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Frame house, the facade of which is decorated with blue board

Vinyl siding

Vinyl siding, also called plastic or acrylic, is one of the most common options for exterior trim frame houses. This material is an acceptable cost, it is easily mounted. As well as most other types of cladding of a building, it implies a sheathing device, which will be the main one for fastening elements.

The disadvantages of vinyl siding can be called low strength - as a result of mechanical effects, it is easily deformed. In addition, plastic has increased flammability. If in parallel with the exterior finish you want to make the house warmer, then a layer of insulation should be added under the plastic.

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Frame house, the facade of which is finished with vinyl siding
On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer insulation services and finishing houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Fiber Cement Siding

Fiber Cement Siding is a fairly durable and wear-resistant material for the exterior of the frame structure. It has an attractive appearance and feels like ceramic. The manufacture of such a finishing material is carried out completely in the factory with the provision of all the necessary requirements for it, thereby achieving increased resistance to UV and fire resistance.

Such siding consists of 90% of cement and natural mineral fillers, which ensures its resistance to moisture. In addition, fiber cement siding has high thermal insulation and noise insulation properties. A large range of products, both in color and surface texture, makes it possible to choose the ideal option for everyone.

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

The facade of a frame house trimmed with fiber cement siding

The disadvantage of using fiber cement siding is its cost, which is significantly higher compared to other materials . In addition, work on the lining requires experience, so if the exterior of the frame house is made using fiber cement, it is best to entrust such work to professionals.

See the video for nuances of finishing a frame house with siding:

Photo examples of finishing a frame house

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Finishing the facade of a frame house with vinyl siding

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Fiber cement siding on the facade of a frame house
It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about facing the house with bricks.

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Finishing of the facade of the frame house with fiber cement siding

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Finishing of the frame house with painted facade board

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Finishing the frame house with facade plaster

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Another option of frame house cladding with facade plaster

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Finishing of the frame house with front brick

options for finishing the facade of a frame house with examples

Finishing of the facade of the frame panel "under the brick"
It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the interior decoration of the house of foam blocks.


Thus, the outside of the frame house can be trimmed from the outside using a sufficiently large number of different materials. In this case, the choice of the most suitable of them should be made not only on the basis of the taste preferences of the owners of the house, but also the required indicators of thermal conductivity and the protection of structures from external environmental influences.


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