Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Wooden houses were and remain classics of housing construction. For centuries masters perfected the technology of building log cabins - both small cozy houses and buildings of 2-3 floors in height invariably delight everyone with their beauty. In addition, the walls in wooden houses "breathe", passing a certain amount of air through the micropores of the wood, at the same time saturating it with essential oils that are beneficial to human health. Wooden buildings are invariably associated with manual labor, therefore, even being built on a turnkey basis with modern technologies, houses from a bar for permanent residence are a hint at the viability and prestige of their owners.

In order for housing to become a profitable acquisition not only here and now, but also to be economical in operation, let us figure out what is building a house from a turnkey bar, how and where this service helps to save, what projects and prices are offered construction companies.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

House from profiled timber

Features of wooden houses from timber

Properly designed and constructed houses from timber afraid of heat, moisture and cold. Special processing of the material provides protection against insects, rot, fungus and other deformations as a result of external influence.

At the same time, due to the unique ability of wood (natural natural filter) to "breathe", an optimal microclimate is maintained inside the cottages of the bar, which implies normal air circulation and heat / cool retention.

The minus here is that every few years it is necessary to re-treat the walls of the house with antiseptic compounds - otherwise the process of wood destruction may begin.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

A house from a bar for year-round living

Cottages built from a bar are actively used not only because of the excellent aesthetic qualities, but and, thanks to the functionality of the structures, their reliability and the comfort provided. Timber is a durable natural material that is capable of transmitting its properties to the entire construction, provided it is used properly.

The advantages of a home from a bar for permanent residence include:

  • efficiency of the construction of buildings (in comparison with cottages made of stone), regardless of the size of the house;

  • high level of thermal insulation of wooden walls;

  • external attractiveness of the building that does not require mandatory interior and exterior;

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

The house is made of timber without exterior finishing

  • environmental friendliness of the structure due to the natural materials;

  • high strength of a wooden frame with a relatively low weight;

  • long with ok service.

If you compare houses made of lumber with stone buildings, you need a less powerful base for the first - a lighter foundation will cost about a third less than a heavy one. If we also take into account the possibility of eliminating the work on finishing the walls, then in the end it turns out tangible savings on construction.

What is turnkey construction?

In simple terms, turnkey means that the construction company assumes all the workflows. Of course, all the nuances are pre-negotiated and enshrined in the contract, which specifies the timing, cost estimates and ways to control construction.

At first glance, it may seem that construction costs should increase significantly - after all, you have to pay for building materials, skilled labor, rental vehicles and all overhead costs ... But in fact, the turnkey house building service can save a lot due to the complexity.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

In the right sense, a turnkey service is the implementation of the whole complex of construction works

First of all, you get a well-designed and The project of the house approved in all instances. Secondly, when ordering a turnkey service, many construction companies offer their clients projects for free, and if necessary, supplement it according to your wishes. Next on the agenda is the question of free time: the availability of tools at the facility, methods of delivering construction materials, coordination of papers in the necessary instances - all these and similar moments are now the concern of the construction company. You at this time can be completely focused on work or leisure, and control the construction in your spare time "with a fresh mind."

And the most pleasant moment is prices - after all, a serious construction company is not just a team of skilled workers ... In most cases, a company that offers turnkey construction has a full production cycle, plus there is a personal fleet.This means that even if at first glance the cost of services may seem higher than when using the labor of “gray” brigades, this is more than offset by the quality of materials and the availability of free time, which otherwise would have to be spent on current issues.

The result of building a turnkey house, see the video:

Design of wooden houses

Modern technologies create virtually unlimited opportunities for designers, so you can create a house of the original architectural form and any style.

But the project of the house is not only the layout of the rooms and a beautiful facade. This project is a complete package of documents, plans and specifications for which the house is built. Therefore, in any case, the design should be handled by experts. Moreover, many construction companies provide a free project when ordering a turnkey service.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

This is only an architectural project, which shows the layout and facade of the house

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular house projects from laminated veneer lumber from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

All projects of lumber houses for permanent residence are created taking into account the climate of the selected area. Residents of Russia when making constructive and space-planning decisions should take into account the specific temperature and humidity conditions (frosty winters and warm summers).

Also at the design stage it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • the roof of the house must withstand massive snow cover and severe frosts, have a steep slope that allows you to unload the load-bearing walls, be equipped snow retention systems and large runaways (from 0.5 m) protecting the structure from precipitation;

  • it is necessary to correctly perform a thermal calculation that will allow you to choose the optimal wall thickness (an economical option is a 150 mm thick timber + wall cladding with insulation) and floor (additional but they use basalt cotton wool with a thickness of 10 cm) to save heat in winter;

  • in budgeting, the use of double-glazed windows creating the required thermal insulation layer is taken into account;

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Windows in a house from a bar

  • requires the calculation of the limitation of strip glazing by area (permissible ratio of light openings and floor area 1: 5.5 or 1:10 for mansard rooms);

  • when choosing a type of foundation, you should consider the type of soil (if the house is built on “heaving” soils, then the depth of foundation of the foundation depends on level of soil freezing);

  • the socle of houses from a bar should rise more than 40 cm above the ground level so that the wood does not wet when the snow melts;

  • it is recommended to develop a project with a vestibule at the entrance or with a warmed veranda in order to preserve more heat in the house;

  • if central heating is not expected at the construction site, the project should include a boiler room .

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Project of a house with a boiler room

Small houses may have a fireplace or a heating stove, which is also taken into account at the design stage.

Important! When designing the configuration of cottages made of glued laminated timber, it is necessary to provide an artificial ventilation system.

Construction of houses from a turnkey bar

Houses from a bar are built rather quickly. Depending on the choice of material installation of the frame of the cottage may take only 1-2 months. In addition to the construction time, the type of wood and type of timber also affects the complexity of the design and the resistance of the entire building to moisture.

To reduce fire risk and prevent rotting, use wood treated with special flame retardant and hydrophobic impregnations.

Types and choice of building materials

Wood buildings differ not only in design, but also in appearance. This is due to the choice of different materials for their construction.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Bar for building a house

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from glued timber. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

There are 3 types of timber used for the construction of country cottages:

  • Rounded . At logs the loose part is cut off and grooves are created, which allow tightly connecting the wall elements to each other.

  • Profiled . The most eco-friendly material - it has high air permeability. A long log has the same thickness, cut edges and a square section.

  • Glued . The material is glued under pressure boards.Houses from this type of timber are subject to minimal shrinkage. Due to the excess glue, the material does not allow air flow, therefore it retains heat as much as possible, however, the humidity level in the house will be higher than in other structures.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Glued beam for building a house

If housing is built for permanent residence, bars with a section are used not less than 15-20 cm.

Features of construction technology and its stages

In order to inexpensively build a house from a bar for a turnkey permanent residence, it is necessary not to save on the quality of materials, but to follow the correct construction technology. The process and execution of its stages (sequence and time) depend on the material chosen, the dimensions of the structure and the architectural complexity of the building.

Important! All wooden houses are prone to shrinkage, but it lasts longer (up to 1.5 years) in cottages from a bar of natural moisture.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Building a house from a bar of natural humidity

Features of the technology for building houses from a bar:

  • for buildings from round timber, the shrinkage process should last about a year before finishing, if required, can be started;

  • it is recommended to assemble the house frame in winter;

  • before use of a bar material needs to be processed antiseptics (both colorless, and color structures are allowed).

For all stages of building a house from a timber, look at the video:

To assemble a small the frame will need a minimum of workers (2-3 people), because the beam is much lighter than other materials. The cost of assembly is about 30-60% of the price of lumber. The installation of the roofing system will take another 10-15%.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Technology of assembling a house from a bar

Stages of building a house from a bar:

  • Construction of the foundation. For a wooden house there is a shallow base or pile foundation. The final choice is made after calculating the load, the approximate weight of the whole building and taking into account the type of soil.

  • Laying a layer of waterproofing material (for example, roofing material);

  • Assembling the first crown ( lower trim - timber contour). This stage is started only after the foundation acquires the necessary strength. Under the contour is laid a wedding board made of larch, impregnated with an antiseptic, which over time will be easier to replace than the entire crown.

It may be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the arbor from a bar.

An example of laying the first crown in a laminated timber house is presented in the video clip:

  • A cut-in lag for the floor in the first or second crown .

  • Assembling the entire log house. A jute pad is used between each crown. When using wood of natural moisture, joining of bars will be required, which will give the structure rigidity and ensure the preservation of the carcass geometry during drying. Corners can be assembled in three ways: in a warm corner, a cup or a paw. For windows and doorways, the bars are laid in such a way that a barred view of the plane is obtained, and when shrinkage passes, the openings are cut to the required size.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Assembling the frame of a house from a bar

  • Floor organization. Rough decks are made according to floor beams or lags. On top of them arrange a draft, and then the finishing floor. The ground floor and the attic are insulated with mineral wool.

  • Roof building. The best option is a gable roof with frame gables and rigid attachment of the truss system (if using a bar, then with a sliding one).

  • Construction insulation and finishing works. It is possible to start warming and finishing works without interruptions or with a minimum shrinkage period (3-6 months) only if they are taken as a basis for projects of houses from glued timber for permanent residence. Before finishing the house of non-profiled sawn timber, the log houses are caulked (compact the gaps with jute fiber). At this stage, also satisfied with the ceiling. The best option is to lining it with clapboard with open floor beams. As for the walls, the usual painting after polishing the timber with special paints for wood is preferable and economical.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Warming scheme of the house from timber

  • Installation of windows and doors. Installation is carried out in a pre-arranged okosyachku. To do this, at the ends create grooves under the bar, to which the box is subsequently attached.

Compliance with the construction technology is the result in the form of a beautiful, durable and reliable housing.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the coloring of a house from a wooden bar.

Timber house projects: types, features and prices

Bar houses are universal - they can be either single or multi-level, have a different shape, and be equipped with diverse additions. However, all projects are created with the aim of maximally saving heat inside the dwelling with minimal financial investments in construction.

In the video execution example, designing a house from a bar in Google SketchUp:

The choice of project should be made based on the desired mode of operation (seasonal, permanent), the required configuration and the planned number of people living. The price depends on the size, complexity of construction, number of floors and the material used.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

A house with a bay window and a roof of complex shape will cost more than a standard project

Economy projects of wooden houses

Houses from Bars for permanent residence can be inexpensive if they are single-storeyed. Usually, these are compact buildings with a size of no more than 10x10 m. At the same time, they have several advantages:

  • there is enough space for a comfortable family of several people;

  • requires the construction of a less powerful than a large structure, and an inexpensive foundation;

  • construction without staircases is preferable for families with young children and elderly people;

  • fast heating of the whole house in winter.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

A single-storey country house from a bar

Small houses with a size of 6x6 m can have almost any design, and the cost of their construction varies in the range of 450-900 thousand rubles.

Projects of houses from a bar with a garage

Projects with a garage are especially attractive for people owning their own vehicles and wanting to live outside the city. The presence of the garage will allow to hide the car from the whims of the weather and provide the necessary comfort when caring for the vehicle. They are distinguished from ordinary houses only by the presence of an extension and a high cost (from 300 thousand rubles for turnkey construction or from 25 thousand rubles for the project itself).

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

A house from a bar with a garage

You should choose one-story facilities if you need to save money to buy a house from a turnkey bar cheaply for permanent residence (the price will decrease due to the small size of housing). But in any case, do not save on materials.

Finnish houses

Fans of unusual designs will like comfortable houses built in Finnish style. For these projects, Scandinavian architecture is inherent. The price range of Finnish cottages does not go beyond the average (the price of 1 sq. M. Of a Finnish house of glued timber "turnkey" varies in the range of 35 - 50 thousand rubles.).

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

Finnish house from a bar

The biggest plus of such a house from a bar for permanent residence - the projects are to minimize construction errors due to the nuances Finnish technology.

Projects of two-storeyed buildings

If you need a house for permanent living with the whole family with all the amenities, then projects of two- and three-storey cottages are the best choice. Such facilities are characterized by a larger usable area, as well as enhanced circulation of air flow, which provides better heat preservation in the winter period, and, accordingly, comparative savings on heating.

Houses from a turnkey bar cheap for permanent residence the price in Moscow, projects for construction with a photo

A two-storey cottage from a bar

The cost of large multi-level premium-class cottages starts from 2.5 million rubles.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about one-story houses from a turnkey bar.


The service life of any timber construction will not depend on its design features, but on the quality of workmanship and the selected lumber. If all work is done strictly in accordance with the technology and in the right sequence, then the cottage will last for many years, and the stylish wooden interior will delight the residents.


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