Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

A fence is an important component of any part of a dwelling house or summer house. It is important that the fence has an acceptable appearance. Poor quality fence will spoil the exterior of the entire building. The modern market offers a lot of options that differ in shape, quality and appearance. At the moment, the fence of metal evroshtaketnika gaining great popularity. The reason is a lot of positive qualities and ease of installation.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Metal picket fence

The advantages of the metal picket

The euro gate structure can now be found in almost every new building. In its structure, it is very similar to profiled. How to differentiate this type of fence from the profiled sheet of metal? The main difference is the separate sections that can be placed on a square tube. This version of the fence has a number of positive properties:

  1. Ensured good air circulation. Due to the opening between the sections, the air can freely air the entire yard, which is useful for both trees and flowers, and for the owner himself.
  2. During installation, you can save on material. Given the size of the opening, you can use about half the size of the blanks.
  3. No need to cut metal. With the help of separate sections it is easy to adjust the length of each span. The risk of damaging the protective enamel and paint is reduced to zero.
  4. Simplified assembly will ease the task and speed up installation time.
  5. Such a fence looks unusual and attracts the attention of not only neighbors, but also bystanders.
  6. It is easy to change parts of the fence. In the event of a malfunction, it is enough to unscrew the roofing screw or tear out the rivet, and then install a new element of the same color and structure.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

The fence is convenient and easy to install on an uneven surface

Disadvantages of a metal fence

The fence is from The evroshtaketnik has several drawbacks that should be studied before starting work. Some flaws are insignificant, and you can close your eyes to them. Other disadvantages are serious, and you may have to abandon the acquisition. So, the shtaketnik hides the following shortcomings:

  1. Because of the gaps, you can view almost everything that is in the yard, which may be unacceptable for some owners. These types of picket fence are used mainly in front gardens.
  2. If there are strong gusts of wind, then perhaps this will have a bad effect on plants and fragile trees.
  3. It is much more difficult to stick to one level, unlike a solid sheet of corrugated board.
  4. If the elements of the fence are made of poor quality materials, it will be strongly exposed to the environment. As a result, the corrosion process will be launched, which over time will destroy the entire element of the fence fence.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Such a fence is not able to protect plants from the wind

Unfortunately, some advantages can turn into serious drawbacks. That is why before buying you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons. This is the only way to make a choice and be pleased with the new acquisition.

Fence types

A wide variety of different design solutions for residential buildings prompted the expansion of the fence fence assortment. A wide choice is present both in a form and color, and in materials of fastening and partitions. The main view depends on the plates, but it is important not to forget about the details for fixing. Self-tapping screws or rivets should not stand out against the general background. It is best to use the same or very close in tone color. Also, when choosing it is worth considering that the cost may depend directly on the quality of the material, its shape and type of painting.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Details for fixing "in color" look advantageous
On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer construction services fences and fences. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Type and shape

If we talk about types, then there are three different types of blanks:

  1. M-shaped billet has two curved corrugated surfaces that have a slight deflection . The design of one element has a high rigidity and can be mounted on one roofing screw.
  2. The U-shaped design is made in the form of a trapezoid with flat edges on the sides. Similar shtaketnik should be screwed on both sides.
  3. The P-shape has a more rounded surface that provides a good aerodynamic design. In addition, this form is not standard and will emphasize the originality and creative approach to the design of the whole house.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Different shtaketin profiles
Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the edges of the picket fence. All sharp corners should be carefully folded to eliminate the risk of cut.Curved edges can also increase the strength of the entire structure. Such a trifle can significantly improve the quality of the product.


A modern evroshtaketnik for the fence should have a quality coating. It will protect against negative environmental factors, as well as protect against minor mechanical damage.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

The color range of these fences is very large.

There are several options for opening galvanized metal:

  1. Coating polymeric material from one side only. The colored side will face the street, and the inside will have only a light shade.
  2. Coating with polymeric material on both sides. The metal will be painted on both sides, which will significantly improve the view from both the street and the yard. But such material will be 10-15% more expensive.
  3. Printing a color picture looks unusual and very beautiful. The structure of a stone or a tree on the front is mainly used. This method of covering the most expensive, but worth the money.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Metal elements with imitation of tree structure

Having defined the surface and coating, you can proceed to the installation of the fence. Before starting work, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic equipment. Some things are necessary, while others simply give a beautiful appearance.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about fences on screw piles.


All additional elements for the evroshtaketnik can be divided into two categories:

  1. Materials for the frame.
  2. Additional Details.

The pillar mainly consists of pillars and logs. The base of the columns may differ depending on the choice of design. You can put a regular profile pipe or spend time and money by erecting brick columns. Lags should be strictly perpendicular to the pillars. The 40x20 square tube plays the role of a base for a picket fence. Rivets or roofing screws are fastened on it.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Plates are fixed to square pipes

Additional equipment will include plugs and fasteners. To prevent moisture and debris from accumulating inside the hollow tube, plastic covers are attached to the exposed parts. It is important that the screws do not rust. Therefore, roof fasteners are made of galvanized steel, which has been maintained for several decades. Sold in several colors to not stand out from the crowd.

Stages of assembling a fence with a picket fence

The most important and most important work is the installation of all components and basic materials. Installing any kind of fence for the fence is a difficult task, which requires construction experience, skill and expensive tools. The whole cycle of building a fence can be divided into three different stages.

  1. Choice of construction and slats.
  2. Marking and calculation of the material.
  3. Installation.

Choice of construction and slats

The design can have a very different character. For example, a picket fence may have different heights, forming a wave. If it is not necessary for neighbors and passersby to look through the yard, then the picket fence can be covered with a sheet of corrugated board. Often, a special net is placed under the evroshtaketnik, which slightly protects against strong gusts of wind and improves the appearance. In addition, the picket elements can be placed in a checkerboard pattern. This design will look unusual, protect from wind and prying eyes. You can go non-standard way and set the material at a certain angle. Some designers have gone even further, placing on the basis of these patterns.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Photo of an evroshtaketnik fence with a protective grid

Marking and calculation of material

Any construction cannot do without accurate calculations and markup. Before calculating the cost of the material and its quantity, you need to understand at what distance from each other material will be located, which part of the site will be closed, and which type of installation will be selected.

The fence is usually placed with a small gap. You can place the material at almost any distance, but observing the only rule: it is forbidden to make the gap larger than the width of the fence itself. If you do not adhere to this rule, there will be large gaps. All work is likely to have to redo.

You also need to decide on the size of the spans. As in previous calculations, there are no strict standards. The width of the span can be adjusted independently, observing symmetry. In some cases, you can do without gaps.


It seems that installing a fence is not difficult. But in fact, when it comes to practice, there are some difficulties with which only a professional is familiar. Conventionally, the entire installation can be divided into two parts - laying the base and frame assembly.

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Proper installation of an EU plug: scheme

Laying the base

The first thing to do is drill holes under support. The easiest way to use a gasoline drill, which performs neat and accurate holes. The ideal depth for each pit is 800 mm. Then you can install the pillars.

The seal of the pin is performed in two ways - by pouring concrete and by falling asleep rubble. In the second case, the probe should be extended 200 mm into the soil. Before you start pouring concrete or compaction of rubble, it is important to make a cushion of sand 100 mm deep. After the posts will stand firmly and have a strong base, install transverse slats.

Frame assembly

There are two installation options. Welding and fastening X-connectors. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. For example, welding has a neater appearance and a strong connection. But you need to re-primed and paint the junction. If everything is done according to technology, then rust will not appear soon. Fastenings on bolts do not require special equipment and painting of joints. But at the same time, durability suffers. After a few decades, the construction will begin to break down.

Installing an evroshtaketnika

Fences from evroshtaketnik: features, varieties, installation

Location options for an evroshtaketnika

After installing the frame on logs, the shtaketnik sheets are mounted. It is possible to use both roofing self-tapping screws with rubber laying, and rivets. That roof fasteners are able to withstand aggressive environmental conditions. A rubber pad will also protect the hole in the picket sheet itself. The disadvantage of this design is a cumbersome design and easy disassembly (theft is possible). The rivets, in turn, are compact and protected from rain (special modification). But it’s difficult to match the rivets to the color of the fence, since basically only steel versions are produced. They also poorly protect joints from moisture. For installation, you need a special gun.

After the installation of the sheets and the installation of all the plugs, the evroshtaketnik can be considered complete.

Layfkhaki to install evroshtaketnika you can peep in this video:

It might be interesting! In the article at the following link read about the caps on the columns for the fence of bricks.

Fence from a turnkey euroshtaketnik

If there is not enough time and construction experience, you can use the services of professional builders. Installing a "turnkey" means the complete autonomy of the workers, all that is required of you - the conclusion of the contract and payment services. In this case, you can follow all the stages of construction. At the end of all the work you get a quality result for an adequate price.


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