detection of defects and their elimination

The roof drainage system is an integral part of modern roofing. From its effective work depends on the duration of the building, and more precisely, its elements: the walls and the foundation. Therefore, it is important to make calculations and correctly assemble the structure. But in this article we will talk about something else. Specifically, on how to properly repair the gutters, which design defects should be paid attention to, and how to correctly fix them before the beginning of the rainy season.

detection of defects and their elimination

How to properly repair the drain

Drainage defects: types and factors of their formation

The drainage system of the house is exposed all natural loads. And it does not remain without consequences. But among the reasons that lead to the repair of roof gutters, there are others. Consider each defect separately and denote the methods and methods of elimination.

Installation error

Unfortunately, many portals on the Internet are full of messages that it is not a problem to install a drainage system on your own. With the seeming simplicity of the design of the drain, it is actually a difficult system. First, it is gravity-free, which means that there are certain requirements for the slope of its horizontal part. Secondly, an important position is a well-made fastener, on which the strength of the entire structure depends.

Regarding the first position. The mistake of many owners who took up the installation of the drainage system on their own is that they do not install the gutters of the system at the required angle. Or just put it wrong. And the slope value should vary in the range of 3-7 °. That is, the difference in the height of installation of one end of the gutter and the opposite should be 3-7 m per 1 m of the length of the horizontal part.

detection of defects and their elimination

How to determine the angle of inclination of the grooved part of the roof drainage system

For example, if the length of the eaves, and accordingly the gutter part of the drain, is 10 m, the difference in the height of the above-mentioned end above the one set should be 3-7 cm. This sometimes happens to the house craftsmen, and this means that the water trapped in the trays will either slowly flow down the grooves, creating congestion, or too quickly, pouring out over board

How to correct this defect:

  1. First of all, you will have to disassemble the tray part of the drainage system completely.

  2. Then determine the location of the upper end of the tray .

  3. Here they are mounted 30 cm away from the edge of the eaves along the overhang, the bracket for supporting the gutter .

  4. A strong thread is tied to an attached bracket.

  5. The thread is tensioned horizontally, and at the place of installation of the second extreme bracket the mark is placed.

  6. From the last , the size is lowered from the range of 3-7 cm. At this point, the very second end bracket is attached.

  7. Thread is tied to it.

  8. On the stretched string with a step of 60 cm, intermediate brackets are installed.

  9. Already on them gutters are installed.

detection of defects and their elimination

Scheme for replacing the defective chute part with a new one

As for fasteners. With vertical gutters, there are usually no problems. They are fastened with plastic clamps, which are fastened to the walls of the house with screws on plastic dowels. The main task of the work producer is to strictly adhere to the installation step of the clamps, which varies between 1.8-2.0 m. Please note that if the length of the vertical elements of the drain exceeds 10 m, then the installation step of the clamps decreases to 1.5 m.

Harder to mount brackets for the grooved part. It all depends on what design is used for the construction of the roof. The easiest option to repair the drainage system, when the brackets are attached to the frontal board. For example, if the place of attachment were the rafter legs, or rather their upper horizontal ends, you would have to lift the roofing material that covers the overhang. If the side ends, then would have to disassemble the spotlights.

detection of defects and their elimination

How to fix the brackets of the grooved part of the gutter to the frontal plate

And one more error of the incorrect installation. There is a strict requirement that concerns the installation of gutters relative to the edge of the roofing material. The latter should be located relative to the trays within 1/3 of their width. This way the exact flow of water into the tray part is achieved.

Fixing such a defect is not easy. To do this, you will have to either pull the brackets out or embed them inside the truss system. If the installation of the latter was made on the frontal board, then they will have to install lining. If, on the contrary, it is required to make the gap smaller, then the only way out is to change the brackets for devices with a smaller protrusion.

detection of defects and their elimination

The water must accurately fall into the trays of the drainage system

Calculation error

Sometimes a set of drainage systems is bought by eye . That is, take the average diameters of vertical pipes and horizontal trays. And this is the wrong approach. Because both parameters must be acquired in accordance with the area of ​​the roofs of the roof structure, from which water from precipitation will be collected. And the larger the area of ​​the slope, the greater must be the diameters of the elements of the drainage construction. Here the relationship is:

Roof area, m²

Diameter of vertical pipe, m

Trench diameter, m













And one more thing. Table values ​​must be used if one vertical riser is installed on the ramp. It is usually sufficient if the roof eaves do not exceed 24 m in length. If possible, it is better to install two pipe risers, the distance between which should not exceed 12 m.

detection of defects and their elimination

One riser is sufficient if the length of the eaves does not exceed 24 m

Mechanical damage

During long operation or damage from ice, which was formed during the freezing of water, the elements of the drain systems may crack or burst. Broken gutters, pipes, funnels and fittings can not be restored. That is, the repair of the drain on the roof of a private house develops into a complete replacement of these elements.

How to replace the chute. Trays are usually simply laid on the brackets and attached to them in different ways. So the first thing to do is to understand the fastener system. And then try this mount to relax. After that, the defective chute is removed, and in its place a new one is selected, selected precisely in size and color.

Mandatory joints of trays are treated with silicone sealant to increase tightness of connecting sections. Check the installation on the slope of the horizontal part of the drain. Then hold the mount.

In principle, pipes of vertical risers should be replaced in the same way. Clamps to remove from the walls is not necessary. Just in the defective area they open up, pipes that change to new ones are pulled from inside. Installation is carried out in the reverse order.

The video shows how to repair a metal pipe riser that just rotted:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services design and repair of the roof . Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Sometimes there are small cracks, which, if not patched, can develop into large flaws. If the drain metal, you can try to paint over the crack with a thick layer of paint, matched to the color of the drainage system. It is better to use the so-called rubber paint.

If the drainage system is made of plastic, the crack can be welded using two-component cold welding. In fact, this is a special solution that is applied to the place of the defect. It fills the crack, preventing it from expanding and lengthening.

Mechanical damage also includes failure of fasteners. Easier with clamps.

  1. They need to unbutton .

  2. Pull out the pipe.

  3. Remove the fastener by unscrewing the screw from the dowel.

  4. Install a new one by screwing the screw back.

With brackets it is more difficult, especially with those that are bolted to the rafter legs or the batten. For this it is necessary to partially dismantle the roofing material. In any case, lift its edge at the overhang of the roof.

detection of defects and their elimination

The drainage system is rotten and leaks

So that the defects do not appear for a long time

What can be done to repair the drain systems in a country house do not carry out, or at least delay the process. Option one is to clean the trays and pipes from debris, fallen leaves and twigs every fall after fall leaves.

This can be done with your hands, scrapers or a broom. Companies that offer repair and drainage cleaning services usually use a hydraulic method, for which they use water under pressure, installing a pump and a water tank.

In order not to waste time and money on this, it is better to install a grid or grid of polymer composition in the tray part. The photo below shows how this can be done easily.

detection of defects and their elimination

Safety net inside the drain tray
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about roofing materials for the roof .

Repair of internal drain

Internal drain is one part of the vertically installed pipes that permeate the private house from the roof to the basement. The pipes are trying to hide in the walls, so the first rarely crack or burst, because the temperature is always positive.

A funnel usually fails and is installed on the surface of a flat roof. It is simply changed to a new one. But this involves a rather complicated repair process, affecting the roofing material of the roof. Because the coating, and this is a roll roofing on a bitumen basis, must cover the funnel fields by itself. That is, replacing the latter means opening a section of the roofing material. This should be done carefully so as not to disturb the tightness of the coating.

Repairing the drainage system from the inside cannot be done if the pipes are embedded in the walls. If they are carried out separately from the supporting structures, the repair is carried out in the same way as in the case of pipe risers of the external drainage system. That is, replacing the failed with new ones. The pipes are assembled in a bell-shaped manner, so it is easy to dismantle the defective area and install a new one.

detection of defects and their elimination

Replacing the funnel of internal drain on a flat roof

Prices for repairing drain

Today a large number of companies offer services for repairing drainage on the roof of private houses with prices that depend on the volume of operations performed and the degree of defectiveness of the elements of drainage systems. From a few rates:

  • dismantling 1 m system length - within 400 rubles;

  • installation a new element - 300 rubles;

  • replacement of brackets - 100 rubles / piece. ;

  • replacement of hose clamps - 100 rubles / piece. ;

  • replacing funnels and drains - 100-150 rubles / pcs.

The video shows how the professionals of a specialized company carry out diagnostics and repair of drainage:

This could be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the modern "House of the Earth" .

Conclusion on the topic

Repair is an unpleasant and costly business, even if it concerns a drainage system - the construction is simple and inexpensive. In order to prevent the occurrence of defects, it is necessary to understand that in the construction there are no frivolous structures and elements. So, their calculation, design and installation should be handled by professionals. Self-activity leads to trouble, which in turn leads to unforeseen costs and repairs.


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