Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

For land plots with high soil moisture and in climatic regions characterized by floods during the autumn and spring periods, it is imperative to arrange a drainage system. If initially such structures provided for the filling of drainage channels with gravel, now one of the most popular types of these systems is drainage without rubble. This solution reduces labor costs and saves money. Installation is quite simple, does not take much time, and the drainage itself is very long, showing a good result.

Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

Foam polystyrene cubes

showed themselves well instead of rubble

System features The main purpose of the drainage system is to eliminate excess water from the site and its discharge from the buildings. The drainage system without the use of rubble and other similar materials consists of wells and water collectors, is made of special durable materials that do not corrode and do not rot, so it serves for a very long time.

For arranging drainage, ditches dig 0.5 m deep to remove sediment or 1.5 m to control the level of moisture on the site. Greater depth is required if there are many trees in the area. For long and uninterrupted operation of the system, the pipes are laid down under a slight slope with the obligatory strengthening of the bottom. Water can be drained in two ways:

  • Open . Used for spring and heavy rain, made in the form of trenches W x D 0.5x0.7 m, walls with a slope, special trays can be laid in the trench, on top there is a grate, at the bottom there is a layer of compacted sand 10 cm. >

    Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

    For open drainage, deep trenches

    • Closed are not needed. It is used for soil waters, ditches with a depth below the ground freezing with a side slope, at the bottom of the pipe, crushed stone or other similar material is filled around.

    An alternative may be drainage with rubble without pipes or with no backfill at all.

    Drainage system without pipes and rubble

    This system is suitable for areas with a small amount of precipitation and moisture in the soil. It begins at the highest point of the site and ends at the lowest. It consists of the following elements:

    • accumulators, if water is not discharged beyond the site;

    • dehumidifiers are put in every 10 m;

    • ditches, the depth is at least half a meter.

    Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

    Installing drainage without rubble

    One of the options for creating a pipeless system can be as follows:

    1. ditches dig with a slope to the drain, clean;

    2. the bottom is filled with a suitable material;

    3. the grooves are lined geotextile should have a minimum margin of 30 cm at the edges;

    4. gravel is poured in, covered with geotextile;

    5. sand is tamped from above.

    This option is optimal in function, but in some cases it is not possible for a number of reasons. For example, if it is impossible to dig a trench of the necessary depth or there is simply no possibility to purchase crushed stone. An alternative to such drainage may be "Sofrock". It has high efficiency and productivity due to the use of pipes with a diameter of 30 cm, and their throughput channel is 11 cm. The core is made of polymer, around which extruded polypropylene, is wrapped in geotextile. The cost of the system "Softrok" an average of 400 rubles. / m. p., which makes it cost-effective in combination with efficiency and long service life.

    For the Softrock drainage system, see the following video:

    On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer plumbing installation services. and sewer systems. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

    "Sofrock" is a cost-effective alternative to

    Drainage system without Softrock rubble - these are completely ready for laying elements that significantly reduce labor costs and save time when arranging high-quality and durable drainage. The system includes the following elements:

    • clamps and couplings, purchased separately, used to connect pipes;

    • geotextile mesh;

    • pipes (perforated, flexible), around expanded polystyrene.

    The length of each block is 3 m, while the pipes can be 11–20 cm in diameter, 30 cm in diameter outside. The design itself is much more efficient than any analogues using crushed stone. Foam tubules improve the flow of water, the problem with silting is eliminated due to the geotextile mesh.

    Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

    Connecting blocks of the drainage system
    It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the well for storm sewer.

    The advantages of the system "Sofrock"

    "Softrock" in comparison with traditional drainage using rubble has a lot of advantages.

    • Inexpensive and fast installation . The blocks are very flexible and have a small weight, which greatly simplifies their installation in a prepared trench. It is required to equip the place of a stack of water, preferably from the top drainage to cover with sand, especially on clay soil. For transportation and installation does not require the use of expensive special equipment.

    • High drainage efficiency . Water on the site stagnates. Geosynthetic filler ensures its quick and efficient collection into the system. "Sofrock" can withstand the weight of the ground with a height of 2.5 m and the weight of vehicles up to 25 tons. The system will last for more than a hundred years, is not afraid of temperature drops, does not freeze, adapts to any climatic conditions, is very reliable, can be reused, does not silt and does not clogs up.

    Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

    Drainage ditches need only be covered with earth and covered with
    • The safety of the site and buildings . After installation on the site does not remain dirt, debris from building materials or traces of heavy machinery, the overall landscape and the lawn.

    It is much more profitable to purchase Softrock than buying any analogs. Drain pipe with polystyrene foam stacks very quickly. No additional expenses are required for the use of special equipment for the delivery and installation of the system and additional materials. As a filler, inexpensive, but short-lived and low-quality foam or reliable and durable polystyrene can be used.

    Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

    Even if there is any unexpected accident, the system can be cleaned through the inspection wells
    It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the toilet without sewage in a private house.

    Functionality and scope of use

    Softkro has proven itself in solving various problems. Its main purpose is drainage for plots and gardens, but it is effectively applied in other cases. For example, the system is suitable for protecting the foundation from moisture penetration into the foundation of the constructed object. Drainage is located at a depth of 45 cm around the perimeter of the outer wall. Water will be intercepted by the system and drained into the prepared sewage system, which must be placed below and equipped with a special inner pipe. The effectiveness of this solution is confirmed by numerous positive reviews of the owners of private houses where this system is installed.

    In addition, "Sofrock" perfectly performs the functions of drainage from the basement and basement rooms to prepared wells or discharge points. If necessary, the water can then be removed using a conventional pump. In most cases, the system is placed in trenches 30 cm wide. This option is relevant for regions that are characterized by high soil moisture and frequent or seasonal rainfall in large quantities.

    Softrock drainage systems are often used to work in conjunction with a septic tank:

    Another advantageous side of Softrock is that it can be used as an inexpensive but effective analogue of the element septic tank for water purification. The pipeline complex has drain holes that are stacked at a depth of no more than two meters. This makes it a good addition to the septic tank.

    If there is a problem with runoff water from the roof and removal of melt water from retaining walls or the foundation, then a surface or underground drainage system with "Sofrock" pipes can be used. It has high efficiency, excellent performance and long service life. The system will be able to ensure the protection of buildings from excess moisture at the highest level, while it does not require its constant cleaning or rinsing.

    Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

    The outer layer of geotextile reliably protects the drainage from silting.

    Drainage pipes without Softrock rubble can be used on any soils. For arrangement of the drainage system, the use of sand is not necessary, but desirable. Only if the system fits into clay soils, then sand must be used necessarily. Installation of all drainage, even in large garden areas, does not take much time and effort. The main work goes only to the preparation of trenches, and the laying of light pipes and their connection into one system passes as quickly as possible. The mounted system serves more than a hundred years, while it can be removed and installed in a new place if necessary.

    Drainage without rubble, drainage system, pipe with expanded polystyrene, device technology, photo

    Not only expanded polystyrene or foam can be used for drainage systems without rubble ...
    It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about the drainage systems of the suburban area.


    The drainage drainage system without the use of rubble is one of the best modern solutions for any area with high humidity or frequent rainfall. It without any problems transfers both a heat, and a frost, is not afraid of strong temperature difference or the big loadings. The manufacturer "Sofrock" says that there have never been any cases of negative feedback or return, which once again confirms the effectiveness and quality of the rubble-free drainage. The system is chosen due to its favorable price, quick installation, simple installation method, performance, long service life and no need for constant cleaning.

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