Modern country houses are increasingly being built of wood, as this eco-friendly material has a number of advantages. It is easy to create a cozy warm atmosphere in a cottage from a log or a bar. Especially soulful and comfortable living rooms and bedrooms in wooden houses. In the article we understand how the bedroom in a wooden house is made out correctly - design, photo examples and useful tips.
According to the rules for zoning living space bedrooms combine into a single sleeping area. She should be quiet and calm. Therefore, it is separated from the zone of daytime stay in various ways. If the house is single-storey, its layout is often designed in such a way that between the sleeping block and the living room there is a hallway or technical area.
Attic wooden houses are the most popular today. In them, zoning is very simple - the first floor is reserved for guest and technical rooms, and bedrooms are located in the attic. With this planning decision, the bedrooms get protection from both the sounds from the living room and from street noise.
Bedroom, as a room intended for rest and for night sleep, requires a special approach in creating the interior. The design of the bedroom in a wooden house should also correspond to the general style of the building. In order for the room to harmoniously fit into the architecture of the log house, and at the same time fully performing its functions, natural materials of muted natural shades must be used in its decoration and furnishings.
The design of the bedroom in a wooden house is very picky about the correct allocation of space. The main element of the interior here is the bed. It should be positioned so that there is enough space nearby for passage. In the spacious room you can freely arrange additional furniture - a wardrobe, dressing table, side tables, chairs, etc. In a small bedroom it is better to put only the most necessary piece of furniture, and leave some free space, otherwise the room will look overloaded and cramped.
Creating a bedroom design in the house from a log or a bar it is necessary to think over the following moments well:
materials for decoration of walls, floor and ceiling;
color wood;
color composition i of the entire interior;
architectural style ;
lighting .
The walls, floor and ceiling of the bedroom in a wooden cottage can be fully or partially covered with plaster or wallpaper. But usually, decorating the interior of the bedroom in a wooden house, homeowners prefer to leave the noble wood texture. Here it must be borne in mind that dark-colored wood, like any dark-colored finish, has the property of "eating" space. That is, visually a room with dark surfaces looks smaller. Therefore, for compact bedrooms, the interior is made of light wood.
If it is decided to use a dark wood inside the room, it is advisable to make one or two walls smooth and light. This can be done by painting or plastering walls previously sheathed, for example, with gypsum plasterboard. Another option is to “dilute” an overabundance of saturated tree shades with light textiles and furniture of light pastel colors. Still, as an option, just a bedroom with a wooden wall is made.
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".
The interior of a bedroom in a wooden house is usually solved using a limited ensemble of inconspicuous colors. However, this design may be too boring. You can refresh it with a single accent element that will not come into the view of a person lying on a bed. For example, you can hang a bright painting over the head of the bed, or put an original floor lamp next to the bed.
It should be noted that the color composition of the room for sleeping should be in harmony with the character and temperament of the owners. So, for energetic and temperamental people, it is better to use more juicy shades in the living room, but in the bedroom they should have absolute relaxation. Otherwise, due to the nature of the character, it will be difficult for the inhabitants of the bedroom to cope with emotional over-stimulation and switch to rest. And vice versa - for people who are calm by nature, it is desirable to have a slightly invigorating color scheme in the bedroom, at which it will be easier for them to get into work mode in the morning.
Lighting in the bedroom should be thought out in advance, even at the design stage. The fact is that the bedroom, in fact, is a multifunctional room. Adjustable artificial light in 2 or 3 levels makes it easy to change the mood of the room. At least in the bedroom there should be a ceiling light and a pair of night lamps. An example of how this bedroom interior is realized in a wooden house is shown in the photo below.
Residential equipped attic where rooms are called attic. The bedroom in the attic of a wooden house is the dream of many people living in stone houses. The design of the bedroom in the log house itself has a pleasant stay. If this is a room on the second level, and a picturesque panorama opens from its windows, then it can be called ideal. It is difficult to imagine a better place to pacify and distract from everyday problems.
In order for the attic to become a cozy and comfortable attic, it must be reliably insulated and insulated against moisture and cold. In addition, it is necessary to warm and reinforce the ceiling. It is better to lay the attic in the project at once, so that all the technical elements are calculated by the architect and correspond to the characteristics of the entire building.
In a high attic with Additional decorative partitions and stretch ceilings can be made in standard square-shaped rooms. But in wooden cottages attic floor is usually designed low. The sloping ceiling line in them often reaches almost to the level of the floor. Such a complex configuration of mansard rooms is not hidden by decorative partitions, but on the contrary - it is emphasized and turns into the dignity of the whole house.
The attic form of the attic dictates its own interior design conditions. First of all, it concerns the selection of furniture, which should be predominantly low and well-placed. To the attic ceiling successfully "played" in the interior, the sub-ceiling space is supplemented with massive wooden beams.
Sometimes for high-quality insolation (provision of sunlight) there is enough two or even one window at the ends of the attic. In large houses, you need to install special dormer windows. They are mounted directly into the roof body. These windows are not cheap, but they emphasize the color of the original wooden bedrooms, and at the same time increase the aesthetics of the building facades.
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the design bedrooms in a country house.
In a house designed for a small family, you can save living space by arranging a bedroom mezzanine. It is a mezzanine with a cozy sleeping area. You can build a mezzanine in a one-story wooden house, in which case you’ll get a modern studio.
The bedroom-mezzanine in the attic will be even more comfortable due to the shape of the ceiling. The most advantageous move in all respects is the location of the mezzanine bed directly under the roof window.
The presence of a large number of wooden elements in the interior does not interfere with the creation of a modern architectural style in the bedroom. But it is easier and more logical to use one of the authentic directions. Any folk style is easily recreated on the background of wooden walls.
Most often our compatriots use their native village style. If you wish, you can choose the original and arrange the bedroom in the style of country or, for example, in the Japanese style.
Everything that is in the dormitory should be hypoallergenic, preferably from natural materials. This should be considered when choosing furniture and textiles. With particular care should choose a bed that should be as comfortable as possible.
Curtains and bedspreads in the bedroom of a wooden house are selected in a specific color scheme, the color of wood. They must be in harmony with natural materials finishes. Bright textiles can be used only in rooms with light or bleached wood. For example, the design of a white bedroom in a wooden house will perfectly complement the curtains of a juicy red color. But with dark wooden walls it makes sense to combine natural fabrics of delicate shades.
It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the design of the bedroom in a country house.
A few more ideas for a bedroom in a wooden house are in the video:
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about projects of one-story houses three bedrooms.
The bedroom interior in a wooden house can be very effective and stylish. But when you create it you can not forget about the appointment of the premises. The bedroom is more appropriate warm soothing shades and the most comfortable furniture. Despite the fact that the bedrooms are the private zone of the owners, closed to outsiders, they must be properly decorated.