Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

The lawn at the dacha is a landscape element that replaced the gardens, flower beds and gardens. With the seeming simplicity of the lawn itself, and this is just sown grass, which must be mowed periodically, this is actually a serious ecological system with its own rules and requirements. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to properly align the site under the lawn, how to form the soil, what moments and nuances should be paid special attention to ensure the high quality of the lawn cover.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

How to properly level the area for the lawn

Principles for preparing the area for the lawn

Everyone knows what constitutes lawn. In fact, it is a part of the territory of a country site where special grass is sown. She is called - lawn. The grass grows with low shoots that need to be mowed every 2 weeks. It is such an even look of the grass area that gives the suburban area a presentable appearance.

But to achieve evenness - this is the difficulty of creating a lawn. The ground where the grass is planted should be at the same level. There are certain assumptions and errors, but they are insignificant and do not exceed 2 cm per meter of the length of the surface being leveled.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

The lawn area must be sufficiently level

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure a good growth of the stands. That is, the grass should not only grow well, the stems should be juicy, of good color, tightly packed next to each other. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities:

  • to ensure soil drainage so that water does not linger on the site under the lawn;

  • spread over fertile soil , which will ensure good plant growth;

  • perform soil compaction and soil , because most often the lawn is the territory over which it is recommended to walk, that is, to load;

  • create a watering system that will be responsible for watering the grass cover.

It should be noted that the process of forming a lawn itself begins with the cleaning of the territory. That is, remove all plants except trees and shrubs, which must necessarily be formed (cut) under the landscape design. And, of course, they are leveling the ground under the lawn.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

Plot preparation begins with cleaning

Aligning the plot

The lawn can be broken not only on horizontal platforms. Inclined planes will do as well, the main thing is that the surface prepared for sowing lawn grass should be free from holes, hillocks, pits and other ground defects. Therefore, it is necessary to level the plane of the site.

If the lawn area is small, then all the measures related to leveling can be done manually using rakes and shovels. If you plan to plant lawn grass over a large area, then you cannot do without equipment.

How are the measures taken to level the site for landing:

  • first marking is carried out, which is most often used for pegs and string ;

  • cleaning of platform ;

  • then backfilling of the fertile layer with its compaction , the important point is the thickness of the rammed soil 14-16 cm;

  • spend planning of the soil layer in order to achieve maximum flatness of the site.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

Planning the site for the lawn

It seems to be all simple. But this is just a list of the work being done, each of which has its own nuances. For example, after cleaning the site from debris and vegetation, it is necessary to remove the fertile soil layer and lay it close to the future lawn. Please note that in this state the land can be stored no more than one month. After a long stay, harmful bacteria and insects are brought into it.

Then the ground leveling is performed. Particular attention to the pits, which may have to be filled with additional imported land. Pay attention to the ground itself. If it is very dense, then it is worth digging the area using shovels or other mechanical devices and devices. After digging, alignment is required.

Now it is necessary to add a fertile layer of soil that was previously removed. To apply it to the territory evenly, it is recommended to drive wooden pegs all over the lawn area so that they stick above the ground at the same height. This can be achieved using the laser construction level as the simplest modern option.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

Removing the fertile layer of the earth
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In the next step, soil is applied to the entire site. It should be leveled by hammered pegs using a rake. In this state, the ground is left for natural shrinkage. It usually takes a couple of weeks.

After shrinking of the soil, it is necessary to check how tight it is - whether the hammered pegs protrude above the ground. If this happens, the soil is supplemented by aligning with the tags. Do not forget that for a lawn it is necessary to withstand a slight slope - 1-2 °, for the flow of water (rain or thawed). After that, the pegs are removed, and the soil is compacted with a metal roller.

This process is best done in dry, windless weather. At the same time, it is necessary to roll the earth in two perpendicular directions, so as to avoid the appearance of air pockets in the ground. And the last stage - the collection of stones, roots and other debris, which was in the soil. Required area under the lawn is checked by level.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

Tamping the lawn section with a roller

Lawn on the slope

Optimum angle of inclination of the area to be divided lawn should not exceed 25 °. The leveling of the summer cottage under a lawn located on a slope of more than 25 ° is carried out as follows:

  • first a fertile layer is removed, which is transferred to temporary storage near the site;

  • then the soil layer located in the upper part of the slope is transferred to the lower parts where it is leveled and ;

  • is evenly distributed; the main task of the foreman is to reduce the inclination angle .

It is recommended to form a terrace at the bottom of the slope. For this purpose, a curb is constructed at the bottom of the slope. This may be an earth mound, although the options are different. The main thing - the curb should be durable and reliable. After that, along the border, a ditch is dug out, the purpose of which is to drain rain and melt water, as well as irrigation surplus. Therefore, the ditch is dug under an incline towards the flow.

Now everything is as in the previous case. Thus, the fertile layer is removed, part of the soil from the upper part of the slope is transferred to the lower one, and the terrace is filled. And the last - filling the slope and terrace with soil that was previously removed from the slope.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

Forming a green lawn on a slope

Reviving a lawn

There are often situations where the owners of a country plot start a lawn . On it grows grass in full growth, weeds appeared, uneven ground and so on. Reviving the lawn is not easy. In fact, you have to redo everything, which takes a lot of time. It is important to properly level the old part of the lawn under the lawn new.

In fact, the old lawn is located on a plot that was once leveled. But under the influence of natural loads, he gradually lost both his evenness and his fertility. Littered territory requires almost one operation - digging. This process is classified by two digging forks: single and two-tier.

The video shows how to restore the old running lawn:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that provide construction loans and related services, among which are carrying out landscape works: gardening of the site, planting plants, construction of reservoirs, slides, mountaineering, rockeries, etc. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition “Low-Rise Country”.

Single digging is when the soil is dug up to the depth of one spade of a spade. That is, the fertile layer is turned and loosened, removing the roots of weeds, stones and other objects. Usually this type of digging is used if the lawn was not very hard to start.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

The old running lawn

A double-level digging is used if the lawn area has turned into a clearing with weeds. This process is carried out as follows:

  • along the section of the old lawn a furrow is dug, it’s also a ditch, the width and depth of a shovel bayonet;

  • The soil from the furrow is deposited to the side, where is cleared from weeds, roots, stones and other types of garbage;

  • next to the first ditch the second is excavated;

  • its soil fits into the first furrow where it is cleaned and manure and mineral additives;

  • also digging with other grooves;

  • soil from the last bor zdy transferred to the penultimate, and its very filled with soil from the first excavated ditch, which is already cleaned.

After that, the excavated area is leveled, tamped with a roller and prepared for planting with herbs.

Aligning the plot under the lawn: the sequence of events

It is necessary to dig up the old lawn to the depth of the bayonet of the shovel
This may be interesting! In the article on the following link, read all about the lawn device: the choice of plants, the preparation of the plot, the sowing and cutting.

Useful tips

Specialists give several recommendations that will improve the quality of the final result:

  • Use heavy equipment in the form of a bulldozer for leveling the area under the lawn is not worth . Special equipment of this type is heavy, it spoils the fertile layer of the earth with its tracks. Therefore, the maximum that can be used is a small tractor.

  • For loosening and digging soil, it is better to use the cultivator .

  • It is optimal if digging to hold in the autumn , leaving in this condition land for the whole winter . Inverted lumps will freeze through, which means that and frozen weed roots .

  • It is recommended to dig up the soil with a cultivator in different directions . This is done in the spring.

  • If the section intended for the formation of a lawn is heavily covered with weeds , then it is better to eliminate them to apply the herbicides. Here it is important to choose the chemical that fits certain types of weeds.

  • If in the area there are old stumps under the lawn, then you can uproot or fill it with nitrate , after which they will turn into dust.

In the video, the specialist gives useful tips on how to properly level the area for planting lawn grass:

maybe interesting! In the article on the following link read about the technology of planting a lawn on the roof of the house.

Conclusion on the topic

The process of preparing the site allocated for the formation of a lawn is not simple, as it may seem at first glance. For a green lawn to please the eye, you need to spend a significant amount of work, where leveling and planning occupy the main part of construction operations. And in this case you should not hurry. You can sow grass quickly, but preparation requires effort, patience and time.


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