advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

The tendency of the last decades in the construction has been a special attention to the facade parts of the buildings on the site, landscape design and the formation of exterior decoration elements that meet modern concepts of functionality and aesthetics. The choice of design, installation technology, material for the fence is among the priorities. The fence becomes an external display of taste, the status of the owner of the property. A beautiful, long-lasting appearance and strength of the fence is the result of a properly selected project and its high-quality implementation. One of the main factors for success becomes a reasonable selection of the supporting frame. It depends not only on the capabilities of the owner of the site, but also on the quality indicators of the soil used in the finishing of materials.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Metal fence on screw piles

Advantages and disadvantages of screw piles

The construction technologies of the supporting structures are being improved throughout many centuries. Conventionally, this type of work can be divided into two categories. The first is the fundamental method, when the basis is the one-piece construction along the entire perimeter, and the second method consists in the point fixation of the supports. For centuries, the installation technology used a single support structure. Technologically, civilization was not ready for the wide use of structures on piles, which was used exclusively in regions where a different method was impossible. Today, the construction industry allows you to use this method on any soils in different climatic zones.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

The scheme of the device of the fence on screw piles


Practice has shown that in many cases the fence on screw stilts better than traditional. Designers and manufacturers offer a complete set of necessary elements to solve this problem. The obvious advantages of the method include:

  1. Installation speed.
  2. Minimum of tools, equipment.
  3. Lack of vibration during installation.
  4. Can be used on any soils, with the exception of rocky.
  5. Operation at any time of the year.
  6. Strength, ability to hold a structure up to 4 tons per pile.
  7. No change in the geometry of the structure after installation.
  8. Long service life.
  9. Less labor intensive.
  10. There is no need to level the site and prepare the soil.
  11. Low weight ensures low labor intensity and easy transportation.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Wooden fence on screw piles

The listed technical advantages become the basis of the economic benefit of using screw piles. A small number of elements, materials, their total weight make it possible to argue that the estimated cost of construction is less than with other methods of mounting the fence. If, when constructing the foundation, a significant proportion of time and labor costs are earthworks, then in this case it is not necessary to perform them. As a rule, foundations are made by pouring a sand-cement mortar. For a satisfactory quality of subsequent operations, it is necessary to give time for the mortar to set and concrete to shrink. Experts recommend to maintain at least a week before the next installation. Screw piles are ready for further operations immediately after installation.


With moving, weak soils, when it is necessary to do a depth of at least 1 m to ensure the strength of the structure, the option of using a screwed pile looks like a more than worthy alternative. A number of complex technical and financial problems are being solved. However, there are technical conditions under which the installation of screw piles is difficult or impossible. Rocky soil is an insurmountable obstacle to the use of this method. The advantages include the ability to independently make the installation without attracting additional labor and equipment. This fact makes the installation of screw piles attractive not only for the fence, but also as a basis for the main and auxiliary buildings on the site.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Draft fence on screw piles

But an independent decision to use this method without proper examination of the soil can lead to frustration. Not only the presence of rock layers can affect the strength of the structure. High groundwater and, as a result, mobile soil at a depth greater than usual. Such places are often found in the armholes of rivers, lakes, and on dried marshes. The peat layer is not the most reliable basis. In addition, such places are often covered with imported soil. The thickness of the layer can be up to several meters in some areas. Then the length of the underground part of the pile must be increased in the same way as for the areas with permafrost - up to 3, 5-4 meters.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building fences and fences.Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

What screw piles are used to install the fence

The choice of models is based on understanding what tasks are being solved and what is needed for this. First of all, the analysis of the site. You can consult with the neighbors, the owners of real estate located nearby. Information can be obtained from the geodetic regional services, where there are maps of the soils of the development area. Having obtained real data on the qualitative composition of the soil, its layers, strength, depth of frost penetration, you can choose piles for collecting the desired structure. Manufacturers offer a decent range of the length of the product. The recommended pipe diameter for wooden, polycarbonate, polymeric fencing is at least 55 mm. For metal - 76 mm. Stone fence involves the use of piles with a diameter of more than 100 mm.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Screw Piles for Intake

The depth to which the pipe should be installed varies depending on the quality of the soil. According to statistics, the steady layer lies below the surface at 1.7-1, 8 m in most cases. In some regions, this figure may be lower, somewhere higher. The low weight of the fence cannot be the reason for the rejection of this rule. Less penetration is fraught with dynamic changes in the structure during the first years of operation. Places to install gates, gates require reinforcement. When drafting a piece of paper these piles are taken into account. It is recommended to purchase products of larger diameter for this purpose.

Screw pile tip

It is recommended to pay special attention to this aspect when selecting elements of the supporting structure. Depending on the quality of the soil, a pipe is selected with a certain type of screw part. The tip of the pile can be made in various versions:

  • Cast. For heavy structures.
  • Cast galvanized tip. The most reliable pile with a long service life.
  • Welded construction. Inexpensive option with good performance, suitable for the installation of the fence.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Anticorrosion tip

The latter type is most suitable for lightweight structures. The blades are well screwed into the ground. After installation, the weight of the fence will not have a critical load. Cast tip is well suited for high fencing and overall construction of brick blocks.

More technical information on the use of screw piles as a basis for the fence is presented in this video:

Installation Technology

Proper organization of labor will reduce costs, speed up the work. The main thing is that the quality will meet the requirements. After drawing up the project, you can begin to directly do the fence on piles. Step by step construction should look like this.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Installation of the fence on screw piles

Marking of the area from any durable material. The marking of each pile is done. With the help of laser, hydraulic level marks are placed horizontally, which will indicate the upper level of the pipe. In case of uneven ground, the issue of the fence configuration is solved. The fence can be made:
  • At one level, when the upper cut is strictly horizontal.
  • Step option. The perimeter is divided into several sections, taking into account the landscape. Each piece is mounted horizontally.
  • Freeform. It is used for large differences in height, the inability to make the leveling of the soil, where screw piles will be installed under the fence.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Piling layout

When marking, it is indicated which pipe is needed for installation. In the field of the gate, the gate is mounted more reliable, with a large diameter pile. In the process of work, this can be ignored, the mark will remind that there should be another pipe in this place. Do not disdain unnecessary reminders even experienced masters.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about fences from the evroshtaketnik.

Installation of screw piles

Main operation in the construction of the fence. In industrial conditions used special equipment. The process of twisting into the ground resembles the work with a screw. The screw part of the product with the help of blades cuts the ground, resting on it, continues to move down only by rotating around its own axis. When working independently, it is important to consider the peculiarity of the beginning of the operation. Sunset is done with a noticeable load, in order to avoid the effect of plowing. The motion vector is downward. When stony soil is sometimes advisable to tamp down the pile, until it begins to move independently along the cut route. After a reliable approach, all efforts can be concentrated solely on the rotation of the pipe.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Installation of piles for the fence

Depending on the quality of the soil and the physical capabilities of the performers, 2 to 5 people are involved in the work. In the pipes there are through holes, most often 2, into which the lever is inserted. You can use fittings, metal bar, scrap. The time of entry is controlled by level or plumb. It is important to set the right direction to the pile. Installing pipes alone is very difficult. It is easier to do the operation together. The third participant in the process can control the direction of approach and help with vertical load during the first movements. Large diameter pipes with a significant depth, it is easier to twist the four of them, two by two for both parts of the lever.

Operations after installation of pipes

When the required depth is reached, the screwing is stopped. Verify height with a horizontal mark. If necessary, the pile is cut or weld on an additional piece of pipe. It is highly recommended to fill the internal cavity with concrete. Strength increases, oxygen is blocked inside, which slows down corrosion. With manual installation, it is difficult to achieve the ideal vertical position. For this reason, experienced craftsmen choose pipes that, after installation, are placed at the top edge above the ground level to a height of no more than 50 cm. Then, a cheaper pipe is welded on and installed vertically much easier. It is advisable in some cases to do concrete piping design, thereby eliminating the technological gap between the soil and decorative trim. At the same time, the reliability and strength of the structure increases markedly.

Design, fencing materials on screw piles

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Profiled sheeting

After screw piles for fence installed, you can proceed to the next step - the installation of fencing and decorative trim. Reliable supporting structure allows the use of all types of building materials:

  1. Reinforced concrete slabs.
  2. Profiled sheet metal.
  3. Metal panels, profiles, picket fence.
  4. Timber.
  5. Brick building blocks.
  6. Polymeric sheets, panels.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

EuStand on screw piles

Installation preparation does not differ from similar operations on other fundamentals. The rules and requirements are the same. Observed the recommended distance between the horizontal force elements of the structure. If lathing is required, then its dimensions are calculated according to the general rules. A popular filling material is wood. Screw piles are the ideal base for mounting this material. No shrinkage, no change in geometry. The fence from screw piles will serve long. More often today synthetic materials have been used. Polycarbonate sheets are in special demand. The screw design ensures that such a fence is functional and aesthetically pleasing to look at the site.

How to save money when building a fence

Regardless of financial condition, virtually any land owner seeks to minimize expenditures. Choosing a pile structure as a support system for the fence already looks like a winning solution. However, the process of preparing and installing such a fence has nuances that can reduce costs. The main rule when saving is not to replace pipes for cheaper ones, this cannot be done, but an exact calculation of the amount of all the material and cost reduction during installation. The number of piles is calculated by the piece. Verifies the correctness of the estimate with a sketch of the site, which displays the basic dimensions of the structure with an indication of the end, reinforced sections. In contrast to the cases of working with other materials, the technological reserve is not necessary.

advantages and disadvantages, selection rules and installation technology

Iron fence on screw piles
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about polycarbonate fence.


The final version of the fence should be done after the construction of the main object. There remains a material that can be used for this purpose. It is easier to purchase a small amount than to fully pay for the project. You can save only on the optimization of individual operations, the exact amount of material, but in no case on its quality. When all the conditions of construction are met, a fence from screw piles will serve property owners for years. It is important that, leaving the base, you can change the finish, design, color of the fence, without spending money on a new installation.


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