what it is and methods of arrangement

People living in country houses often face problems when excess water accumulates in the area adjacent to the building due to heavy rains or melting snow, which in turn violates the comfort of living. Also, a high groundwater level at the site is a complicating factor. Problems of this nature arise in estates located in the lowlands or on the slopes of hills, where the clay content in the soil reaches high levels. An excessive amount of moisture in the soil has a detrimental effect on the foundation of the building, washing away the adjacent layers of soil and warming the basements.

what it is and methods of arrangement

Drainage - technology for removing excess moisture from the foundation

A drainage system that will help you get rid of the above problems will collect and dispose of excess water from the territory adjacent to the house. Such a tool can be used throughout the site, but it is quite a costly option in terms of finance and time. Installing drainage around the house is sufficient measure for a comfortable stay.

What is the drainage

? Drainage is a system that drains excess moisture from the building using a pipe construction. There is an opinion that for efficient water collection only a blind area is sufficient, but experts in this area recommend installing a complete drainage system that allows for much better protection of the building from the harmful effects of moisture.

what it is and methods of arrangement

No matter how beautiful the blind area is, it will not completely protect the house from moisture

Drainage System for the house there can be three types :

  • Open. It is a structure where open-type trenches are used as diversion drapes, the depth and width of which is 0.5 meters. This is the simplest version of the drainage for self-installation. The disadvantages of such a system include an unaesthetic appearance, as well as the unreliability of the structure, which will require additional strengthening of the walls with special trays;

  • Filling. This is a construction where the prepared trenches are filled with coarse gravel or rubble, and the turf is overlaid on top. The advantage of this drainage is a long service life and easy installation. In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages: low throughput, inability to carry out maintenance;

  • Closed. It is carried out by laying drainage pipes with holes into the ground. Such a system is notable for its efficiency and lack of deficiencies of other systems. Its minus is a rather complicated installation.

what it is and methods of arrangement

A closed drainage system is difficult to do correctly without certain skills and knowledge

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installation and design of sewage and water supply. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Errors that are allowed when doing drainage on your own

Building a drainage system without the participation of specialists is often accompanied by the following errors:

  • Using a near-wall drainage system to ensure removal of excess moisture in areas with high groundwater levels;

  • Use of the pipeline in geotextile-type filters in areas with clay soil, which will eventually lead to clogging;

  • Application of levels during pipeline installation;

  • Installation of rainfall in-person wells where drainage should be installed;

The most common mistake is to install one drainage system around the house. As practice shows, this is too little. It is necessary to install the drainage system, which will drain water from the roof of the building to a special well.

Also, the use of a single pipeline for drainage and stormwater around the house should be avoided, as the drainage will not cope with its functions during rains, which will lead to flooding of the site. Waterlogging of the soil near the basement can lead to its swelling during frost, which in turn will have a detrimental effect on the foundation of the house, up to complete destruction.

what it is and methods of arrangement

Swelling of soil is one of the serious reasons leading to the destruction of the house

For the manufacture of stormwater sewer pipes are used orange colors (designed for the soil) and special wells, where excess water will accumulate, which can later be watered.

The types of drainage systems

The drainage pattern around the house is divided into two basic varieties :

  • Surface (violates the aesthetic appearance of the site);

  • Deep (perforated pipelines are used).

Surface drainage

Surface drainage around the house is more accessible, simple and easy to carry out all the necessary operations. Such drains do not cope with groundwater and are used only for the discharge of thawed and rainwater. The following surface drainage systems exist:

  • Linear. Used to divert rain and melt water from the entire area of ​​the site. By trenches dug in the soil, water is drained into a special well, where it accumulates. Such channels are closed from above with decorative gratings;

  • Spot. Used to quickly collect water from a single source. This drainage is closed with a special metal grate to prevent clogging. All local points with the help of pipes are connected with the main pipeline, which drains water into the drainage well;

what it is and methods of arrangement

Neatly closed the points will not interfere with the inhabitants of the yard and will not spoil the exterior of the house

  • Open. It is a system of canals and drain trays designed to discharge excess water. Its unimpeded movement is provided by a bevel in a trench at an angle of about 30 °, directed toward the main trench or drainage well. The advantage of the open drainage system is low cost and ease of performing the necessary work. The disadvantages include destructible walls of the trench and not aesthetic appearance;

  • Closed. Arrangement is similar to open drainage, except for using special trays with decorative grids, which allows to increase the service life of the structure, as well as to increase safety;

  • Backfill. A system of this type is used in areas with a small area where it is impractical to install open drainage. Construction of the backfill drainage begins with the excavation of a channel with a depth of 1 meter (the slope should be directed to the drainage well). The base of the trench is covered with geotextile, after which it is filled with coarse gravel or gravel. To give an aesthetic look to the site, the structure is covered with a layer of sod from above. Such drainage of the house and the site has its drawbacks, these include the inability to maintain during operation without dismantling.

what it is and methods of arrangement

This is how the scheme of charging protection against moisture

looks like. Drainage of the deep type

In places with a high level of groundwater, or in properties with clay soil located in the lowlands, a scheme of deep drainage around the house is used. Systems of this type must cope with the abstraction of large volumes of water, so the process of arrangement is accompanied by the use of perforated pipes, the diameter of which depends on the amount of fluid removed.

About the arrangement of deep drainage, see the video:

This could be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the drainage systems of the suburban area.

The deep drainage system around the house is of two types:

  • Wall. Installed in country houses with a basement or basement. Such drainage does not require additional work for the arrangement, as it is installed during the laying of the foundation. Pipelines are laid directly into the excavation dug under it. At the lowest point of the trench, it is necessary to install a drainage tank, which will serve as an accumulation well, or divert water outside the site;

  • Ring. Ring drainage around the house is used in areas with high clay content in the soil, as well as in the absence of basements and basements in the house. Trenches are dug out at some distance from the building (2-3 meters). The depth of drainage around the house must necessarily be half a meter greater than the lowest point of the foundation. This is necessary to increase the effectiveness of its protection. At the bottom of the trench lay a layer of rubble.

what it is and methods of arrangement

The ring system is used in clay areas, and in the absence of a basement and basement in the house

The cost of installing turnkey drainage systems

Hiring specialists allows you to avoid a lot of mistakes in arranging the drainage system. On the market there are many companies that provide services for the installation of drainage, including project development and carrying out all the necessary work. The average cost of such services is 2300-5000 rubles per square meter and a depth of 1 to 3 meters, respectively.

Also, additional services may be offered, which are charged separately:

  • Pipeline installation for the storm sewer system. The cost of laying pipes at a shallow depth on average reaches 1,000 rubles per linear meter, and laying to the depth of frost penetration is available at a price of about 1,800 rubles;

  • reaches approximately 7000-10000 rubles for a recess of 1.5-3 meters, respectively;

what it is and methods of arrangement

When connecting pipes to to the manhole, it is important to ensure the tightness of the joints

  • The arrangement of the shower-receiver is available at an average price of 4,000 rubles.

Important! It is better to sign contracts for the installation of turnkey drainage systems with proven companies that provide a warranty period that must be at least 3 years.

The price of the drainage arrangement is made up and depends on the following conditions:

  • Plot area (cost calculation depends on the length of the channels);

  • Complex required work ;

  • Slope (height between upper and lower trench points);

  • Soil type (works on wet clay soil are more expensive than those on ordinary soil);

  • Groundwater level (deep drainage is more expensive than surface water).

Obviously about the drainage system, look at the video:

It may be interesting! In the article on the following link read about rubble for drainage.


The arrangement of the drainage system in suburban areas is a necessary condition for a comfortable stay in a private house. The correct choice of the drainage scheme and its correct installation will help protect the foundation of the building from the detrimental effects of moisture, which will ensure a long service life of the entire structure. It is possible to arrange the drainage system independently, but it is better to trust the professionals who will produce all the necessary work qualitatively and quickly.

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