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At the planning stage of the construction of a private house and in the process of creating the project, the calculation of all communications is carried out, including the heating system. Recently, most often, an electric boiler for heating a private house of 150 m² has been used as a heat source for supplying radiators and floor heating systems, since it has several advantages over similar products of this type. To choose the right device, you need to look at the technical characteristics of the boiler, its power, applicability on an area of ​​150 m², as well as options for the location and wiring diagram of the device.

what is better electric or gas, choice and installation, photo

A properly selected electric boiler will not necessarily be the largest and most powerful

When designing, it is important to take into account all factors affecting the circulation of air masses in indoors - the number of floors of the building, the level of its thermal insulation and the total square. Properly selected boiler is 70% of the entire system, since its main task will be to prepare and heat the coolant for consuming radiators.

Types of boilers for a private house

If we consider a frequent house with a quadrature equal to 150 m², then the following types of boilers will be most suitable:


It is an electric current device that heats the internal environment from the contact of the liquid with a hot gas heater. In turn, electric boilers, depending on the principle of their work, are divided into several types:

  • The product, in which water is heated by means of direct-contact electric heating elements. These parts are located inside the tank into which the liquid enters, when current is applied to the terminals, the heating element is heated and heat is transferred to the internal environment. This is the simplest device of the boiler, but also one of the most reliable.

what is better electric or gas, choice and installation, photo

Electric boiler circuit with fuel heaters
  • The electrode boiler has a capacity of up to 95% and therefore it can be used in cases when it is necessary to heat a large area in a short time. Heating of a liquid in such a system comes from the effect of the current on the salt contained in the coolant, which requires the use of a mixture with a high mineral content.

what is better electric or gas, choice and installation, photo

Electrode heating system
  • Induction boiler. Appeared on the market relatively recently, but already enjoys great popularity, as it has the largest coefficient of positive action, which is equal to 96-99%. The principle of operation of the boiler is to transfer heat to the carrier by the method of electromagnetic induction. The field passes through the metal shell of the flask and heats the inner core, which is in contact with the coolant and transmits the temperature to it.

what is better electric or gas, choice and installation, photo

From one to several boilers
are used for induction heating On our website you can find building contacts companies that offer electrical services. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".


Liquid is heated by burning a flame inside a closed chamber and direct contact of the heat exchanger with a high temperature. Inside such a coil, fluid flows continuously, which is pumped and flows further along the pipeline to the radiators.

For a heating device with a gas boiler, you will need a lot of permits and the creation of a special gas pipeline project, and if the device is connected to an independent gas source, you will have to periodically change the storage tank and carry out refueling.

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Floor gas boiler

All the listed boilers have their advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when designing and installing equipment.

Also, boilers can be classified according to the installation scheme, which happens to be floor or wall mounted. As a rule, devices with high power have a large-size heat exchanger, therefore the total weight of the product will not be small. Such a boiler placed on the wall is very problematic, so they are produced with a recommendation on the floor layout on a solid basis.

Wall-mounted equipment does not have a large mass, since there is no accumulator in its construction, instead there is a heat exchanger heated by a continuous supply of high temperature.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about what kind of heating is better in a private house.

What is better for a building of 150 m²

It is impossible to determine unambiguously what boiler is for a private house of 150 sq. M. highways, and ending with the level of insulation and thickness of the walls of the building.

what is better electric or gas, choice and installation, photo

When taking into account the thickness of the walls, the properties of the material from which they were erected are also taken into account

when as for an electrical device such constructions are not needed. Based on this indicator, the boiler with heating elements is much easier to integrate into any room, besides gas equipment can be used only if there is a gas supply line, which is not always available.

The gas boiler has one big advantage, it is the heating rate of the fluid and the cost of resource costs. One cubic meter of gas is much cheaper than the amount of kilowatts of electricity that would be required to heat the same volume of coolant. But there are cases when the heating is carried out in a house in which the extractor is not structurally provided or it does not meet the safety requirements, therefore the use of an electric boiler is the best option here.

Also, the main advantage of an electric device is the absence of a combustion chamber and an open flame. Its only negative is not the smallest cost of electricity.

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In the absence of light, the boiler will not be able to heat the house

If the choice did fall on the gas boiler, then it must be chosen also carefully. What gas boiler is better for a private house of 150 sq m.? When answering this question, it is also necessary to take into account the total area of ​​the room, the region in which the building is located, as well as the capacity of the heating system. Gas boilers are of different power, which is reflected in the size of the combustion chamber and the size of the heat exchanger, the higher the efficiency of the device, the greater will be the coil.

Boiler power for heating a private house

An important role when choosing an electric heating device is played by the boiler power for a house of 150 sq m, which is on average from 11 to 16 kW. With such indicators, the heating medium is heated in a short period of time, and with sufficient circulation, the liquid will quickly spread to all radiators and other heating devices.

To correctly calculate the required boiler power, the following formula must be used:

W boiler = ( S * W specific ) / 10

Where W of the boiler is the estimated power of the device used,

S is the exact area of ​​the heated room,

W specific , this is an indicator of power for every ten square meters. This standard does not change and depends on the location of the building, in which climatic zone it is located. The colder the region, the higher the rate.

what is better electric or gas, choice and installation, photo

Homes in the north of the country need boilers more powerfully

Using this formula, you can accurately calculate the average power of a heating appliance for heating. Electric boiler for heating a private house 120 sq. M. You can also calculate using the above scheme, it will differ only in the square of the room.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about heating radiators for a private house.

Pros and cons of electric boilers

The main advantage of an electric boiler is its low cost and ease of installation and operation. The device package includes the simplest elements and components that can be replaced in the event of a breakdown.

If you plan to use an induction boiler, its cost will be slightly higher than similar products, but in the process of work it is much more profitable, since there are no side effects in the form of scale and contact burnout on the heaters.

Also, a positive factor is the complete autonomy of the system, which depends only on the continuous supply of voltage.

Another point of view on induction heating boilers is in the video:

Along with many advantages, the electric boiler also has disadvantages. The first is the formation of scale on the electrodes and PETN that arises due to the heating and subsidence of minerals contained in the liquid. Another disadvantage is the fear of "dry" heating, when in the course of work, air gets into the tank and an oxygen plug forms. The liquid ceases to flow into the tank and contact with the heating element, which leads to the burning out of the heaters completely.

Installation and Connection

For proper installation of an electric boiler, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions and the basic rules and standards of construction. The first step is to prepare the base, if it is a floor standing device, or fixing bolts for wall mounting.

Next, the boiler is installed on a stationary place and the supply and return pipelines are connected to it.It is important to equip the line with a safety valve that triggers during the formation of an airlock or overpressure.

About connecting an electric heating boiler - in the following video:

Only after connecting all the pipes and pouring technical fluid, it is possible to conduct electrical wiring to the contacts the boiler. Since the boilers are rated power from 220 to 380 volts, it is necessary to study the technical passport and connect only the power specified in the documents.

It may be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the project of heating a private house.


Thus, for the correct choice of equipment and its installation, it is necessary to use the formula for calculating the power and take into account all the rules of the heating system. At observance of specifications, heating will serve not one year, and the copper will regularly work.


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