If you decide to buy a house, so to speak, "turnkey", before contacting the construction company, you should be familiar with all the features of building a country house. You can read about the technology of building frame houses in our article. In this article we will talk about the main points of acquiring a turnkey framework homeownership - you will learn how to choose a developer, about typical mistakes of builders and methods for eliminating them, prices for frame structures, as well as how to reduce the cost of a finished house without harm for its quality and comfort.

The original project of a frame house.
How to choose a developer?
Today, the Internet is replete with offers of inexpensive frame buildings. Each developer, offering a house on a turnkey basis, tries to highlight his goods, points to unique prices, excellent quality and the fastest terms. A person without special education is easy to get confused in all this advertising, because far from all advertising offers are true. That is why, making the decision to purchase a turnkey frame house, it is worthwhile, first of all, to find a reliable developer.
It is possible to determine how a company's advertising corresponds to reality by several criteria:
- Specialization and duration of the organization’s work . If a firm for a long time builds only frame houses, then, for sure, knows about all the intricacies of the construction of such buildings.
- Performance of all types of work without the involvement of third-party subcontracting companies . If all the construction is carried out by one company, it is much easier to find the person responsible for defects after building the house.
- Provision of guarantees for the quality of the building. This is a significant plus to reliability - the longer the warranty period, the better the construction work will be performed.
- Conclusion of a construction contract. It is not recommended to hire builders without a written agreement. In addition, it is better if the deal is concluded to have the name "Construction Contract". The fact is that according to the legislation, the construction contract has a number of features related to the timing, quality, responsibility of a legal entity, and developers often try to circumvent the law, calling the signed agreement a service agreement.
Of course, it’s very difficult to provide when choosing a construction company , but after taking enough time to find a reliable contractor, you can get the result you expected.

The frame house in the style of half-timbered houses.
Control over the construction of the frame house
When ordering a turnkey house, you will definitely hear from the representative of the developer about the highest quality of work, strict observance of all construction standards, impeccable reputation of the organization . However, in reality, things may not be as rosy as in words. In order to get a really practical and durable housing, you should carefully monitor all stages of construction, because some mistakes cannot be fixed after the construction is over.
Foundation construction
Often, construction companies neglect preliminary geological analysis of the area and choose the wrong foundation for a frame house. This error is fraught with two drawbacks:
- The object is being built on a light basis, provided that the soil on this building site requires a capital base. The fact is that the frame house has a light construction and does not require a heavy foundation, however, this applies only to situations in which the soil allows a shallow base (the foundation embedded in the ground by 20-30 cm). Otherwise, over time, the foundation may collapse, and the building - to deform.
- Use a heavy foundation with the possibility of building a simpler foundation. Typically, in typical projects of frame houses, a universal slab-type foundation is used (a single monolithic reinforced concrete slab erected below the soil freezing level). Building a similar foundation requires a lot of financial and time costs, which are not justified if a light foundation can be built on the site.

The frame house for an individual project.
You can even identify errors in the construction of the bearing foundation visually:
- Inspecting the surface of the foundation. It should be level, without cracks, crevices and protruding reinforcement parts.
- After inspecting the soil around the base. If there is a subsidence or failure of the soil, this indicates that the foundation has been laid in violation of the technology, without a preliminary check of the soil layer.
- Inspect the sides of the base. The presence of salt deposits and smudges indicates a violation or complete absence of waterproofing.In this case, the foundation will absorb moisture from the soil, and this will lead to its rapid destruction.
If you find shortcomings or errors, you should ask the contractor for acts on the work performed, including acts of hidden works, in which all stages of the foundation construction are indicated.

A small frame cottage with original finishes.
Errors when erecting the walls of the frame box
Errors are also possible during the installation of the structure:
- No waterproofing of the lower rim. Mounting the frame's lower beam directly on the concrete may cause the frame framework to quickly rot. Concrete has the ability to transmit moisture. For this reason, a waterproofing material must be laid between the tree and the bearing element of the building. For these purposes, most often used ruberoid bent in two additions.
Ruberoid is a special construction rolled material made by impregnating roofing cardboard with bitumen and then applying special protective sprinkling on it (basalt or talc chips).
- Use of high-moisture sawn timber. Most of the materials for the frame framework in the domestic construction market have elevated humidity values. The use of undrained raw materials is fraught with shrinkage with the formation of cracks, as well as twisting and other deformations of the frame.
When drying , the timber dries by 15% in cross section and approximately by 0.5% along the length of wood fiber. When using a bar 155 mm long with mineral wool insulation, cracks up to 15 mm wide can appear in the walls a year later. In addition, the undoing of undressed wood is very often noted, and this invariably leads to a change in the geometry of the building.
If, however, lumber with increased moisture content was purchased for construction, it can be dried in a natural way. To do this, the timber is placed in a special way in a ventilated pile and dries at least one warm season. Of course, this procedure will increase the time needed to build a house, but it will save the building from destruction and eliminate the need to correct defects.
- Incorrect step of frame struts (distance between two horizontal beams of the frame) The most correct decision is to select the step of racks in accordance with the width of the insulated material. Most often it is 65 cm. There are circumstances when it is necessary to use a wider pitch, equal to 125 cm (on the larger side of the tiled element of insulation). The location of the window openings and their racks is also consistent with the step width.
- Use of black screws in load-bearing structures. Black screws are designed for fixing interior decoration materials. For their manufacture used tempered steel - a very fragile material. For this reason, these fasteners are not able to withstand heavy loads.
So, if a natural moisture bar is used in a frame basis, which is fastened with the help of corners and black screws, during drying the bar will twist, the corners will cut the heads of the screws, and the beam will be kept only on the casing.
The best solution is to use nails. With their help, both the foundation binding and frame racks will be reliably fixed.

The composition of the wall cake of the frame house
- Incorrect wall cake (wall construction the building, by virtue of its three-layer structure, is often called a "pie"). Each layer of the frame wall has its own purpose. The most common errors associated with the "pie" of walls are the location of the insulating membranes, where necessary, or their absence in the required place.
The main purpose of the film coating is to prevent the penetration of moisture into the insulation or frame. Moisture leads to the development of putrefactive processes and deterioration of heat-shielding properties. From the inside, the wall (inner layer of the panel) is covered with a vapor barrier film in order to prevent the penetration of steam and moisture from the room to the insulation. With the outer surface of the insulation and frame part of the closed waterproofing membrane, which does not pass water, but provides free circulation of steam.
- The use of low-density insulation in load-bearing wall panels. In the construction of frame houses to reduce heat loss using insulation based on mineral wool. For walls and facade structures, you need to select a material with a density of 55 kg per 1 cubic meter. If this condition is not met, with time the insulation will shrink significantly, this will lead to a change in the thermal conductivity of the walls, and may cause their deformation.

The frame cottage is decorated with fiber cement panels.
Ways to check the quality of the walls of the frame house
When checking the quality of the work on the construction of the walls of the frame house, it is recommended to establish:
arrangement of supporting elements and partitions, internal and external walls, the distance between the frame beams (all parts of the structure must exactly comply with the project documentation); correctness of corner joints and correctness of fixing beams ; compliance shi Riny, height of window and door openings parameters specified in the project; lack of moisture on slabs and frame beams; insulation density; presence of special reinforced adhesive tape at the joints vapor barrier. For a non-specialist it is difficult to assess the quality of construction - the necessary knowledge and equipment are missing. But even a visual inspection sometimes makes it clear that the work clearly does not meet all the necessary quality criteria. In such a case, it would not be superfluous to seek the help of experts and conduct a construction expertise. Of course, these are additional expenses, but, believe me, they usually justify themselves.

Two-storeyed frame house.
Prices for turnkey frame houses
First of all, the price indicator is determined by the simplicity of assembling structural details. A turnkey frame house can be purchased relatively inexpensively - the cost of building a building with an area of about 100 m 2 starts at 3 million rubles .
Most often, the price of a turnkey house includes:
- Purchase and delivery of building materials.
- All types of work aimed at the construction of the building box (walls, roof and floor).
- Engineering communications.
- Work on the interior and exterior of the house.
Since some of the works are entered into the contract at the request of the customer, the final price for a frame house can be found only by directly contacting the construction company.
However, even before contacting builders, you can minimize your future expenses for building a house. For this you need to take into account points that will help reduce the overall cost of the house without harming the quality and comfort of the building:
- Lack of complex architectural elements. Attic, veranda, columns and other elements give the building a more spectacular view, however, every detail is an additional waste of money.
- Lack of a basement. A structure with a basement requires a foundation pit, a more complex structural basis, it is necessary to carry out large-scale waterproofing and insulation of bearing elements - all this adds another 45% to the total cost of construction.
- Expensive roofing materials, such as slate, ceramic and polymer-sand tiles, can be replaced with a budget metal tile.
- Refusal of additional warming of external bearing elements of the structure. Most often, additional heat protection is not necessary, since the project of a frame house must initially provide for the necessary level of strength and energy efficiency of wall plates, and there is no need to increase these parameters.
The modern frame technology of building construction is known in our country not so long ago, but it has already won the Russian construction market. Due to the low cost and construction time, frame houses in our country are becoming increasingly popular. The volumes of their construction today are already comparable to the volumes of traditional wooden house-building for Russia.