simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

The well, equipped at the summer cottage, is in itself a classic and reasonably profitable solution. But very few people will enjoy trekking with water with buckets during the day, so the best solution would be to arrange water supply at the cottage from the well. The article contains answers to all questions that may arise during the construction of the water supply system: what calculations need to be made, what materials and in what volume will be needed. We will also tell you about the most common schemes of suburban water pipelines from the well; we will write out the process of their installation, use and maintenance.

Understanding the essence and principles of winter and summer water supply at a dacha from a well, you will be able to assess the skills of the craftsmen, choose high-quality materials, optimize costs, and generally control the arrangement of the water supply. This knowledge will help you achieve maximum results with a minimum investment of effort and resources.

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

Water supply from the well - output in case of absence of central water supply

Why water supply from the well is beneficial

The dacha is not just a country estate. We go to the cottage to rest from the bustle of the city, but this rest should be comfortable and enjoyable. Lack of familiar amenities will not confuse the harsh hunters and fishermen, but the fifth-generation city dweller can be confused and significantly spoil the mood. For example, the lack of water in the house is unlikely to add positive emotions to the summer resident. Nevertheless, this question is quite simple to solve, having equipped a water supply system at the cottage from a well. Such a system is relatively simple and does not require large investments.

The water supply of the dacha from the well has a number of advantages over the water supply system from the centralized mains:

  • You always have the water at hand . It will not turn off at the most inopportune moment;

  • Water extracted from underground layers is cleaner than water . No rust or bleach;

  • This water will get you much cheaper ! There is no payment to public utilities, except for electricity;

  • The system’s work, and therefore the power consumption for the pump, you control yourself. It is necessary - the system is turned on, it is not necessary - it is turned off;

  • The head pressure and the piping scheme for the summer house - only depend on your solution .

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

The quality of the water supply system depends for the most part on competent design
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service to develop and implement projects for water supply and electrical work of any complexity turnkey . Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

An alternative to a well water supply from a well can be a well. But, for a number of parameters , such a system is less profitable:

  • For drilling a well, official permission of the authorities is necessary. Hi, bureaucracy!

  • Exploration of the site and preparation of the project can stretch out for an impressive period of .

  • Drilling operations will significantly affect the budget.

  • If the power goes out, the villa will be left without water. And from a well, in extreme cases, water can always be collected with a simple bucket .

Before starting work, it is better to replace the wooden frame of the well with rings of concrete and also to seal the joints. This will provide isolation of well water from ingress of domestic, sewage and upper water.

The main nodes of the system are

The main elements of the water supply system from the well are from the well:

  • Pump . There are surface pumps and those that are completely submerged in water on a steel cable. A cable is suitable for the pump, and a water hose comes out of the pump.

  • Hydro-accumulator . Provides water pressure control.

  • Valve to drain water . Required to preserve the system for the winter

  • Heating boiler or boiler . Provide heating water.

  • Wiring and pipes - ensure the distribution of water and deliver to the necessary points of the room (kitchen, shower, toilet, etc.)

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

The main elements of the water supply system are located in one place

The layout and piping layout depends on the specific room. From the needs of homeowners will depend on the final cost of the project.

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

The main elements of the water supply system
It may be interesting! In the article the following link read about water hammer in the water system .

Pump or pumping station

Each farm has its own required amount of water consumed. Obviously, to give, where the owners appear periodically, you need less water than to give, where people constantly live.Consumption also affects the number of people living, the presence of children of different ages. Based on these factors, it is necessary to determine the type of mechanism responsible for the water supply to the house:

  • Surface pump . It is good if the water level in the well is low. Effective at a distance of 6-10 meters. Suitable for cottages, where people do not live permanently, as well as for watering the beds and trees. Capacity up to 3. 3 m³ / hour

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

The surface pump is suitable for shallow wells
  • Submersible pump . Suitable for a system that will be used frequently. In addition, the pump consumes less energy than the external one, produces less noise, and is capable of providing water to several points in the house, including on the second floor. The maximum performance of such devices - 24 l / min.

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

A submersible pump is needed in case of frequent use
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems .
  • Pump station . The most expensive, but also the most comfortable option. Full automation, protection against power surges, backup tank, in case of a power outage, pressure control and other automation. Turned on and use "not bothering." There are only two drawbacks: price and noise at work. To reduce the sound impact of a working station, it is usually installed in the basement.

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

Pumping station is already a serious approach to water supply, it will cost more, but its work will pay off other benefits

When choosing what to prefer from this, you need to proceed from the need for water and financial possibilities. At the moment there is a huge selection of pumping equipment of various types, both domestic and imported. Detailed product specifications can be found in online stores and on the manufacturer's websites.

In winter and summer

If people live in the house permanently, then the water supply must be made capital, able to work regardless of seasonal weather changes. If you are equipping a winter water supply system in a country house from a well, ditches for pipes should be dug at a depth exceeding the depth of soil freezing in winter. The pipes themselves are insulated with geotextile and mini-wool.

Summer water supply at the cottage from a well requires less effort when equipped. There is no need for thermal insulation, the pump and the hose are kept indoors, and installed in the working position only when necessary. However, for the winter, such a system needs conservation. To do this, just need to drain the water from the system, which is done with the help of a specially equipped drain valve. Otherwise, the water frozen in winter will break the pipes.

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

So that the system does not freeze in winter, you need to warm it
It might be interesting! In the article on read the following link about country water heater .

The main stages of work on the installation of water supply:

  1. Sealing and insulation of the well shaft . The best option is to replace the wooden frame with a concrete structure. After is the sealing of seams using concrete mix. Outside, the shaft is sealed with a rolled hydraulic barrier, inside it is possible to use liquid glass. The bottom filter from dornit and rubble will not interfere either.

  2. Pipeline laying . Modern pipes are made of polypropylene or polyethylene. Both materials are not subject to corrosion, well tolerated by mechanical stress. They are connected by fitting or soldering. It is important to make a sand cushion up to 20 cm thick at the bottom of the trench through which the pipes will pass. The slope of the trench should be the opposite, leading to the well. This will ensure that the water is drained during the preservation system

  3. Pipe distribution in the room . For a small system, with one or points of water intake, you can use a sequential scheme. But in this case, when opening both taps, the head will noticeably weaken. If there are a lot of points, a collector system is used: for each crane a separate connection from the hydro-accumulator is used, which will allow maintaining a uniform pressure. Also install a pressure switch.

simple scheme of water supply, how to make a scheme + photo

The pipe distribution system is selected depending on the load on the future water pipeline

How to properly maintain the system

The failure of one of the water supply components will leave the entire house without water. To avoid this, you need to follow some rules :

  • Clean the pump regularly, change the gaskets in time. Monitor the integrity of the power cable.

  • Having noticed the impurities you enter, you must check the sealing of the well shaft.

  • Set pressure gauges for pressure monitoring.

  • Do not save on filters that can filter out solid particles. This will protect the system from mechanical damage.

  • Use a relay and other automatic devices that can shut down the system and protect it from destruction even in your absence.

The process of connecting from the well to the house in the video:

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about a transforming house, which allows residents to change the location and size of the rooms .


We hope these simple and simple tips will allow you to decide on the type of water supply system, its scheme, and also save you from various errors, which will allow the system to work for a very long time and without failures. Your comfort is in your hands. Be attentive and patient. Remember that the miserly and lazy pays twice.

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