rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Steel roofs of galvanized and non-galvanized sheets are not uncommon in suburban construction. They have one drawback - they need to be painted. In this article we will look at what paints and varnishes are used to paint the roof of the house, what technologies are used for this. The information obtained will help you understand all the intricacies of the process.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Painting the roof of a house

Choosing paint

Paint for metal roofing should have some important properties:

  • not to interact with the metal in terms of formation of corrosion;

  • have a plastic structure , which would ensure uniform stretching of the applied layer in the process of thermal expansion of metal sheets under the action of sunlight and positive air temperatures;

  • do not crack at temperatures below zero and under the action of ultraviolet;

  • have Good adhesion .

Therefore, any water-based paints and varnishes for painting of roofs are not used. Do not use alkyd paints and oil paints. The reason is low elasticity after drying. And although it was these two types that used to be used to cover the metal roofing material, the roof had to be repainted with an enviable constancy, which affected the cost of maintenance of the roof structures.

Today, roof paints are special materials that contain anti-corrosion inhibitors. These include acrylic varieties that have all the positive characteristics indicated above.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Metal paints

The only negative is the high price that is justified by the long service life of the iron roofing material. Today, manufacturers offer water-based acrylic paints, but they contain anti-corrosion active additives, which reduces the risk of rust formation.

Rubber paint

This new variety has nothing to do with rubber. It received its name only because it has high elasticity. In appearance it resembles polymer mastic for self-leveling floors, but its composition is different:

  • latex gives plasticity,

  • coalescent forms a strong film on the surface,

  • antifreeze is responsible for frost resistance,

  • water is a binding element,

  • preservative - protection against mold and fungi,

  • pigments and fungicides .

Rubber roof paint made of metal requires careful preparation of the surface to be painted. If this is not done, then it is likely that the applied layer during metal expansion just peel off the areas in precisely those places where the preparation was not satisfactory.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Rubber paint
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer exterior decoration, renovation and renovation of houses under key. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Rust paints

This type of paintwork material is classified as "anti-corrosion". And although the brochures claim that the rust-covered roof can be painted without prior treatment, experts also recommend a partial removal of rust. Therefore, council number two - if the sections of the metal roof have rusted strongly, then it makes no sense to paint them, it is better to carry out repairs with full replacement of the section with new iron sheets.

The paint for the roof of metal on rust includes special chemical additives. With their help, corrosive stains are stopped. That is, rust does not apply to "healthy" areas.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Rust Enamel

For Galvanizing

Paint for a galvanized roof is five types , which are also used to paint copper roofs:

  • acrylic;

  • epoxy;

  • rubber;

  • vinyl;

  • alkyd.

Each type has its pros and cons. Of all the paints offered, the most unprincipled is "Tikkurila" based on epoxy resin. The only requirement for this paint is to apply at positive temperatures not lower than + 15 ° C, when the temperature of the metal allows for good adhesion to the applied paint layer.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Acrylic version for galvanizing
It might be interesting! In the article, on the following link, read about painting a wooden house.

Rules for applying paint on a metal roof

The technology of applying all types of each other differs slightly.Much will depend on which roof is painted: just erected or old, covered with corrosive areas.

Painting of a new roof

First of all, the roofing metal material is cleaned. Clean up the garbage and wash the surface with water. Paint is applied only on a dry roof, so after washing it should dry out.

  1. If the roof is lined with black iron , then it is pre-treated with special primers that additionally protect the metal from the negative effects of moisture. The primer is applied in two layers, each of which should dry well. It takes depending on the air temperature from 2 to 6 hours. Therefore, this stage may be delayed for a day.

  2. Galvanized sheets are painted without additional treatment.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Primer of roofing material

Painting the old roof

The main task of the work foreman - well prepare the surface of the roof to paint.

  1. Carry out an inspection of the roof to identify rusty areas.

  2. Detect degree of corrosion . If the degree is severe, then carry out repairs.

  3. Rusty areas are cleaned with an iron brush manually or with a grinder.

  4. The roof removes from debris, dirt.

  5. If necessary, washed with water and well dried.

  6. Regardless of what metal the roof was assembled, the corrosive areas are treated with primers . Often treated the entire plane of the roof. The number of layers is two, each must dry well.

  7. After a day paintwork is applied. Ideally - in two layers.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

The painting of a metal roof goes through several stages - from stripping against corrosion, before applying a protective layer
It can be interesting! In the article, on the following link, read about how to paint a wooden floor in a house.

How to apply paint

In principle, paint is applied to the roofing material with the same tools as on any other surface. This brush, paint roller and spray. It should be noted that the brush to paint for a long time, and the consumption of material increased. The roller is the golden mean: the speed is higher, the layer is applied thinner. The sprayer is an ideal option: the highest application rate, plus the minimum consumption.

But it should be noted that, for example, rubber paint should not be applied in its pure form with a spray gun. Alternatively, it can be diluted, for which it is better to use a thinner recommended by the manufacturer of paint and varnish products. In addition to the size of the applied layer has its own requirements.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Painting the roof with a spray gun

Painting slate

Slate roof is painted for one reason only - to make it more presentable appearance. To do this, it is better to use silicone or acrylic paints and enamels. And here it does not matter, they will be water based or diluted with organic solvents. But it should be noted that the second option has higher positive characteristics:

  • film , formed on the surface, more durable;

  • high water-repellent qualities;

  • increased elasticity ;

  • resistance to ultraviolet ;

  • they keep the color longer.

The only minus is a strong odor that disappears after the drying of the applied layer. Although for external works this factor is not decisive.

Pre-material is subjected to a primer, which closes the pores on the surface. It is better to paint with a fly brush with stiff bristles. In this case, the roller is completely out of place, they should not paint over the lower waves (in any case, it is difficult). It is easier to paint slate that is lying on the ground and not yet installed. More difficult with one that is already attached to the truss system.

rubber paint for galvanized and metal surfaces, metal roofing products, options for working in rust

Painting of slate should be done carefully - slate fragile material

Recommendations of specialists

  1. You can put roofing paint at an optimal temperature equal to the range + 10-25С.

  2. It is not recommended to apply paint in direct sunlight .

  3. It is impossible to carry out coloring in the rain . Do not apply paintwork material on a wet surface.

  4. If you want to use a solvent , then you need to choose the one specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

  5. The applied layer must dry out in the time specified by the manufacturer. Only after that the second coating is applied.

  6. Paint should be applied with a uniformly thin layer . Avoid smudges.

Painting the roof is not the easiest process, as the video proves:

It might be interesting! In the article, on the following link, read about the paint for the basement of the foundation.

Generalization on the topic

The main task of the manufacturer of works on painting roofs (metal and asbestos-cement) is to accurately select the paint and apply it correctly, taking into account the recommendations and requirements of the manufacturer. Despite the seeming simplicity, such works have a lot of pitfalls, therefore it is recommended to turn to professionals.

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