Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

A garage is not only a parking space for a vehicle, but also a workshop, a small car service station and a place for creativity. A dry garage is the dream of every owner. Today we will tell you what roof to choose and how to install it, describe the process of roof repair, give approximate prices, write out the stages of work, give tips on choosing a construction company, tell about TechnoNIKOL for a garage roof, describe its advantages, features and installation technology.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

Coverage of the garage roof with TechnoNIKOL

What is included in the repair of the roof

Construction companies offer a full range of repair work garage roofing:

  • Dismantling parts of the old covering that are lagging behind the roof;

  • Removing air bubbles

  • Alignment of the roof surface;

  • Pasting ventilation pipes;

  • Laying of new material. It overlaps adjacent buildings to prevent leakage.

In addition to the work required for each garage, the construction of a new ebb at the cornice and equipping the garage with a basement ventilation system are being carried out.

Roof waterproofing

The main thing when repairing a garage roof is to protect it from moisture. Good waterproofing will prolong the life of any building for a long time. Low humidity in the room will provide high frost resistance, protection from mold and rot, metal protection from corrosion and safety of things and mechanisms stored in the garage.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

Good waterproofing will extend the life of the building

Types of materials

To ensure waterproofing you can choose any material with its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Membrane protection . The service life of 50 years with proper installation and operation. The membrane protects the garage from natural precipitation and releases water vapor from the interior. The thickness of the canvas is 1-2 mm, width - 1-15 m. During laying, the fabric tension and mechanical effects on it must be avoided;

  • Polymer mastic or liquid waterproofing . Economical and easy to use material. It is applied directly to the roof, without seams. It is used to protect wood, metal and concrete. Easy to apply on difficult areas;

  • Film coating . Fits under the roof. Allows water vapor to evaporate. Condensation is possible, therefore the material is used only on sloping roofs;

  • TechnoNicol is a soft material based on bitumen. It has many positive qualities that make it an indispensable material for the final coating of the roof of the garage.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

You can choose any material with its own advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of liquid waterproofing

In some cases, the arrangement of the roof can not do without polymer mastic, it has many advantages:

  • A wide range of temperatures of use;

  • During installation not required the use of additional materials;

  • Cost-effectiveness ;

  • Environmental friendliness ;

  • Corrosion resistance ;

  • No need additionally seal holes and holes;

  • Absolute moisture protection ;

  • The material is elastic and at the same time very durable;

  • No seams ;

  • Not required dismantling the old coating;

  • Resistance to the influence of chemicals;

  • High degree of adhesion .

Mastic is recommended to be combined with other waterproofing materials to achieve reliable protection from external moisture.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

During the installation of the mastic there is no need the use of additional materials


For the work will require a two-channel airless metering and mixing element. Before work, it is necessary to prepare the site:

  • Remove loosely held remnants of the old coating;

  • Wash out the roof with high-pressure water jet;

  • Dry the surface;

  • Burn all grease stains .

Works are carried out in dry weather at temperatures above 5 degrees. In suitable for weather conditions on the site install the equipment and prepare the mixture.

After that, rubber is applied to the roof in an even layer in strips with a width of 1-1.5 m.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

Works should be carried out in dry weather


Modern and easy-to-apply material gradually replaces the traditional hard roof for garage owners. The base material is polyester or fiberglass impregnated with bitumen on both sides.To make the coating resistant to mechanical, temperature and weathering, its upper side is additionally covered with basalt crumb. The lower self-adhesive part is protected by a special film. Roofing materials of TechnoNIKOL are issued in different flowers.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services for designing and repairing roofing . Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Varieties and Characteristics

There are only 2 types of roofing TechnoNIKOL: overlaying material in rolls and soft tiles.

Advantages of Technonicol roofing:

  • Resistance to multiple temperature drops from -50 to +50 gadus;

  • Absolute waterproofing even during heavy rain and spring with active snow melting;

  • The material does not corrode ;

  • Ease roofing;

  • Resistance to strong wind, rainfall and mechanical stress.

TechnoNIKOL is best placed on a solid flat roof.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

Technonicol species

Laying rules

The process of laying the material depends on its type: on pitched roofs using nails, they fix individual elements of the tile, and rolls of material on flat roofs, warming the base with a burner and heating.

To obtain high-quality coverage, you must follow the rules:

  • Before starting the installation, you must prepare the base (level, clean and dry);

  • To prevent the formation of bubbles, installation is done by in dry weather ;

  • Works are performed at temperatures from air from 7 to 26 degrees.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

The ideal time of year for work is the end of spring or the beginning of autumn
This can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about how the roof is made of corrugated .

Preparation of the roof

To cover the roof of the garage with TechnoNIKOL, it is necessary to prepare the foundation. The number of layers of materials will depend on the type of roof:

For wooden roof :

  • Roofing materials;

  • Lining material;

  • Moisture resistant base of chipboard;

  • Lathing;

  • Rafters.

For a warm wooden roof :

  • Roofing material;

  • Lining material;

  • Diffuse membrane;

  • Thermal insulation material;

  • Steam insulation material;

  • Moisture-resistant chipboard;

  • Lathing;

  • Rafter system;

  • Warming material;

  • Cladding.

For concrete roofs :

  • Roofing;

  • Coupler or embankment of expanded clay (de-agglomerate);

  • Thermal insulation material;

  • Vapor barrier material.

Very often TechnoNIKOL is laid on the already prepared roofs to create an additional heat-insulating layer. This is the easiest way to repair a leaking roof and extend its service life.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

TechnoNIKOL can be laid on finished roofs to create additional thermal insulation


You can cover the garage with TechnoNIKOL in two ways . The choice depends on the type of soft roof chosen.

Technology for laying roll material:

  • surface is grounded;

  • is rolled and simultaneously heat its base with a gas torch;

  • the fully rolled strip is rolled with a roller, additionally heating up space behind the roof;

  • Each next strip is overlapped with (15 cm from the ends, 8 cm from the sides). overlaps are made in the direction of the slope of the roof;

  • Near parapets TechnoNIKOL lead upwards . The lower part rises by 25 cm, and the upper - by 5.

When working in hot weather, the material must be hidden from the sun. Excessive heat leads to sticking of the film and difficulties during installation.

What the garage roof looks like before and after a non-capital repair - see the video:

It might be interesting! In article on the following link read about projects of garages with hozblokom .

How is the repair of different types of roofing going?

The covering of TechnoNicole returns to the old roof its former waterproofness and resistance to mechanical stress.

The deposited roofing material can update the following types of roofing materials :

  • Decking;

  • Slate;

  • Soft roof;

  • Bituminous coating.

When performing repairs, the scope of work will be the same: cleaning, heating and rolling the coiled material, rolling with a roller.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

The coating of Technicol returns resistance to mechanical stress

Work steps

When repairing the roof of a garage with TechnoNIKOL, work steps The following:

  • Remove old, outdated coverage;

  • Drying the roof and underlay space;

  • Cleaning surfaces from debris and concrete chips;

  • Filling screed onto cleaned roof;

  • After the concrete has dried, the surface is coated with mastic for additional waterproofing and primed;

  • With the help of ha the base burner is laid TechnoNIKOL - with a thickness of 4 mm.

Clearly all stages of work in the video:


Price for waterproofing for the roof of the garage will depend on the quality of work performed. The service life of the coating directly depends on this indicator, so you should not save on the arrangement of the roof and the choice of quality material. The cost of works is given for Moscow and the Moscow region. Approximate prices for a roof covering a garage with TechnoNIKOL:

  • " Economy " will last about 5 years, the cost is 440 rubles. / m²;

  • " Standard " guaranteed to retain their properties for 15 years, cost - 500 rubles. / m²;

  • " Premium " - this is the most durable option. The service life of 25 years. The price of the work on the roof of glass insulation in this case will be 590 rubles. / m²

All quotations are indicated to perform the whole complex of turnkey works.

Price of garage covering by technonicol: types of materials

Waterproofing composition
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Repairing the roof is a way to get rid of dampness, rust and mold inside the garage. TechnoNIKOL is a versatile roofing material recommended by many professionals. The main thing is to choose the right brand of material, the characteristics of which will meet the requirements.

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