options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

The article contains detailed information about the hedge for a private house, which will help you understand the nuances of the arrangement: which plants to choose, how to plant them correctly. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each, so that you know what problems you will face in the process of growing.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

The hedge not only decorates the site, but also cares for the cleanliness of the air

What is the best way to make a hedge? fast-growing hedge

Everything here depends on the function that the hedge fence, owner’s wallet and personal preferences should perform. Plants can be very different: deciduous or evergreen, curly or with a straight strong trunk, prickly and smooth, high and knee-deep, thick and fairly loose.

Some may fulfill their mission along the border of the plot with their neighbors, others may frame the perimeter of the flower bed. First, decide what you want first. If you block yourself from the eyes of your neighbor, then the fence should be high and thick. Plants for him can be planted in 2 rows.

When a “living” hedge passes along the border as a picturesque setting, the height is not important. In this case, you need to pay attention to the decorative quality and combination with the nearest neighbors. For most, the price tag and unpretentiousness is still important.

It is up to you to choose which plants are best for a hedge on a plot. Look for the most common for this purpose:

  • girlish grapes;

  • thuja;

  • hawthorn ;

  • spiraea;

  • dogrose;

  • barberry;

  • hornbeam;

  • privet;

  • deren;

  • bladder.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Spruce planted in a row can become a kind of fence, but they grow for a long time, and when they become very large they will close the courtyard from the sun

When choosing a plant for your garden, pay attention to what kind of plant it is: evergreen or deciduous. Evergreens most often have a long growth process. In addition, all of them (pines, firs, larches), except for thuis, are a certain danger when they grow. The lack of deciduous - loss of its functional features in the winter. Many are also very littered with leaves in the fall.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of developing projects for landscaping sites and carrying out landscape works of any complexity. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Which shrubs can be used for a hedge

Creating a hedge requires a serious approach. You need to think about everything so that you do not have to redo it. In order to isolate themselves from the neighbors, not only shrubs, but also climbers may be suitable. True, they will require a strong support, but they will create a dense mass of leaves.

One of these is girlish grapes. He is unpretentious, growing rapidly. And after a few years, strict control will be required, so that it does not spread around the site. If on the site you appear relatively rarely, then this option is unlikely to suit you. It is necessary to plant such plants, for which regular care will not be necessary.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Any shrubs require pruning, forming a “fence”

For example, almost any berry bushes will fit for a hedge in a dacha:

  • raspberry;

  • red currant, white, golden;

  • cherry;

  • black mountain ash (black chokeberry);

  • shadberry;

  • viburnum;

  • dogrose;

  • hawthorn.

If you want not only to protect your garden from prying eyes and stray animals, but also to harvest a harvest of useful products, then you should think about creating a hedge of berry bushes. They also need to be cut regularly to control height. At the same time, aesthetics will remain, and it will be much more convenient to pick berries.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Strawberries over a wicker fence - the harvest from such a fence can be collected by

Among the disadvantages of this fence are the following:

  1. They cannot be used along the route as protection from exhaust and dust. Or as an option - do not pick berries from such bushes. But we must not forget that others can do it.

  2. Most of these plants produce abundant growth, which is difficult to control, given the length of the boundaries of the site.

  3. Measures to improve fruiting and high-quality live fencing often contradict each other (thickening, attitude to the shoots). Therefore, we have to sacrifice the harvest to make a thick and beautiful hedge of bushes.

  4. The harvest will be not only you, but also the neighbors.

If you are going to opt for berry bushes, you must choose from the listed in height, presence of shoots and thorns. For example, raspberries will grow about 2 meters, but it gives rise to shoots that, on the one hand, makes the fence more dense, and on the other hand, it takes the forces of the fruit-bearing branches.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

You can often see a fence from a blackberry in the country, but it does not always look perfect, as it grows strongly

Irga will not grow without watering, but when creating a favorable environment will give a lot of berries and a good fence. In addition, it withstands the most severe frosts. Rosehip does not grow very quickly, but with the help of thorns will help protect against uninvited guests and animals. Currants can form dense rows, but its bushes do not grow more than one and a half meters.

Cherry will grow remarkably in any area, but will provide abundant growth with which it will be difficult to fight. The lack of viburnum - in frequent defeat pests. Thus, studying the pros and cons of each plant, you need to choose it "by itself" so that the care does not take a lot of time.

Ideas for inspiration and creating a hedge on a plot in a video:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer design services and the construction of small architectural forms - gazebos, sheds and other turnkey. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Choice of shrubs for hedges

When choosing plants, first determine the place for them. Mentally imagine this place in 5-10 years, at a time when the fence will grow more human growth. Plan in advance how far it will grow, where and how much the shadow will fall.

Many experienced gardeners advise planting trees rather than shrubs as a green hedge. The following are given as arguments: growth rate (larch, birch), unpretentiousness.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Larch green hedge

Why should you not do this? Such trees eventually form a huge crown, which is almost impossible to form. Their roots extend to several meters in diameter. They suck water and nutrients out of the soil in proportion to their size.

Shrubs for hedges have many advantages:

  • they are smaller than trees;

  • are pruned and shaped;

  • much less effort will be spent to remove the green fence.

When choosing a place, do not forget about regular watering. At first, planted plants will need a lot of moisture. Over time, watering can be reduced. After 2-4 years, the fence can be watered only on dry days.

Overview of fast-growing perennial shrubs for hedges at the cottage

Not all shrubs that form a beautiful dense hedge quickly grow. For example, thuja in the beginning grow very slowly. The annual growth is 5-10 cm. Gradually, the pace increases to 30 cm, and in 10 years they can reach two meters in height. Of course, landing and care is important.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

When choosing plants for planting, you need to take into account their features

Types of fast-growing shrubs for hedges:

  • Bubbleplate . A fast growing plant. The landscape design is especially famous for the blueberry with beautiful leaves. Different varieties can have different colors: maroon - Diabolo, Andre, Lady in Red, Red Baron, green - Amur, Nanus, yellow - Lutheus, Darts Gold.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Piping can grow as a separate shrubbery and
  • planted in a row for a hedge

    Lilac . It grows very quickly, can and should be cut to the desired height. Without a haircut can grow over 3 meters. One of the most unpretentious plants, almost no sick. But it has one drawback: some varieties give abundant growth, which must be constantly removed.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

In the spring abundant blooms, in summer freshness from bright green leaves
  • Chubushnik . This shrub is better known as jasmine. In the summer, fragrant white flowers appear on it. Amenable to pruning. From several plants can form a dense fence of the desired height.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Chubushnik or "bride" is often found in city parks
  • Willow . It grows very quickly, besides unpretentious. Many ignore this shrub only because of its ordinariness. This is not quite true. Now on sale there are many varieties of willow, which differ in leaf shape, height. But, everyone is amenable to shearing. From some, you can even create shapes: willow purple and winding.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Forming a willow hedge is not an easy process, but it turns out nicely
This can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about beautiful fences for private houses.
  • Spiraea . It has many different types and varieties, which can be completely different from each other. The height of the various spireas ranges from 15 cm to 2 meters. Some of them are perfectly trimmed and need pruning (oak spiraea, Japanese spirea), others (gray speirea) have a natural shape.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Low-grade spiraea is more used to fence garden paths from lawns and gardens
  • Dören . A fast-growing shrub that reaches a height of 3 meters. Easily amenable to pruning, forms dense thickets. Its only drawback - in the winter, like all deciduous, loses its decorative effect. Keep in mind that Deren loves water.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Derain is beautiful with the right approach, but in winter, like all deciduous shrubs, loses its attractiveness
  • Rosehip . The prickly version of the fence through which it will be difficult to pass. Its height will not be higher than a man’s height, but by maintaining the growth, it is possible to achieve such a density that neighbors' animals bypass the site. The plus of this bush is a high decorative effect during flowering. Minus - the abundance of overgrowth and difficulties in processing due to the thorns.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Dogrose can be used for a hedge, but it is difficult to work with it because of spines
  • Rose . Despite the fact that in the minds of many a rose is a capricious, thermophilic flower, this is not quite the case. There are many frost-resistant varieties (for example, Canadian roses) that can withstand temperatures as low as -40 ° C. There are so-called park roses from which you can form an excellent hedge.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Roses planted in a thick row become a beautiful fence, but for the winter period it is better to pick special varieties

Of the above plants grows the bladder and willow. If they create favorable conditions: watering, feeding, light, then after 2 years they will create a high and fairly dense fence.

How to choose plants for hedges in detail in the video:

From which plants you can still make a hedge with your own hands

Answering the question: what is the best place to make a hedge, you need to remember about shrubs that grow for a long time, but give a high-quality fence. There are many plants that will grow to the necessary height in 5-7 years, but will give no less high-quality barrage.

Green hedge in the country of shrubs and trees

Among them are both shrubs and trees:

  • thuja;

  • barberries;

  • hornbeam;

  • blackthorn;

  • hazel ;

  • euonymus;

  • honeysuckle.

Pay attention to the barberry. It cannot be said that it is growing rapidly, but at the same time a 2-meter impassable hedge with huge spikes is obtained from it. It does not give sprouts, and in the fall it pleases the eye with purple foliage and an abundance of berries. Barberry tunberg Atropurpurea has red foliage all season.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

The barberry shrub with red leaves does not need to be decorated with flowers or berries - it also looks beautiful

Evergreens for hedges

Many prefer to have a living fence of coniferous plants. They ate, thujas, pines. The latter grow very quickly. But suitable for fencing only in exceptional cases, given the size to which they grow. Evergreens have one significant advantage - they are decorative all year round and purify the air even in winter.

Often larch is also included in this group. But this is a mistake because it is a deciduous tree. At present, thuja is used in ornamental gardening and as a fence. It is relatively unpretentious and hardy. But thuja is growing long enough.

It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about decorative fences for summer cottage.

Which tui are better suited for hedger

Most often the choice falls on one of two varieties: Brabant or Smaragd. Thuja western Brabant is characterized by high winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. But despite this, for the first time it is necessary to shelter her for the winter. After 2-3 years, when her root is stronger, she will be able to winter without shelter. It grows up to 5 meters, does not suffer from frequent haircuts.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Thuja is the best way to take care of the health of the owners of the yard cleaning the air around

Tui Smaragd has a height of 8 meters. Also, as Brabant is able to clean the air from pollution. But, unlike the previous variety, it has a dense pyramidal crown.Due to the natural shape, the plant does not need to cut, and only trim.

Tui Kolumna. Differs narrow columnar shape. The height of an adult tree is from 6 to 8 meters, but it stops at 4.5-5 meters. She is able to keep the shape of the crown on her own, but also, like other varieties, is amenable to cutting. The crown of the Tui Columna is lighter and delicate than that of Smaragd.

Evergreen shorn hedge is suitable for those who have the time and financial resources not only to plant, but also to care for thuja. To create a dense planting will require a lot of copies, each of which is sold in stores at a fairly high price. Grooming and grooming require special attention.

Tui in the spring suffer from burns if they are overlooked. Otherwise, these are quite unpretentious plants that can grow in the shade and on any soils. They give a small increase in the first years - 8-10 cm, then - 20 cm. 6-10-year-old seedlings are able to grow by as much as 30 cm, depending on the variety.

Blackthorn and other prickly fast-growing shrubs for hedges

The turn as a hedge has many advantages:

  • edible fruits;

  • tolerates a haircut;

  • unpretentious

  • growing rapidly;

  • 2-3 meters high;

  • barbed.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Prickly blackthorn will save from uninvited guests, but when pruning, the hosts

will not regret the latter all, as it is necessary to take care of shrubs. But for those who need a fence of "barbed wire" can choose to your taste not only thorns, but also wild rose, barberry and even sea buckthorn.

Unwanted plants for a perennial hedge

A matter of taste, but most often undesirable are plants that, despite all their efforts, flood the garden and the vegetable garden with root seeds. The most famous in this group will be the Highlander of Sakhalin. He creates a beautiful hedge, but gives a huge number of offspring.

As a hedge, trees that are difficult to form are undesirable. If the distance between the plants and the main garden is small, then there is no need to plant birch trees, the roots of which resemble pumps in their ability to pull moisture around. This will harm the nearby plants.

In the video process of trimming a hedge:

Cutting and cutting a hedge

To make it easier for plants take care, they are cut to an accessible height of 2-3 meters, with a special shears with long handles and powerful blades capable of “biting” medium branches. A bush or tree should be inspected annually in the spring and make adjustments: completely cut out the thick, old and dried branches.

options, planting and care, review of the most suitable plants

Pruning plants requires knowledge, the wrong approach to the formation of bushes can lead to the death of plants

Form shrubs with a haircut 2-3 times per season, as needed. At the same time you need to shoot 10-15 cm gain at a time. So, the plants will keep their shape and grow thicker. Yves can be cut more often, thujas and other evergreens - it is enough to “pass” secateurs 2 times a year.

It may be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about what should be the height of the fence between neighboring areas: standards, calculations, controversial issues.


There are many reasons why a landlord prefers a hedge to a deaf fence. Some plants have an aesthetic function, others - protect the site as well as a real obstacle. Now on the market is a huge selection of species and varieties of shrubs that are planted instead of a fence.


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