The light design of the facade at night adorns the structure, gives it a cozy and welcoming look. The article describes the principles of creation and functions of lighting facades of private houses. You will learn what stages the development of an architectural lighting plan goes through, and what lighting equipment is used. The article will introduce you to the types of illumination: flood, local and hidden, with their features and methods of implementation.
Aesthetic . Using the techniques of highlighting the facade, you can emphasize the architectural features of the house, give it a unique look, select from the surrounding building.
Practical . Facade lighting equipment illuminates not only the walls of the house. Decorating housing, you illuminate the territory adjacent to it, ensure safe movement after sunset. For this purpose, additionally highlight the individual elements - the porch or the entrance to the house.
In order for architectural lighting to please the eye and not cause trouble, he is satisfied with the following principles:
> simple and robust design . LED lamps have proved to be one of the easiest to operate.
The system should be economical in energy consumption.
The facade lighting must be absolutely safe for the residents of the house and their pets and comply with modern operational standards.
It is desirable that the system be operating in automatic mode .
The system must be maintainable .
The organization of the illumination of the facade can be done in different ways. Architectural practice includes lighting not only the main, front side of the building, but also the side walls. Contrary to popular belief, the creation of lighting design does not require the use of complex techniques and high consumption of materials. At the same time, it is necessary to strive for a harmonious result - all light sources should be inscribed into the general concept of lighting the site. The most common ways of organizing lighting include:
Installing lighting sources on walls buildings.
Installation of hidden lamps .
Use remote lighting devices .
Combining methods.
All of these light sources have different purposes and characteristics, so when choosing other lighting elements should consider their functionality. Three types of lighting are organized to highlight the facade:
Decorative . Its only purpose is to create a spectacular view of the envy of neighbors and friends. In this case, it is allowed to highlight both individual facade details (for example, lighting of the roof of a house) and nearby plants and decorative elements of the local area.
Technical . Auxiliary, enabling comfortable and safe use of stairs, adjoining tracks, doors.
Accompanying . A variety of technical; It is organized with the help of lighting devices equipped with special sensors and reacting with switching on the approach of a person.
Decorative highlighting of facades gradually turns in the essential attribute of a modern country house. Not only the festive and New Year's lighting, but also the constant lighting design is becoming more and more popular. When creating a project for outdoor lighting of a country house, particular attention is paid to the following aspects:
Architectural style of housing , features of the exterior finish (color, texture of materials).
Landscape features and the location of the house.
The location of the viewing area is the place from which the house is best viewed.
Profile construction companies perform work of any level of complexity, including the design, installation and repair of lighting systems. The development of an architectural lighting plan includes the following steps:
Development of the concept of and the lighting project.The way of lighting is determined, lighting fixtures are selected for various details of the facade.
Project preparation power grids. Sets the lighting mode and the brightness of the backlight.
Selection and purchase of equipment (lamps, lamps, searchlights).
Installation and commissioning.
On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of landscape works. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the low-rise country exhibition.
Properly selected lighting for the facade of a country house can not only emphasize the advantages of the building and the surrounding landscape design, but also hide the flaws (if any). For the organization of night illumination professionals offer several types of street lighting.
A common option when a building is displayed completely, relevant to a single object. An example of floodlight type is the lighting of various historical monuments, museums and theaters, whose review is not obscured by other buildings. Flood lighting has the following features:
A backlight is created for the entire building , from the foundation to the roof.
For the method it is possible to use two types of searchlights . More powerful devices create a main diffused light over the entire surface. Smaller directional spotlights focus on significant architectural details.
The method is considered to be universal . Due to its intensity, the illumination not only highlights the house, but also simultaneously creates a zone of visibility around, which makes it possible to consider such an option as optimal in terms of financial expenses and results.
There are some about bounds in use of . The method is rarely used in a small area. As a rule, such a territory is characterized by dense buildings, in which the dominant structure cannot be identified, and the effect is lost.
About the design of front lighting in the following video:
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer electrical services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the low-rise country exhibition.
When choosing a floodlight, will have to take care of the correct location of lighting devices. Spotlights located on the ground are poorly suited for a country house, which, as a rule, has no more than 2-3 floors in height. With this arrangement (from bottom to top), a significant part of the light will be lost in space without creating the proper effect. More correct would be the location of the spotlights on trees or pillars.
Spotlights aimed at the facade will inevitably illuminate rooms . There is no trouble if the living room, kitchen and dining room gets into the lighting zone; light beating in the bedroom or nursery, bring inconvenience. In order not to abandon the lighting, lighting devices are shifted down to the ground, or hidden in niches.
Much local illumination is used more often than flooding in suburban housing construction, when using lighting fixtures emit certain parts of the house: the most expressive (cornices, stucco molding, columns) or functional (house number, street name). The method is in demand due to the possibility of using it in decorating any buildings, while using the following equipment:
Wall (front) lamps . Most often, they are mounted in the lower part of the wall and are characterized by diffused or directed light. Often, special attention is paid to the lighting of the roof, if it has interesting design features.
lighting of the facade of a country house t70752-10
In the style of minimalism
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Remote sources . Illumination aimed at the surface of the wall can be hidden on the lawn or placed along the path. Such lighting is obtained softer due to some remoteness of the light sources.
Combining . For lighting a large country house, in most cases, a combination of the two previous types is used, allowing to achieve an impressive result.
About contour lighting in the following video:
Silhouette lighting creates an unaccented light background ; the structure appears on a dark background, attention to detail is not attracted. Such a hidden country house lighting is successfully combined with a local one; each of them serves to emphasize the individual details of the structure, only the task is performed in different ways. The main idea is to show the element, to outline its shape with the help of a source hidden behind the silhouette of the house (decor, architectural detail, plant). In many modern projects such a light pouring from nowhere has an additional functional significance.
A decorative way of highlighting the outlines of the architectural details of the building (stairs, balconies, bay windows); The specific outline of the architecture is often highlighted. For the method are suitable fluorescent and LED lighting lamps; lamps are mounted at the corners of the house, in window and door openings, on the roof. In private homes, contour lighting is used mainly during the New Year holidays. To create a colorful illumination using diode tapes, duralight (a kind of garland), multi-colored lamps.
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about the lamps for the dacha and country house.
Colored lamps, LED strips and spotlights can give an interesting color to the facade of a house. It may be necessary to go through several options, due to the fact that devices with a cold, neutral or warm glow, have a different effect on the resulting shade. Thus, the lighting of the facade of a wooden house with a warm light can give the surface an unnatural hue. Light sandstone when illuminated with neutral light can turn out to be too yellow. Only by experience, trying different combinations, you can determine the optimal solution.
Most often, examples of light facades can be observed in business areas where many buildings are spectacularly highlighted with glass facades illuminated from the inside. In private construction, there are also houses where you can apply this modern solution, highlighting a glazed facade, a panoramic window or a skylight.
For facade lighting, professionals use a variety of lighting equipment, including the following lighting materials:
LED spotlights and lamps . They can be monochrome or use RGB technology and change color.
Console lights with metal halide lamps . Recently, for facade lighting are used quite rarely.
Discharge (fluorescent) lamps .
Searchlights under the DRL lamp .
LED strips and lights . Long gone are the days when only a New Year tree was decorated with garlands. In modern design garlands with a variety of effects (mesh, rain, waterfall) are a favorite decoration technique.
About the decoration of the facade for the New Year in the following video:
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Duralight . Transparent flexible cord with lamps inside.
Flexible (cold) neon . It is successfully used not only in the exterior decor, but also in the interior. It is an electroluminescent PVC wire, in the center of which a copper conductor passes.
Belt Light (street retro garland). It is recommended to choose environmentally friendly and energy-efficient LED LED lamps.
Control Equipment . The control of illumination (on / off rhythm) is automated, it is possible to programmatically change the intensity and direction of light fluxes.
Auxiliary Equipment . This includes fixing and protection devices for lighting devices.
Enhanced control capabilities are provided by the facade lighting integrated into the Smart Home system. The intelligent control system monitors the state of the power grid and optimizes the load. The owner can control the facade lighting (from wall panels on the facade, from a tablet or smartphone) using the following features:
Turning on the front lighting (automatic script is also possible) with twilight.
Changes in the intensity and color of the lighting (if provided by the project).A convenient option - in cloudy weather, the brightness can be increased, reduced on a moonlit evening, thus adding romance to the setting.
Automatic shutdown at a specified time , which saves energy.
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Facade lighting of private houses is still a rare phenomenon; more popular decoration of facades for the New Year holidays. To create lighting design, to make the house look unique at different times of day, will help experts of relevant companies. As part of the allocated budget, they will select and install lighting equipment so that it not only emphasizes the beauty of housing, but does not interfere with its inhabitants. The choice of lighting devices is based on the aesthetic preferences of the owners, the design parameters of the project, the reliability and energy-saving characteristics of the equipment.