How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Brick is often used for exterior wall cladding. But such a surface does not always have an attractive appearance, so many people decide to decorate it. How can you paint a brick house outside? There are quite a few options for solutions for such a procedure, they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Before choosing it is recommended to study in detail the features of each mixture.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Painting a House from a Brick

Preparing for the Process

When Painting a Brick Facade it should be taken into account at home outside that it will be extremely difficult to remove such a coating from the material, since the brick surface is well absorbed. Therefore, before such treatment, you need to think about the appropriateness of this procedure.

If the decision to paint a brick wall was final, you will need to prepare the basic tools:

  1. A stiff brush for metal.
  2. Cleaner.
  3. Putty and primer mix.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Brush or roller for applying the solution.
  6. Thin brush for stitching.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Roller for painting a brick wall

In order to paint a brick qualitatively, special attention will need to be paid to the selection of paint.

Paint selection

The choice of mortar for facing a brick facade must be approached with the utmost responsibility, since the strength of the coating and its attractiveness will directly depend on it. When choosing you will need to consider the following factors:

  1. The composition must be resistant to sunlight.
  2. Have excellent waterproofing parameters.
  3. Have protection against mechanical impact.
  4. After drying, the coating must remain porous, this will allow the walls to breathe. Otherwise, over time, they may form a mold or fungus.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Fragment of the paint palette for bricks

Facade paints are perfectly suited to all these requirements, so facing should be done using such formulations. They can be based on acrylic, silicate or silicone. Facade mortars can be divided into the following types:

  • Lime mixtures.
  • Silicone.
  • Latex.
  • Whitewashing. It is a budget solution.

Lime compounds

Lime-based mortars are quite popular. The advantages of their use include:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Excellent breathability.
  3. Protection against moisture and high temperature.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Applying lime composition

The binding element of such paints is shuttered lime, slaked in water, to which fillers are added and minerals. Hardening of such a solution occurs as a result of carbonization. As a result, natural limestone is formed.

To increase protection from environmental influences, special organic additives are used, such as linseed oil or casein. To increase the thickness of the coating is added quartz sand, this will provide protection against mechanical damage and deformation.

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Silicone paints

Such solutions are represented by various varnishes and enamels, which are used for lining different surfaces. The advantages of their use include:

  1. Excellent protection against sudden changes in temperature, sunlight and other environmental influences.
  2. Good level of strength.
  3. Low moisture absorption rate.
  4. High vapor permeability of the coating.
  5. Attractiveness of painted bricks.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Brick coated with silicone varnish

But at the same time, such mixtures have a significant drawback in the form of high cost. Because of this, they are not widely used.

Latex solutions

This type is used most often. The advantages of the latex mixture include:

  1. Excellent adhesion level.
  2. The solution is fireproof, moisture resistant and breathable.
  3. The appearance of the treated surface is extremely attractive.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Latex paint

Processing with such a composition allows the coating to guarantee a long service life and protection from various external influences.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about how to paint a wooden floor in a house.


Such a solution is the most economical solution. It can be used not only for brick surfaces, but also for cinder blocks or adobe.Whitewashing, although considered an obsolete type of lining, still has a number of advantages. These include:

  1. The low cost of the composition.
  2. Ease of painting procedure.
  3. Antiseptic characteristics of the mixture. After this treatment, the likelihood of mold or mildew is significantly reduced.
  4. Excellent vapor permeability. This characteristic is of great importance when choosing a solution.
  5. Pre-treatment of the surface with a primer is not required.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

A whitewashed brick wall

This choice also has weaknesses. Whitewashing stains, so it is better to use it for finishing walls that will not touch the clothes. Also, such coverage will need to be updated periodically, about once a year. Painting is made in 2 layers, after that all minor surface defects will become imperceptible.

The nuances of facade painting

Whatever type of paint is used, the painting rules will remain unchanged. The basics of such decorative cladding include:

  • A building that will be painted must be at least one year old. It is not recommended to process the newly built house, as its shrinkage continues, and the humidity of the building has not yet fully stabilized.
  • Before painting, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, mold or mildew. Otherwise, the solution will fall unevenly. You will also need to pre-process the facade with antiseptic solutions.
  • The surface to be treated must be washed with soap and then with clean water. After that, you will need to wait for the complete drying of the wall for about a day.
  • Since the brick has a high level of hygroscopicity, it will first need to be treated with a primer mixture.
  • It is best to use acrylic solutions for painting such walls.
  • Before starting to paint, all surfaces of the house that will not be processed should be covered with a cloth or plastic. Otherwise, the mixture may randomly hit the door or window, and it will be quite difficult to remove it.
  • For painting, you will need to prepare scaffolding or scaffolding, as using a ladder or stool is inconvenient and rather dangerous.
  • The paint should be applied to the entire surface in 1 pass. If the employee is tired, he can take a short break of several hours, but not more. If the painting is continued the next day, the shade of yesterday and the new coatings will be very different.
  • A brush, roller or spray gun can be used for painting. When working with your own hands is best to use a roller. He applies the composition quickly, evenly and with little expense.
  • Facing should be made in 2 layers. A new layer is applied only after complete drying of the previous one. Drying time may vary depending on the type of dye.
  • When painting with a brush or roller, apply the solution with neat, uniform movements in different directions. So the mixture will fall more evenly.

Painting a brick wall

Painting a building is quite a popular solution. This process is simple, so even a beginner in the construction craft is able to cope with it.

Preparing for painting:

The first step is to carefully prepare the walls, they must be durable and thoroughly treated with a primer. The old coating is removed from the surface, dirt, dust and mold are cleaned. To do this, the wall can be washed with water from a hose and treated with a solid brush.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Cleaning the brick wall

The areas where mold or moss has formed will need to be lined with antiseptic. Then all found cracks and other defects are repaired. If the building was recently plastered, you will need to wait until it is completely dry, it may take a month, after which the primer is applied.

The priming process is similar to painting, using the same tools. Dries primer during the day. After the primer is dry, you can proceed to painting.

Putting paint on a brick wall

Typically, a brush, roller, or spray gun is used for this lining. For a smooth surface a good solution would be to use a roller with a short nap or brushes. Textured walls are better to handle a wide brush with a long nap. The spray gun is quite an expensive tool, and its use requires a certain amount of experience, so it is better to entrust the processing with its help to professionals.

It is necessary to perform exterior painting on a warm, dry day, the temperature should be more than 5 degrees. All uncultivated surfaces and nearby structures will need to be pre-covered with a cloth or polyethylene so that the paint does not get on them.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Using the spray gun

The first layer should be applied without long rest breaks, otherwise stains will appear on the wall . The next layer is applied after drying the previous one or after the time specified in the instructions for the solution. In order not to constantly clean the tool with which the lining is carried out, it can be wrapped with polyethylene or a cloth, this will avoid the drying of the coloring mixture. The process of painting the house is based on the progressive movement of the instrument in different directions alternately.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about painting a wooden house.


The right choice of material for painting is the key to the attractiveness of the exterior of the house and the durability of its lining. The main thing that the composition was specifically designed for the exterior walls of the building. A more specific choice is based on your own preferences and financial capabilities. Ideally, it is better to entrust the process of applying the coloring composition to professionals.

How to paint a brick house outside: the choice of materials, the nuances of application

Painted brick facade

It is also very important to choose the right shade of the mixture. When facing the color of the walls should be in harmony with the palette of the roof and the general environment. Too bright colors of paint will stand out and spoil the overall impression of the lining. If you cannot choose the right shade yourself, you can contact the designer for help.

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