How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Bar cottages have been actively built in recent years in Russia. There is a logical explanation for this phenomenon - lumber buildings are built quickly, are inexpensive, and they are very comfortable and look great. However, the walls of the timber shrink during the first few years of operation, as a result of which cracks may form on them. For this reason, the rate of heat saving of the cottage is significantly reduced and there is a need for warming. Outdoor insulation for buildings made of wood is undesirable - a tree without contact with the open air begins to rot quickly, in addition, the appearance of a wooden house is lost, which has to be hidden behind the trim. For these reasons, homeowners have resorted to insulating a log house from the inside.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Warming of a log house from the inside

Bar as a building material for cottages

Wood building materials allow you to build beautiful, comfortable , reliable and eco-friendly country houses. Modern timber is easy to use and practical to use. It exists in several variants:

  • Sliced ​​. A conventional log is given a square or rectangular cross section, and the result is a planed timber. It is cheap, but in the process of natural shrinkage can be deformed and cracked. In addition, this material is not protected from rotting, mildew and blue.

  • Profiled . It differs from planed by the presence on the working side of the sample, which allows to collect the felling using the "thorn into groove" or "comb" technology. Due to the presence of the sample, you can build perfect walls without cracks and defects.

  • Glued . The most expensive, but also the highest quality material. It is created by combining fine, well-dried lamellae. A special harmless glue acts as a connecting substance. Glued laminated timber practically does not shrink, does not crack, is not exposed to the negative effects of moisture and insects.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Wall made of glued timber

In low-rise construction, glued timber with a cross section of 150x150 mm is most often used. This version of wood attracts with an optimum ratio of price and quality. But in regions with cold winters, walls of such thickness may not be warm enough. This problem can be solved with the help of elementary insulation of the house from a bar 150x150 inside.

On our website you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of glued timber houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Thermal insulation of log houses

Before starting the process of thermal insulation, you should invite a specialist who will give a professional assessment of the condition of the walls, ceiling, floor and floors. For this purpose, the entire building is inspected outside and inside. As a result of the inspection you will be given a recommendation - it will be enough to re-caulk, or the house should be insulated with insulation materials.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Kanopatka lumber wall

If you decide to warm the cottage from the inside, you need to choose a good insulator for this, to which the following requirements apply.

  • Efficiency . After laying the insulation, the house should become much warmer and more comfortable, and the heating costs should be reduced by an order of magnitude.

  • Environmental friendliness . This indicator is especially important for internal heaters. They should not release substances harmful to humans.

  • Fire resistance . Most effective insulators ignite when exposed to open flame. You need to choose a material that either weakly burns, or generally has a tendency to fade.

  • Durability . Sheet and rolled heat insulators must be periodically replaced. But the less often you have to do it, the cheaper and easier it will be to maintain the house.

  • Easy to use . The simpler the styling technology, the cheaper each replacement of the insulation will be.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Insulation for interior walls
On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service insulation of houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Materials for warming a log house

Internal warming of a house from a bar is most often performed using the following materials:

  • mineral wool;

  • ecowool;

  • polystyrene;

  • polystyrene.


This is a very effective insulator, characterized by low thermal conductivity and good sound insulation qualities. It is quite safe in terms of fire, resistant to temperature changes, has a low cost.

However, this material has its drawbacks.For interior decoration, it must be laid in a thick layer, otherwise condensate may accumulate with all the negative consequences. In addition, particles of mineral wool can cause an unpleasant reaction on skin contact. Therefore, you need to work with her in a special suit and respirator.


Modern advanced material. More effective than mineral wool. The main advantages are vapor permeability, which allows to preserve the characteristics of wood walls, and the ability to maintain thermal insulation qualities even when wet. Ecowool is eco-friendly, durable and economical. The disadvantages are as follows - since ecowool is made from waste (usually from waste paper), its quality is rather difficult to control even at the production stage. In addition, the laying of such a heater requires the involvement of highly qualified specialists.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Warming the house with an ecowool
It may be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about home from bar with a terrace.


Another option for modern insulation with improved properties. This is the most effective insulation today. Its thermal conductivity is minimal. It is achieved due to the porous structure of the material. It is applied by spraying, so the formation of "cold bridges" is excluded. Polyurethane can be used for warming vertical and inclined surfaces. It is vapor-permeable and has the ability to fade when ignited.

Of the minuses should be noted the difficulty of mounting this material. It is also important that polyurethane is vapor-proof, which means that when it is used it is necessary to equip the ventilation system.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Polyurethane as a heater for the attic of a log house


Traditional foam has proven itself to be reliable and efficient insulation. It is an excellent sound insulator, self-extinguishing, easy to work with and inexpensive. But at the same time it is distinguished by high water absorption and low vapor permeability. Above all, he is loved by rodents.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Polyfoam for insulation of rooms

Stages of work on insulation of internal walls

Insulation of premises of a log house is very necessary carefully and carefully. Poor work on insulation will lead to the fact that the house will still penetrate the cold and damp, and the insulation will have to re-shift.

Preparing the rooms

First you need to remove the finish, dirt and dust from the walls. After that, wooden walls are treated with a special septic tank protecting the tree from mold and insects. In addition, it is necessary to process the timber with a composition that reduces the inflammability of the wood material. During the preparatory work it is necessary to separate all wiring from the walls. Then it can be returned to the place.

Caulking of walls

At this stage, you should walk along the walls and close all the cracks, including the smallest jute fiber. This procedure on the external walls is carried out every 2-3 years, and on the internal walls with each insulation replacement.

Vapor barrier

In order for the tree not to deteriorate from accumulating condensate, it should be closed with a vapor barrier film before laying the insulation. Vapor barrier is especially important when warming the internal walls of mineral wool or foam.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Vapor barrier in a house from a bar
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about houses from a bar with a garage.


In the next step, a framework is constructed that will hold the insulating materials - the crate. It must be installed before insulating a house from a timber from the inside with any roll or sheet material. Liquid insulation, applied by spraying, do not require the arrangement of the frame. For crates used bars with a cross section of 50 to 50 mm.

Laying insulation

The insulation is placed between the battens and fixed to the wall. It is important to cover the entire surface with insulating material so that there are no gaps between it and the crates. Particular attention should be paid to high-quality fastening of the upper and side edges of the insulation.

How to insulate a house from a timber inside, the better, the insulation of a log house 150x150, photo

Laying insulation in the frame of the batten

Ventilation system

In a house that is insulated from the inside, it is too wet microclimate. As a result, condensate settles on the decoration, furniture and other interior items. To avoid this, you need to immediately consider a good system of forced ventilation when arranging the insulation.

Experts recommend that in each individual case, develop a scheme for the location of air ducts, which will be hidden under the outer lining and connected into a single system through the garret vents.

Finishing work

After laying the insulation, the wall is sewn up with sheets of drywall.Previously it is possible to lay a second layer of vapor barrier on the insulation material. After installing the drywall walls are decorated with any material to the taste of homeowners. It can be a finish under a natural timber or any other option.

House made of lumber warmed with mineral wool

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about house insulation from foam blocks.


A house from a bar must be warm and cozy. Having an idea of ​​how to insulate a log house from the inside can easily make it that way. The whole process is not very difficult, but you need to trust it to experienced craftsmen, who correctly select the insulation, put it in a high-quality manner and finish the work with a flawless decorative finish.

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