drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

The roof plan is part of a full-scale project for a house under construction, which shows what, how and in what order you need to do. Due to the availability of such documentation, time is saved, the process of work is simplified and the costs of building materials are calculated in advance. The article discusses what information should be in terms of the roof, depending on the type of roof used.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

The more complex the shape of the roof, the more detailed its plan should be

What is a roofing plan and why does it need

A roofing plan is a mandatory document that is required when building a building. It is on it that all the work is carried out on the construction of the roof on the house. The roof plan is a drawing drawing of the building, made in the "top" projection. Make it up in accordance with all the requirements of GOST.

Thanks to this document, the builders have an idea of ​​what form the building will have, where all the elements of the roof should be, which protrude, where the drain pipe should be installed. In most cases, drawings are made on a scale of 1: 200 or 1: 500.

The roof on the building has several types:

  • flat ;

  • gable ;

  • multi-skew ;

  • tent ;

  • hip .

Different roofing materials are used to cover it:

  • profiled sheet ;

  • slate ;

  • flexible tile ;

  • metal tile ;

  • galvanized .

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

Scheme of a classic gable roof

Thanks to the roof plan, you can determine the right amount of materials, as well as determine what work to do first, and what next. The documents drawing of the roof is done in several projections, as well as indicate all the existing layers. It should be noted that there should be several such drawings. And each of them refers to a specific stage of the work.

Basic information contained in the roof plan

The plan indicates:

  1. Scheme, according to which to install each structural element : beams, rafters, batten bars;

  2. Base of the structure;

  3. Scheme that will be laid hydro and thermal insulation layers;

  4. The scheme, which shows how to place the coating ;

  5. Places, in which there is fastening : drain pipes, ventilation system, chimney;

  6. Schemes that indicate the places where joints occur a : skylights, valleys;

  7. Scheme indicating the place position roofing threshold .

This is important! If the roof plan is drawn up in all details, then when it is erected, the budget expenditure on materials will be significantly reduced.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

The scheme of fastening of the roofing material works For the construction of this type of roof, a plan of a flat roof is required, which will indicate:
  • leveling ;

  • funnels for drain;

  • ventilation channels ;

  • parapet sizes ;

  • a place where you can climb to the roof .

The plan is created exclusively by specialists who have the knowledge and practice for this.

Features of the preparation of drawings for the roof plan

The correct drawings must contain all the necessary information about all dimensions of the elements that will be used in the construction process. Namely: length, width and cross section. In addition, it also includes fasteners, the method of their analysis and other details that are necessary for work.

For example, a drawing of a house roof for a pitched version includes dimensions from the eaves to the ridge, taking into account the length of the wall, the characteristic of the rafters. In addition, the slope is determined depending on which roofing material will be used:

  • The roof covered with profiled metal sheets should have a minimum slope of 8 degrees.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

The roof slope is done primarily to reduce the amount of accumulated snow
  • The roof of metal will be securely installed at an angle of 30 degrees.

  • A coating such as roofing material is laid at an angle of 5 degrees.

  • Wavy slate is placed at an angle of 20 or even 30 degrees.

Considering the plan of the roof of a flat roof, you can see that there is also a small slope, thanks to which rainwater can drain to the funnels of the drainpipes themselves.

Choosing a type of roof - the main differences between a flat roof and a sloping

Many people think that they have sketched a plan for the roof of a flat roof, they have drawn a drawing and can be built. But everything is not as simple as it seems. In parallel, you need to take care of the schemes, which will indicate the recommended materials for steam, heat, waterproofing. In addition, you need to decide on the roofing material. Only after that you can make purchases.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of calculating and installing the roof of a house. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Features of pitched roofs

A pitched roof is a structure that consists of many important details, such as rafters, a ridge, a power plate, a strut, and an obreshetka.

At the base of such a roof are most often wooden frames. Very rarely used metal. The frame is multi-layered, but different roofing materials are used. In addition, the advantage of the pitched roof is that in the spring the melted snow slides freely.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

The greater the slope angle, the less snow will accumulate on the roof, but in calculations it is necessary to take into account the windage

Very often the builders give preference gable roofs. The fact is that this type was used from the grandfather-great-grandfather and is considered the most reliable. But in modern construction used several types of roofs, and at the same time successfully.

The main types of roofs are as follows:

  • Shed roof . In this case, it all depends on the slope. The greater the angle - the higher is built one of the sides of the building. This type of coating is used quite often for commercial buildings.

  • Gable . This type of roofing remains the most popular. Especially this option can be found in the villages. Here, thanks to the gable coating, an attic room is formed above the house, which is sometimes equipped for an additional room, but is most often used as a storehouse of old things.

  • Multi-rolling . This type of roof is very complex in design, since it includes the creation of several valleys and skates. In most cases, this definition fits many designs that are difficult to describe and at the same time during construction, generally accepted standards are not observed.

  • Hip roof . This type is intended for large houses, since it is created as a four-pitched roof.

  • Half-hurt . This type of hip, with the difference that the end plane is much shorter. Thus, this coating resembles a gable roof.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

A complicated version of the half-folded roof - taking into account the placement of the attic floor
  • Multicyper . Under this definition falls several types of roofs. It is used in particular for those buildings that are built in square or polygonal form.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of houses with various types of roofs - from construction companies represented at the exhibition "Low-Rise Country".

Features of flat roofs

They are considered the simplest to manufacture. They were not recognized for a long time, since the roofing materials used several decades ago could not guarantee the safety of the roof for more than 2-3 seasons. But today the situation has changed significantly and in European countries were the first to appreciate all the delights of this type of roof.

With the development of new roofing materials, flat roofs are becoming more popular. They are very convenient for installation on them individual pools, recreation areas, workshops.

The main differences between the pitched and flat roofs include the following points:

  • Flat roofs are divided into two types: operated and unexploited . At the same time, the difference between them is that the presence of people is allowed on the exploited and heavy objects can also be here. At the same time, it is undesirable to put anything on unexploited coatings, and during maintenance special equipment is used so that the load is evenly distributed over the largest area.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

Operated flat roof with pool
  • Flat roofs can apply both in industrial buildings and residential. In most cases, on such roofs only such materials are used which lay down a flat carpet, for example, bituminous, polymeric, bitumen-polymeric coatings or mastics.

  • The flat roof is a kind of “cake” , which consists of layers of steam, heat and waterproofing. The basis of such a roof may be concrete, metal, wood.

It may be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the prices for roof binder with spotlights.

Flat roof - what you need to know to make a plan

People involved in construction understand that no mistake should be made in this matter. For this reason, before you begin work, you must first create a drawing. When working on a plan, experts divide the object into several primitive figures, according to which all the calculations are done.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

Layout razuklonki flat roof

In the old days, such documents were made by hand. But this method has sunk into oblivion and computer design has come to its place. This method is used by all design bureaus.

To draw a plan for a flat roof, the designer includes the coordinate axes that are located on the main walls. Thus, he gets a visual image of the building in space. That is what will help to make the calculations correctly.

How to choose a plan for a flat roof

If the plan is made according to all the rules, the structure in the future will not only look attractive, but all planned functions will meet the requirements of the client. The plan should take into account how the drainage canals and other nuances of building arrangement will be installed.

An example of creating a plan for a flat roof in a computer program is shown in the video:

How to create a plan for a flat roof

Making a plan roof flat roof, a specialist performs the following actions:

  • all important details are indicated with bold lines;

  • in the drawing indicate the outlines of the main walls ;

  • when dividing the building into separate figures, the roof should be painted under each of them ;

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

Plan of a flat roof of a complex shape
  • indicate the places where they will be located I vents and chimney .

It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the calculation of the roof of the four-slope roof.

Structure of inversion (operated) flat roofs

If we consider the plan of inversion flat roofs, it is worth noting their significant advantages - the top layer of the roof is protection from negative factors, including fires.

The following layers should enter this drawing:

  • reinforced concrete ;

  • slope-forming layer ;

  • leveling sand-cement screed ;

  • waterproofing layer ;

  • insulation ;

  • geotextiles ;

  • ballast layer (for example, crushed stone) .

In the construction of the operated roof are used:

  • reinforced concrete slabs ;

  • screed for slope ;

  • waterproofing layer ;

  • thermal insulation layer ;

  • system for the discharge of atmospheric precipitation .

Drainage system on a flat roof

Among all the drawings that are created for the construction of a flat roof, there must be a scheme that will make the drainage system. It is necessary in order to protect the surface from destruction by atmospheric precipitation.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

Water receivers for installation in a flat roof

While working on the project, it is not only provided a small bias of two, but , and five degrees, but also the internal scheme of mounting drainpipes.

Pitched roof - what you need to know to make a plan

Pitched roof is a structure that is angled to the main walls of the building. In most cases, they are divided into two groups:

  • with the attic ;

  • without the attic .

Gable roofs are installed on any erected buildings. Most often they are used in cottages, individual country and village houses.

A single-pitch roof in a section resembles a right-angled triangle that lies on the leg and serves as a hypotenuse to the rafter foot.

When making a roof drawing, the specialist must enter there data on all dimensions, cross-section and location of each part of the roof. It is necessary to indicate how the mount will be made, at what distance from the rafters the ridge, the angle of inclination and the dimensions of the beams.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

Even the classic and simplest gable roofing is done according to previously prepared schemes
It might be interesting! B read the article on the following link about how the roof repair is done and how much it costs.

Kinds of a dual-pitch roof: drawings and plans of construction

Depending on the designer's imagination, the gable roof can be of different shapes.But in architecture there are several typical types:

  • Symmetric double-slope roof - in this case both slopes are identical in shape and size. The ridge of such a roof is located exactly in the center.

  • Asymmetrical gable roofs . In such roofs, the ridge shifts significantly to one or the other. In this case, the angle of inclination of one slope is always greater from the opposite.

  • With broken slopes . Such roofs are used in the event that the placement of the attic or attic is planned.

Lathing for a double-slope roof

Lathing for a gable roof is installed depending on the type of roofing material and its brand. The distance from one transverse step of the covering sheet to the other is also taken into account.

Plans and drawings of the gable roof

Before proceeding to plan the gable roof, you need to figure out the number of drain pipes, take note of the communication, ventilation system, windows. Then calculations of all necessary materials are carried out. But it should be borne in mind that the purchase should be made with a reserve, because in connection with some aspects, they may not be enough. First of all it depends on the quality.

Kinds of roof construction

Attic is an attic space that has become popular thanks to French designers and architects.

drawing up and design depending on the type of roof

Attic roofs may look different, but in any case they look spectacular

They suggested the space under the roof to be used in as a residential floor, and not just leave an empty attic. Depending on the project of the house, the attic can be placed under any type of roof - single and gable, sloping, hip and semi-folded.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the house with transparent walls, built on the rocks near the sea.


There is a lot of information on how to make a roof drawing, but this does not mean that it is simple and easy for everyone. Therefore, it is best to turn to specialists who have the knowledge, as well as extensive experience. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account that, according to the current legislation, the house should be built according to the project created by a professional architect in compliance with all requirements.


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