Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

The article will discuss how to finish the bathroom in a country house, built of wood, how to properly perform waterproofing, how to further insulate the room, what materials to choose for the final design. The presented photos and videos will demonstrate the capabilities of the existing range of finishing materials.

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Different finishes in the same functional room

Features of the bathroom

In principle, the bathroom can be arranged in any room, but it will have to be further worked with: open floors, increase the floor thickness by a quarter, reduce the distance between the beams, on which the floor boards will be installed later. Such changes are a forced measure. Any plumbing equipment in itself weighs more furniture. And when the bathroom is filled with water, the dynamic load on the floor increases, which very quickly provokes the destruction of the material.

In addition, the floor in the bathroom must be lowered by 20 cm. Such a drop is necessary for waterproofing and additional insulation.

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Reinforcing the log floor in the bathroom

Proper waterproofing rules

Wood has a porous structure that resides in move. At high humidity thresholds, it actively absorbs it into itself, at high temperatures, gives it to the air. In such conditions, the tree quickly begins to rot and become covered with fungi or mold. Properly executed protection against humidity and good ventilation help prevent such phenomena. Without these two components, the final finish of the bathroom in the country will not last long.

Experts recommend using waterproofing or roll materials for waterproofing. There are films and membranes that are glued to the concrete base with the help of hot mastic. The presence of such seams is a minus of the described choice. Over time, they can unravel. Moisture penetrates inside, and the defect is further enhanced, which violates the waterproofing of the wooden room. A similar problem is solved by growing overlapping of canvases followed by pouring hot bitumen. If the folded waterproofing rolls are covered with reinforced glass wool before pouring, after the composition hardens, a seamless fabric is formed that meets all the requirements of modern waterproofing.

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Roll waterproofing of floors in a wooden house

It is easier to work with coating materials (with bitumen-based mastics or with polymer emulsions) . They are simply applied with a brush or roller on the surface. After solidification form a durable waterproof layer. Waterproofing is created using layer-by-layer application, the time interval specified by the manufacturer on the package is maintained between each coating. The number of recommended layers can also be indicated there.

If the design of the bathroom in the country implies the use of wood trim, all elements are pre-treated with impregnating waterproofing materials. They contain water-repellent cement, ground sand and special chemicals. The surface of wood impregnated with such a composition becomes completely waterproof.

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Different options for waterproofing the floor in a wooden house
On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most areas popular in the Moscow region construction of a country house . In filters you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Usually, waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First, waterproofing of the foundation is done, it is coated with mastic or plastered with solutions prepared from mixtures with polymer additives.

  • Then the antiseptic lags are processed.

  • Above them a sub-floor is mounted, which then, in turn, is covered with rolled waterproofing materials. The easiest way to fit self-adhesive bitumen-polymer films. They are well attached to wooden horizontal and vertical coatings.

  • Before using them with a vacuum cleaner, you must remove dust , then apply a bituminous emulsion primer with a roller or a brush.

  • When it completely dries (it is checked with a cotton pad - if it remains clean after applying it to the treated surface, then you can proceed to the next step).

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Roll waterproofing for wooden floors
  • roll membrane is spread on the floor , a segment of the required length is measured, cut off with a knife, then twisted upwards on both sides with a protective film.

  • Exactly in the middle, it is incised and the is carefully removed. In parallel with this, the roll should be glued to the base.

  • It is important to immediately remove air bubbles with a brush . To do this qualitatively, it is necessary how many times to brush over the same place.

  • In the same way the second canvas is glued. It fits overlap (10 cm). The contact zone of the two rolls is additionally processed with bitumen mastic.

  • The seam is carefully ironed with a heavy roller .

  • Similarly, waterproofing of walls is carried out. The rolls applied to them must crawl onto the floor by 10 cm. The allowance is additionally coated with a primer. On this basis, you can immediately lay any tiled material.

In wooden houses, the construction of a concrete screed is not welcome: it increases the load on the floors, becoming the bridge through which the heat from the outside then flows to the street in the winter.

Technology of applying waterproofing waterproofing

When there is a need to additionally insulate the walls of the bathroom, a frame is constructed of metal profiles, sheets of mineral wool are placed in them, on top they are covered with moisture-resistant plasterboard. The floor is insulated with the help of the expanded clay filling, it is filled up between the moisture, covered with plastic wrap, and polymer chipboard is placed on top. After all surfaces are treated with coating waterproofing.

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Making waterproofing with coating mastic
It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about bathroom design in the house with a window .

Polymeric bitumen, polymer cement, bitumen or bitumen rubber mastics are best suited for the indicated purposes. They are applied with a roller, the joints of the walls and the floor are coated with a brush. As a rule, to achieve the desired result, apply several layers. After drying, if polymer-cement mastics were used, any tile material can be laid on the surface plane. If liquid rubber was used to waterproof the bathroom, before finishing the bath with a tile at the cottage, you need to pour a thin layer of concrete screed and reinforce it with a reinforcing mesh.

What kind of materials can be used for finishing the floor

After the rough work has been completed, you can start laying the finishing coating. Only materials that can boast high moisture resistance and ability to withstand high temperature extremes can be used for the indicated purposes. In addition, the finish coating must comply with sanitary standards. The best of all corresponds to similar parameters:

  • ceramic tiles ;

  • artificial granite ;

  • linoleum ;

  • mosaic .

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Mosaic in the bathroom at the cottage

If the bathroom design at the dacha involves the use of wood, experts advised to use moisture resistant tree species. Pre-wood must be treated with antiseptic compounds. They will prevent infection by fungi and mold.

Wall finishing

Different materials can be used to finish the walls. Traditionally, preference is given to ceramic tiles. It helps to form a surface on which dirt and dust does not accumulate, the water on it does not linger for a long time, it rolls down, so the walls dry quickly after bathing. The surface of ceramics does not absorb smells, it can be washed using household chemicals. Ease of care - the main advantage of the described choice. An additional bonus is high operational time. Finishing is able to maintain its original appearance for decades. And it helps to save on the repair of the bathroom.

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Tiles and wood in the bathroom wall decoration at the cottage
It might be interesting! In the article on The following link reads about the choice of style for implementing the design of a bathroom in a wooden house .

Manufacturers produce a large number of a wide variety of collections, they have budget offers and elite samples. Many offer buyers ready-made kits - a different color combination of individual elements, which after assembly looks like one decorative canvas. With the help of ceramic tiles, you can create art paintings and decorate their bathroom fixtures.

In the manufacture of ceramic tiles, environmentally friendly raw materials are used, therefore, during operation, the tile material does not emit unpleasant odors that are dangerous to human health fumes. In addition, ceramic tiles boast a high level of fire safety. What is very important for cottages, built of wood. The coating does not pass an electric current through itself. These properties are also relevant for the owners of wooden houses.Today, in any bathroom there is always a large set of electrical appliances (hair dryer, electric shaver, washing machine, hair curlers, ironing).

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Ceramic tile in the decoration of the country bathroom

The minus of the described choices is the laboriousness of the styling process, the need to perform “dirty” work. Many people do not like the idea of ​​creating a ceramic bath in the country - this design is typical for city apartments. People traveling out of town prefer to choose materials that are close to natural in texture. In this case, experts recommend to give preference to either vinyl siding, the surface of which perfectly imitates various natural finishing materials, or lining made of moisture-resistant tree species. Its installation involves the construction of crates. It can be assembled with a metal profile.

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Wall paneling and mosaic in the design of the bathroom
It might be interesting! In the article follow the link Read about how to build a house with parent capital: a step by step instruction .

A combination of two materials can be used for wall decor. Most often, preference is given to compromise options for finishing the bathroom - in the country you can combine tile and wall paneling. It turns out both practical and beautiful.

How to decorate the ceiling

The decoration of this part of the room can be no different from the decoration of the walls, but in most cases for these cases, slatted ceilings, latex or water-based paint, suspended structures are used.

It is easiest and cheaper to paint the ceiling with paint. But this type of finish can be used when the surface of the plate is perfectly smooth. If the base has large defects, if there is a large height difference, the rack ceiling will help to solve the existing problem quickly and effectively.

Another interesting way to finish is the use of a stretch ceiling. It always looks quite impressive, PVC film is able to withstand high temperature differences, it is very resistant to moisture, but for the installation of this design will have to invite masters home. And this significantly increases the estimate of repair.

Bathroom finish in the country - features of waterproofing and choice of finishing coating

Wall paneling on the walls and on the ceiling

It will be easier to choose finishing options if you choose a thematic direction in advance and then decide on ways its implementation. In general, finishing the bathroom depends on the material capabilities of the owners and their imagination. However, in the process of repairing it is important to pay attention to two more aspects. Experts advise to organize a system for airing the room and build a floor drain. It will help prevent flooding in the event of a breakthrough of utilities. It is easy to equip it: for this you need to make a floor with a slope and install a drain hole in the lowest point.

It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the Solar Egg sauna disguised as a golden egg in the mountains of Sweden .

In the video, you can see the bathroom in a wooden house:

Summary of the topic

By following the proposed rules, you can arrange wooden house beautiful functional bathroom, which will be comfortable to take water treatments. Proper decoration will last long and help save significant funds on the repair of sanitary facilities.


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