The tree can provide good thermal insulation for the building, and if you perform reliable laying and processing, the house is able to withstand the winter frost, blizzard and cover it in the heat of summer. Thanks to the observance of heat engineering standards, a construction company can offer a winter house from a bar for turnkey year-round living.
Types of timber have both external differences and differences in technical properties.
A conventional (construction) bar is a rectangular wooden billet planed from four sides, which makes it possible to build a winter house from a bar cheaper.
Profiled beam . Due to its shape, it has a more reliable coupling of bars. The parameters of the bars are calculated so that moisture does not get into the insulation. It has an attractive appearance, for the walls do not have to do an additional finish. Additional wall insulation will be required, because in winter the room from such building materials is difficult to heat.
Glued laminated timber . The most qualitative and reliable - the combined glued bar. The outer part of the material is larch, the inner part is pine. Larch provides durability, strength, resistance to rotting. Due to the fact that the material does not shrink, finishing can be performed immediately after the end of the construction process. Another advantage of the material is that it has enhanced thermal insulation and noise insulation properties.
The technology of building a house from a bar, like any other construction, initially implies laying the foundation . After all, it is well known that it depends on the correctness of how successful the entire construction process will be. The main task of the foundation is to transfer the entire weight of the building to the ground, violation of technology and rules during its laying can cause a building to sink. The foundation for a wooden house is not taken to lay a massive and deep.
Before installing the lower strapping collar, perform waterproofing . Then install the first crown (log construction in one row to line the walls). Then the first crown is impregnated with antiseptic because of its high susceptibility to negative consequences.
carrier lags (bars) and draft floor are installed.
The main walls of the house are being erected. The walls are installed, taking into account the placement of windows and doors. All rows (crowns) are connected vertically with each other and additionally fastened with hooks .
When the walls reach a three-meter height , ceiling lags are laid.
Gather the roof system (the skeleton of the roof).
Insulation and finishing . Only when using laminated veneer lumber is it possible to engage in finishing work immediately after the assembly of the structure. However, even in such a situation, it is better to wait 3 to 6 months for shrinkage at home. When using a bar of natural moisture, shrinkage can last up to one and a half years.
Installation of doors and windows . In the wooden structure, the doors and windows are installed in the prepared okosyachku.
Modern heaters have many different options. For a wooden house more suitable mineral wool or cellulose insulation (ecowool).
Mineral wool has the following advantages :
low thermal conductivity , which allows you to keep warm in the cold season, and cool in the summer heat;
fire resistance , safety (does not emit harmful substances);
long-term use;
ease of use (you just need to prevent hydration).
Ecowool a - improves its properties, if antiseptics, flame retardants are used together.
Material advantages:
absorbs and releases moisture without changing its thermal insulation characteristics , when used, there will be no condensation on the walls;
has good sound insulation , no harmful substances are released;
insecticidal additives in ecowool provide protection against insects, and damage from rodents is unlikely.
The complexity is the way it is laid - an unskilled worker can make everything look nice, but the effect of insulation will be minimal.
The main heat loss is not due to the thickness of the walls or insulation, but due to errors in the performance of the thermal insulation works of the roof, when installing doors and windows. Only taking into account all the problem areas of the heat engineering value of the structure can energy efficiency be improved. At any thickness of the timber, the winter house cannot guarantee to avoid heat loss through the walls, therefore, it cannot do without external insulation and subsequent finishing works.
On our website you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of houses from the profiled timber from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".
Houses made of timber have retained all the advantages of traditional wooden houses, without the drawbacks of outdated technologies. Wood has its advantages in the form of: durability, environmental friendliness, natural origin of the material, strength, attractive surface, acceptable cost.
Thanks to antiseptic, flame retardant impregnations, production processing, the latest assembly technology provides fire resistance, resistance to rotting, excellent geometry, accelerated assembly.
When ordering a turnkey wooden building, you do not have to order design, construction, transportation services, or buy construction materials. Since the work is carried out by a single construction company (which often has a full production cycle), intermediaries are excluded from the chain, which makes it possible to inexpensively buy a turnkey winter house ready.
The main advantages of houses from a bar :
treated material does not require any adjustment during assembly;
reliable fastening of elements eliminates the appearance of cracks so that weather conditions do not affect the exterior of the building;
construction time do not exceed one month;
no heavy foundation is required, a band or column variant is used;
a building of profiled timber gives less shrinkage than the structures of other building materials from wood;
isp lzovanie profiled bar less rounded or glued
such constructions are attractive and rarely require additional finishing.
The contents of the standard order configuration :
if the work is carried out completely on a turnkey basis, then the foundation is also calculated for a particular house;
calculation of building materials;
work on the delivery and unloading of building materials;
installation ;
processing of rough floors;
installation of ceilings, partitions;
rafters mounting, roofs ;
fastening of window, door blocks cov;
On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from profiled timber. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".
When choosing a construction company, there is a need to consider the following parts :
studying reviews about the company-builder (real, and even better video reviews);
exclusion of companies that have not posted a detailed description of > winter houses from a turnkey bar - projects and prices (you must have a detailed and accessible description for the correct choice);
exclusion of intermediaries, dealers - for this you need to study reduce information about the company, its own production, lumber stocks, windows, insulation;
ascertaining the necessary experience of construction workers at home and control possibilities completed works;
studying the contract to find out the details of all construction work and equipment;
it’s worth choosing companies with examples of houses built by them, with construction reports of no less than in a year.
Due to the use of natural moisture in construction, a slight shrinkage of the building is allowed. Not all customers of wooden houses have an understanding of the shrinkage of the building and what will follow.So that housewarming is not overshadowed by unpleasant events, it does not hurt to learn about building a house for shrinkage and how it differs from turnkey construction.
Shrinkage is a natural phenomenon of drying natural wood, reducing the size of the building material itself, or compaction of the bars between themselves under the influence of gravity.
During construction for shrinkage, there is the possibility of performing stage-by-stage works, this is suitable for those who cannot immediately pay the full amount for the project. With such construction, it is possible to pay funds in parts, rather than the entire payment at once, besides the first stage will be inexpensive.
Construction under shrinkage allows for the introduction of funds in stages, but in the end this method of payment will be a little more expensive than the construction of a turnkey winter house. Even with a small overpayment, a longer construction process, erection under shrinkage is considered better and more efficient, because during the construction work there will be visible shortcomings and defects.
How winter houses are built from a bar can be viewed on the video:
Turnkey construction involves working in one stage, including finishing and improvement of the building. Then you can contact the company connecting the communication, but usually it is not included in standard kits and is subject to separate payment. Turnkey construction allows customers to move into an already finished home.
Shrinkage is also characteristic of turnkey houses, but due to special shrinkable bolts, which sometimes need to be tightened, deformation is excluded.
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about siding under a bar.
The cost of a turnkey house depends on many factors - it is simply a profiled or glued timber, the size of the building and the complexity of the project, the use of insulation, the type of foundation and others moments. The exact cost can be found after the approval of the project, and this is possible by conducting a geodetic inspection of the site, which will allow you to choose the type of foundation as accurately as possible.
Approximate prices for turnkey houses are as follows:
Economy class projects - from 800 thousand rubles.
Standard houses of the middle class - from 2 million rubles.
VIP construction on an individual project - from 3.5 million p.
It can be interesting! B article on the following link read about the house of the bar turnkey.
A few more projects of winter timber houses look in the video:
It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the houses from the profiled bar of the drying chamber.
Today, the Internet is full of ads with cheap houses from a turnkey bar for winter living, projects and prices. All the above information will help the customer to choose the most suitable construction company, to understand what is happening in the construction process and the actions of hired workers.