What is the cost of a plot of land, what to look for, how to make a choice

If your desire for the land is not satisfied with the purchase of several packages of garden soil, it’s time to realize your dream and acquire a plot.

So, Hitler himself had a globe in his private office and it was his vastness and roundness that strongly pressed Adolf's schizoid trait. His manic predilections for conquering lands could have been a little reassured just by buying a smaller ball.

What is the cost of a plot of land, what to look for, how to make a choice

Careful selection of a liquid competitive land plot is a good investment and high-quality life outside the city

What to do if you are still young and Are you already drawn to the ground?

Of course, buying a plot is a profitable investment, both in financial means and physical strength. Despite the constant jumps of the ruble, real estate and in decades will be a valuable asset that will provide you a comfortable old age.

The main thing for you when choosing a site is to analyze all aspects and compare them with the price.

Consider the most typical factors affecting the price:

  • Distance to the city . The main part of the cost of a plot is determined by the mileage to a large city. In addition, an important role is played by the quality of the roadway: what's the point of buying a plot 30 km from the capital if the time spent on the road is 2 hours? This is especially true in winter when all roads are covered with snow. Indicators such as timely snow removal, the absence of bumps on the road and the distance to the nearest highway, play a crucial role.

Expert opinion! At this point, you can also add the possibility of a full-fledged arrival of large-sized equipment. Not all cottage villages are provided with a place to turn around dump trucks or detours. This aspect does not play a role if you are planning to build a frameman or another mobile type of residential building.

What is the cost of a plot of land, what to look for, how to make a choice

The proximity to the nearest large settlement and the main road, the availability of infrastructure or its prospect increase the cost of land
  • Infrastructure . Despite the fact that in small villages there are small shops 24/7, there is a chance to face the problem of bringing products. Before you buy a plot, look at the map of the location of the nearest hypermarkets and find out if your area is in the service area. You may be able to place orders with free shipping, otherwise you run the risk of traveling procured 20-30 km from home, which is very tiring if you have a large family.

The same applies to emergency services: they must be within reach. It is not recommended to consider the option with a hospital in the city. Perhaps, in an emergency, you will not have a chance to overcome such a path, and time will go on for minutes. Ensure that there is a hospital or FAP within a radius of 20 km.

What about school and kindergarten? The solution to this problem is: for small villages, it oversees a special bus that takes the children at the appointed time. You just need to write an application addressed to the director and indicate the address of residence. In another case, you will have to carry the children yourself, so think ahead about the issue of access to fuel.

What is the cost of a plot of land, what to look for, how to make a choice

The distance to the nearest houses is important. Remain, in turn, a good neighbor
On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular sites in the Moscow Region for the construction of a country house. In the filters, you can set the desired direction, distance from the Moscow Ring Road, cost per hundred, size, availability of infrastructure, gas, water, electricity and other communications.
  • Distance from neighbors . For sociable people, neighbors are the best friends and companions for evening gatherings. But if you eat on nature for peace and quiet, the distance to the nearest residents can be a major factor. Consider this question simply: go to the site and approximately imagine where your neighbor may be longer. If you are tripled by its range, then the option can be considered satisfactory.

Life example: Resilient Fyodor, purchased a plot with a house in a small picturesque village overlooking the lake. On winter evenings, he was already anticipating the onset of summer days, when he could fully devote himself to fishing and having fun on the shore. This whole tale could have come true, but alas, bytomu still took its toll: as soon as the summer time arrived, the unfortunate Fedor began to see in front of his windows, an intelligent rest of the local contingent in the form of puffy peasants and vague aunts.

What is the cost of a plot of land, what to look for, how to make a choice

Summer time and beauty in the eyes of the beholder!
  • The shape and slope of the area .Its cascade affects the total price of a plot: very few people want to live on rough terrain, so even in the Soviet years, such problem areas were turned into dacha cooperatives. Not to say that it strongly influenced the aesthetics of the appearance, rather, it would be very uncomfortable in everyday life. After all, in order to go to any backyard building, you need to take a lot more effort, maintaining the balance of the body. Let's just say, if you are not against minor physical exertion and an acceptable cost plays a decisive role for you - calmly take this section.

Planning the purchase of a land plot - 10 important questions, the answers to which are recommended when choosing, see this video:

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of houses ranging in size from 3 to 1,887 m² from construction companies represented at the “Low-Rise Country” houses exhibition.
  • The form of ownership and legal status . In connection with the latest events concerning summer residents, professional lawyers do not recommend acquiring land plots that do not have a land survey or a legally registered owner: you risk losing not only a piece of land, but also money spent.

  • Availability of communications: electricity, water, sewage . Oddly enough, but it is these important things that make up about 30-50% of the cost of the site. The spent gas, sewage with hot water, makes it possible to fully and efficiently live from the first days. In addition, the communications carried out save time to solve current problems, so you can fully engage in the construction of the house. If you come across a good and inexpensive plot without communications - think for yourself, are you ready to spend your personal time, in exchange for this difference in price?

What is the cost of a plot of land, what to look for, how to make a choice

Consider all the most important moments, correctly prioritize, buy a plot, build a house and enjoy all the pleasures of life outside the city
This may be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about the optimal size of the area of ​​the house: how many square meters is comfortable for an adult and a child to live.


The cost of a plot near a large city, like Moscow, can be about 3,000,000 rubles, and by default, the farther from the road, the cheaper the land. In the cottage settlement, an excellent plot is estimated at about 1,200,000 - 1,500,000 rubles, taking into account the minimum communications. For lovers of peace, a piece of land located in relative remoteness (30-50 km) can cost as much as 800,000 thousand.

If Adolf had listened to Eve in his time and stopped, we would now eat German sausages. Despite the fact that women tend to exaggerate reality, it is sometimes worth listening to their advice about spending money: as they say, once a year and a stick shoots.

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