Today we will provide practically meaningful information on how to choose the right waterproofing liquid for the roof. After studying the article you will know what materials are better to use for this, how to apply them correctly and how much it will cost. This will provide an opportunity to optimize the cost of equipping the roof without compromising quality.
Liquid rubber for roofing is a new building material obtained by combining latex and bitumen. Due to this, an elastic and tensile mass is obtained, which is easy to apply to the surface. Due to its properties, liquid roofing is widely used not only for waterproofing roofs, but also in other areas:
construction and repair of tunnels and roads;
waterproofing pool bowls;
building fountains;
to protect foundations from moisture;
when installation of capacitive equipment, etc.
Rubber roof coating has a number of advantages that make it attractive to the consumer:
due to its excellent adhesion it can be applied to surfaces and stone, wood, slate, metal
instant polymerization (solidification), which makes it possible to apply it on both flat and pitched roofs;
no toxic effect during curing (environmental safety);
fast application;
no seams;
stored in containers that are easy transport;
resistance to temperature changes;
high fire safety;
UV resistance;
good resistance to mechanical damage;
easy operation (no special care needed);
simple repair technology;
corrosion resistance;
simple technology of applying a rubber roof;
the possibility of applying to old roofing materials;
long service life;
resistant to bacteria;
excellent waterproofing performance;
can be used amb indoors;
is applied in a cold state and does not require heating.
Roof waterproofing with liquid rubber has only one property, which can be attributed to the disadvantages - the cost of coverage, it is about 800 rubles per square meter of coverage. Also, such a roof can be damaged by some chemically aggressive substances created on the basis of oil-containing products (a certain number of solvents). However, the latter can occur only when using an elastic material for waterproofing industrial and warehouse buildings and structures.
It is also necessary to take into account one nuance, if it becomes necessary to dismantle the coating (for example, for repairing communications or supporting structures), this can only be done mechanically using an ax or a wall chaser in small pieces.
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer roof and foundation repair services, including waterproofing works. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".
Liquid rubber is classified according to two main parameters, the composition and method of application to the surface. According to the method of roof waterproofing with liquid rubber, the material is divided into
painting (applied with a paintbrush or roller);
sprayed (using special equipment);
filling (filled and leveled).
The composition of the polymeric material for roofs is divided into:
one-component (applied without preparatory work);
two-component (before applying the base and a special compound for curing is mixed).
Regardless of the method of applying mastic and the number of initial components, the technology of arranging a rubber roof provides several mandatory preliminary operations:
Calculation of the area of the installed roof and the necessary mastic for this.On average, 1 square meter of roof will require about 0.25 kilograms of coverage. In this case, for safety net, it is necessary to add about 10% to the calculated mass of liquid rubber. This will provide the right amount of material when identifying any unforeseen waterproofing works. For example, hidden cavities, deep cracks, large irregularities of the plane and edges of the roof, etc.
Purchase of the required volume of elastic coating. It is better to acquire it in specialized trade organizations with proven experience and a positive reputation.
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Cleaning the roof of various debris and dust, including wet cleaning. To do this, use a high pressure washer, they carefully remove all foreign elements. At the same time, before applying the mastic, the surface should be already dry; moisture can cause air bubbles to appear. Grease stains are removed by burning, if this is possible from the point of view of fire safety.
It is not necessary to remove the old roofing. Good adhesion of liquid rubber allows you to apply it directly to it. The following technological operations differ depending on the chosen method of applying the material, which should be carried out in dry weather at air temperature not lower than +5 degrees Celsius.
After applying the coating, it will be necessary to check the tightness of the waterproofing layer obtained (visually, using liquid if possible). For aesthetic purposes, it is possible to finish the operation - staining the roof. This will ensure the unity of the roof and the surrounding space, make it more attractive.
For this operation, special mobile spraying equipment is used consisting of:
low-pressure spray gun (up to 0.7 atmospheric value);
low-pressure compressor driven by a gasoline or electric motor;
tanks for the base and hardener;
the hose connecting spray gun with compressor.
Using a spray gun, liquid material is applied in stripes from meter to one and a half in width with cross-shaped transitions. This is the most economical and productive way to create a polymer coating. As a rule, this method is used in industrial construction. When using spraying, complex geometric roof profiles and the adjoining of its surfaces will not create problems for ensuring its excellent waterproofing.
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This method is usually used in private construction, where high performance waterproofing works are not required. It does not need to use special equipment, enough rollers or brushes. Compared with spraying, the mastic layer is thicker, but this has a positive effect on the strength and durability of the coating.
Staining is carried out in several layers, the first layer is a primer. Primer material consists of mastic and water, the volume of which should not exceed 30%. After priming and drying the first layer of liquid rubber, a base coat is applied perpendicular to it. To achieve a uniform coating thickness, in addition to brushes and a roller, a spatula can be used.
Considered the fastest , but the most expensive way to get a flexible roof. For this, the mastic is poured in a point equidistant from the boundaries of the future coverage and in a short period of time leveled with a rule, spatulas or rollers.
Clearly the technology of waterproofing the roof with liquid rubber using the UZhK-2SR installation is shown in the following video:
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Arranging the roof with an elastic material is not a difficult process. The choice of a suitable rubber coating on the basic parameters is also not difficult. But there are certain nuances. For example, which manufacturer of a liquid roof to choose, where to get equipment for spraying and from whom to learn how to work with it. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals who will select the optimal solution and will do all the work in compliance with the technology requirements.
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