types, characteristics, instructions for use

The article contains basic information about such a building material as a bituminous sealant for the roof: advantages and disadvantages, features of the application, prices for sealants in stores. This information will help you make a choice in favor of high-quality and reliable bituminous sealant, which will provide the building with good protection against all environmental factors.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

Further comfort during a stay in the house

depends on good roof sealing. The procedure of roof sealing is very important. It is not enough just to lay roofing materials. Be sure to stop the access of moisture inside the cake. Layers of sealant are usually applied to the seams and joints of the sheets, as well as to dangerous areas in which moisture leakage is possible.

Functions of bitumen sealant

This building material can be used not only during construction, but also during repairs. Roofing sealant is applied to eliminate joints and joints between the sheets of roofing material. This procedure is especially in demand when sealing roofs with a small angle of inclination. Also, the mixture can be used to eliminate cracks and cracks in chimneys, ventilation shafts or in the bases of antennas. It is also recommended to process skates with such composition during roofing work. Please note that to eliminate leaks in the roof, you can also use such roofing sealant. There is another application of this building material. Often the composition is used as an adhesive substance for water and vapor insulation.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

The sealant can act as a bonding agent.

An important field of application for bitumen-based compounds is to insulate the surfaces of a structure that constantly contacts surface of water or land. It can be foundations or wooden poles, as well as supports or piles. Over time, if you do not take care of waterproofing, cracks and cracks occur in the concrete, ultimately leading to the complete destruction of the entire building. Sealant is needed in order to completely stop the entry of moisture inside the microcracks and prevent fungus and rot. Because of this, the foundation or support become more durable, and the whole structure more reliable.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of an audit of construction work. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Types of sealants

There are six types of roofing sealants. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

  • Bituminous Sealants : very good for sealing a roof with metal coatings, or a coating of roofing material. The disadvantages of the material is that it is toxic and is not resistant to temperature extremes. By the way, there is also a cold-resistant roof sealant on sale. You can paint such a mixture in the color of the roof. Also, bituminous sealant is very moisture resistant and durable. Elasticity makes the sealing process more simple, and the price of such a composition does not afford. In addition, bituminous sealant gives excellent performance in adhesion to roofing.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

Bituminous sealant works well with metal and
  • Tape sealants : they are low cost and convenient to use. This type is very resistant to temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation. This method gives greater reliability and resistance to mechanical damage. Also, the tape can create a thick and wide layer of sealant. It is easy and convenient to make patches of such material, and even a person with no experience in construction can use it.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

Tape sealant is easier to use for beginners
  • Rubber or silicone sealant : suitable for various types of work. Quite resistant to sudden temperature changes. This sealant stiffens very quickly. Silicone blends are acetic and neutral. The latter are less durable, but also less toxic.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

The rubber sealant withstands rapid temperature drops
  • Acrylic sealants : they are distinguished by low cost, while they are very reliable and durable. As an advantage, it is possible to note the complete absence of odor, due to the fact that the composition does not include solvent. They give high rates of adhesion with all types of coatings.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

Acrylic sealants do not have any strong odors or stick together to practice all surfaces
on our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service to complete unfinished houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".
  • Polyurethane Sealants : this resin mix is ​​created.It is a viscous and viscous mixture with high toxicity. Such compositions are more expensive, but at the same time, more qualitative than others. Polyurethane sealant hardens even at low temperatures. It is very easy to apply and has a higher durability than other formulations. It can be combined with all types of roofing.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

Polyurethane composition is used even at low temperatures
  • Two-component sealants : the basis of this composition is silicone rubber. Also included is adhesive paste and hardener. It is possible to store such sealant longer than the others. But after mixing, you should definitely use the composition for a short period of time. Of the advantages we can note the convenience and a large range of temperatures at which the mixture hardens, and also maintains its insulating qualities. The composition can be used with almost all types of coatings, while it provides excellent adhesion with basic building materials.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

Two-component sealants are kept in “raw” form for a long time, in the finished form they require immediate use of
It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about waterproofing a bathroom.

Bituminous sealants and their basic properties

Bitumen is a natural material that people have learned to enrich with polymeric compounds, thereby increasing its viscosity. Also thanks to this, it was possible to reduce the susceptibility of the material to low and high temperatures. A bituminous roofing sealant, produced by a bona fide manufacturer, must have a number of positive qualities:

  • It combines well with various types of roofing.

  • It has very good data on elasticity and enhanced penetrating properties.

  • Well protects metal coatings from corrosion .

  • Does not crack after drying.

  • Bituminous sealant is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

  • It is not favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms and plants.

  • From an environmental point of view, such a composition is absolutely safe .

types, characteristics, instructions for use

When applying sealant in rooms with high humidity, you can be sure that it will not become a guide for

mold As you can see, the mixture has a number of advantages that make it very popular. Bituminous sealant is used at all stages of building construction and is well suited not only for the roof sealing procedure, but also for other construction works.

Important! Bitumen-based compounds should not be used to seal the gaps near chimneys, because this material has temperature limitations at which it retains its properties.

About the types and properties of sealants additionally in the video:

Why do I need to seal the roof

Sealing the roof will protect the roof system, and also roofing pie from the penetration of moisture inside and from the wet layer of insulation. It is also worth noting that this process saves the most unprotected places from exposure to aggressive reagents that fall together with precipitation. If water gets inside the roof, the rafters will quickly rot and become covered with fungus, even if they are well treated with protective compounds. The thermal conductivity of the roof will also increase, so the house will be too cold in winter and too hot in summer.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

No matter how carefully the gaps on the roof were filled with other materials, the sealant will complete this work.

Thus, sealing is very important a process that increases the reliability and durability of the entire structure.

How to apply bitumen sealant when performing construction work

Plants produce roof sealant in various packages The most popular because of their convenience and practicality were metal cans and tubes. The latter are great for work with narrow seams and cracks. During the application of sealant is to use a special gun. It will greatly facilitate the process of sealing and allow you to perform it without the extra costs of the mixture. It also allows access to complex and hidden seams or cracks. Means sold in cans or plastic buckets should be applied in layers with a spatula. Excess sealant must be removed. However, you should pay attention to the fact that buying such packaging is advisable only if you have to perform a large amount of work.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

For a certain amount of work, you can pick up a specific container with a sealant
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about waterproofing the well of concrete rings.

A specific feature of bitumen-based compositions is that they are not washed from hands with water. Therefore it is worth using gloves. If the mixture gets on the skin, it should be removed with the help of organic solvents, for example, white spirit. It should be poured on a small piece of cloth and gently wipe the sealant from the body, and then wash the skin with soap and water. Also, in order to wash off the mixture, you can use a makeup remover.

You can study in more detail the features and methods of performing work on sealing with the help of bitumen-based compositions by watching this video:

Prices for various bitumen sealants

Let's start with acrylic sealants for roofs. The price of such compositions on the Internet is different. Popular marketplaces offer mixtures of various manufacturers and with various additional components in the composition. We will consider tubes with a capacity of 310 milliliters. Such capacity costs from 94 to 256 rubles. The most optimal option can be purchased for 170 - 200 rubles.

Silicone and rubber compounds have a slightly higher price. So the cheapest sealant in the same tube 310 milliliters will cost about 130 rubles. The most expensive is 450 -460 rubles. The composition, optimum at the price and quality, will leave you rubles in 220.

Bituminous sealants have average price indicators. The cost of the tube on the Internet has been set in the range from 170 to 260 rubles. The choice of such a composition is the most optimal, because the low cost is combined with a number of advantages of this material.

types, characteristics, instructions for use

The price of the sealant depends on the volume sold and on the composition of the sealant
It can be interesting! In the article read the following link about waterproofing the chimney on the roof.


The right choice of building materials is the key to a long life of your home without the need for major repairs. Moreover, it is necessary to carefully select sealants on which the stability of the whole structure to rain, snow and other factors depends.

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