How to choose a roof for a country house: what we pay attention to and popular materials

The emergence of a large variety of modern roofing materials on the construction market has made it easier for many times to build high-tech and beautiful houses, but also made the choice as difficult as many times. There is no one right choice. For any individual project a lot of materials are equally well suited. Perhaps the only practical advice that can be found in articles on roofing: focus on quality.

How to choose a roof for a country house: what we pay attention to and popular materials

Roof of flexible tiles

What we look for

The problem of choosing roofing materials applies not only to house projects , but also other buildings on the site, such as a bath, gazebo or household house. As a rule, the design and quality of the roof for minor buildings are in tune with the main project of the house. But besides the question of aesthetics, we need to pay attention to several points:


Our country covers several climatic zones, so manufacturers take into account the peculiarities of the regions when producing roofing materials. For example, for the southern regions, where there is a high level of solar insolation and low humidity, a roof covering with high UV protection and overheating is offered. In the northern regions and beyond the Urals, where a lot of snow falls, materials that can withstand this load are relevant. And even the roof is designed with a significant slope, so as not to accumulate precipitation.

How to choose a roof for a country house: what we pay attention to and popular materials

Decking on a gable roof

Roof structure

When using sheet materials for complex-shaped roofs, a lot of trimming remains . Up to 30% coverage goes into waste. It is uneconomical, therefore sheet roofs are more often chosen for dual-slope roofs. The total weight of the materials will also be limited.

Roof assignment

When choosing a roof, it doesn’t matter what is under the roof - a cold attic or a warmed attic. For the attic you need a warmed multi-layer roofing pie.


This is actually a matter of taste. On the Internet, on many websites of companies, you can see online how different colors and texture of roofing units change the appearance of the roof. For example, "TechnoNIKOL SHINGLAS" is a fairly visual visualization for its products. And on the site of the Grand Line there is a visualizer not only for the roof, but also for the facade and fencing.

How to choose a roof for a country house: what we pay attention to and popular materials

Flexible shingles on the roof of complex shape

Popular materials

The most popular in the construction market are:

  • metal tile;

  • flexible tile;

  • folded roofing;

  • ondulin;

  • decking.

Of course, each material has many options for manufacturing, as well as a number of pros and cons.

Metal tile

The most popular roofing material. If you stayed on it, choose galvanized sheets with a thickness of more than 0.4 mm and coated. With proper installation, the service life is about 50 years. The downside is that without additional sound and heat insulation you will hear rain, hail and birds on the roof.

How to choose a roof for a country house: what we pay attention to and popular materials

Metal roofing on a gable roof

Soft bitumen tile

Weighted plus is a very small amount of waste when mounted on roof complex shape. Another advantage of this material is its sound insulation properties. Strength and durability of the roof can be added by choosing a two-, three-layer shingles. Such a roof will create a unique volumetric view of the roof and will give individuality to any home.

A small feature: it can be laid only on OSB or other continuous coverage, therefore, when calculating costs, take into account the costs of the entire roofing system. But this design does not require additional waterproofing and does not produce condensation.

Please note! When choosing a soft tile, pay attention to the smell. High-quality coating should not smell of bitumen!

Fold roofing

The dignity of this roof is inspiring respect for reliability and durability. Klikfalts and double standing seam have the longest service life. But the cost of the roof will inspire not everyone. And it's not the cost of production, and the price of installation work.

How to choose a roof for a country house: what we pay attention to and popular materials

Fold roofing on a wooden house


These are pulp and bitumen corrugated sheets containing mineral filler and impregnated with mineral resins. Used as an imitation of colored slate and tile. It is interesting in that it can be painted with acrylic paints, if previously primed. So, there is no limit to the flight of designer fantasy when choosing the color scheme of the roof.


And this material is very convenient because it is easy to install. Its plus is that it is not necessary to build sophisticated ceilings, and the service life and guarantees are quite appropriate for the construction of capital houses in most of the climatic zones.

Obviously about the selection of material for the roof, see the video:

What can be found at the exhibition "Low-Rise Country"

To make it easier to determine the materials for the roof, you need to see them live, compare several types from different manufacturers. The exhibition presents roofing materials from the companies "TechnoNIKOL SHINGLAS" (shingles), Grand Line (metal, folded roofing, corrugated, composite tile) and "KrovInzhStroy" (metal, composite tile, shingles).

When choosing roofing materials, remember the tip at the beginning of the article: quality is important!

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