features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

A winter garden is a characteristic microclimate where the conditions for plant life are selected in such a way that people can spend time in a given room with benefits for the body and health. The owners of such a room in the garden often find the opportunity to relax, read an interesting book, have a cup of coffee or tea, or just relax at the end of a hard week. How to arrange such a room in your house, read in the article.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Winter Garden in a Private House

Key Varieties of the Winter Garden

Given the selected plants, there are 3 types of winter Garden:

  1. Tropical winter gardens. A popular option for plants who love high humidity and heat. The air temperature is maintained around 18-26 degrees, and the minimum humidity is 50%.
  2. Subtropical. The temperature in them is about 13-15 degrees.
  3. Arid. This option is used to grow succulents.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Tropical Winter Garden

By definition, a winter garden looks like a greenhouse and greenhouse. All three rooms are being built to save plants in the winter months without stopping the process of growing crops. But between them there is one difference.

The difference is that the greenhouse and the greenhouse are created to plant and grow specific crops, in these two rooms the humidity and air temperature do not allow a person to stay for a long time.

What is the difference between a winter garden and a greenhouse or a greenhouse?

When it comes to winter gardens, it is primarily meant an intermediate area between the natural environment and living rooms. The greenhouse, in turn, is created only for growing certain plants. In most cases, the greenhouse is located separately from the living space: on the roof or in the garden.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Orangery - a separate building, usually located in a garden

Greenhouses also specialize in growing certain varieties (for example, palm trees and oranges), where a particular climate is maintained. It is quite difficult for a person to be in such climatic conditions.

The winter garden, in turn, has well-chosen microclimates, which, moreover, has a great effect on human well-being and cultivates plants with complex “characters”. Winter gardens, like greenhouses, are designed to provide flowers and plants a comfortable wintering, saving them from cold winds and snow.

Types of winter gardens: detailed classification

Construction of winter gardens is a difficult task. However, after the construction of this place will undoubtedly become one of the favorite to hang out.

Pay attention! You should start with the choice of the project, with the decision how the garden should turn out.

It is also necessary to observe the maximum glazing. Plants must receive as much sunlight as possible, therefore it is recommended:

  • to install panoramic windows in the maximum amount;
  • to make the roof light-transmitting.

If this fails, you have to spend money on photo tubes that will produce artificial light.

Buffer winter garden

It is located in the buffer zone between the house and the street. Grow in them undemanding plants. The advantage is the lack of electricity costs. Buffer gardens are not heated, they have intense natural light.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Buffer winter garden

Climate-adapted plants grow in them to be able to take them home during the winter months. All plants are in pots. Because of this, this design is not used all year round. However, it is very simple to build them, and on the territory of such gardens to have a great time in the autumn and spring time.

Residential winter garden

It settles itself inside a residential building, or a greenhouse adjacent to the house is built under it, conducting all communications to it. When choosing the second option, you need to think about the extension even during the creation of a project for the house.

Apart from a beautiful room, such a room can be used as:

  • workplace;
  • dining room;
  • another functional area.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Winter Garden-Living Room

Therefore, for harmonious and aesthetic beauty, it is desirable to allocate a spacious area. In a residential winter garden grow not only small but also large plants. They are usually placed along the wall or in the pot. TV and other electronics may be installed if the humidity is not high.

Tip: It is recommended to use the supports on the wheels, which put the pots. They can be easily moved. Given the considerable area of ​​the room is sure to come in handy.

Orangery Garden

The construction of a winter garden is usually quite simple, and everyone can handle it.The priority point is often the possibility of reproduction and cultivation of exotic and rare plant species. The greenhouse is great for this.

A huge number of plants can be placed inside such a large glazed room and looked after a round code.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Winter Garden Greenhouse

The only minus of the greenhouse is its cost. This is the most expensive option of the garden. It is built in most cases by collectors of rare plants.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of arranging conservatories. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

How justified is a winter garden

Building a garden will require finances. Even when building with your own hands, you need to buy material that is not cheap. Therefore, the question arises: how much is a winter garden justified, and is it necessary?

The second question is for everyone to answer independently. And based on the answer to decide whether to build it. After all, even if you build a simple winter garden in the country, you will need to spend finances. The following statements are universal:

  • They build such premises, first of all, for themselves. So that you can spend time in a room with plants and pleasant and fresh air.
  • Breathing in the fresh air and admiring your favorite garden at any time of the year, in the opinion of many who decided on such a building, is priceless.

You can also use the garden as a business - grow rare plants and sell them. In this case, you need to write a business plan and calculate the benefit.

Inspiring story and review of the winter garden for those who still doubt this video:

Construction of a winter garden

A properly built recreation area, amidst a picturesque green area inside the building, gives the joy of diving on summer days even during snowfall. In addition, it is possible to find a great project and build a garden on your own. But it should be understood that the owner of a house or apartment should invest time and money in this business.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

You can build a small winter garden in your existing room

By following the advice of professionals, you can:

  • reduce financial costs;
  • complete the construction without alterations.

Choice of the location side

Before starting construction work and choosing a project, it is necessary to decide on which side the winter garden will be located:

  1. North. Gardens in this direction accumulate heat rather poorly and quickly give it away. If it is not possible to arrange the other side, the future owner should be given enough time and attention to garden heating.
  2. South. This side of the room is even less suitable for the construction of a winter garden. A significant disadvantage of the "south" is excessive overheating of plants. This, in turn, will force the owner to fork out more for watering and ventilation. But there is an advantage: if the winter is cold, it is the gardens located on this side that will better keep warm.
  3. West. Plus - it will keep warm for a long time. Minus - in the summer it will bring a lot of trouble.
  4. East. The best choice. The design will not overheat, and do not need to spend a lot of money on cooling.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

It is better to arrange a winter garden on the east side

Which frame to choose

When building a winter garden you need to put a very strong frame so that it can withstand the glazing. It must be easy to maintain and insulating.

Important! When creating a frame project, you need to use special programs that can calculate the possibilities of its strength.

The strength of the frame is calculated from:

  1. Location.
  2. Angle of inclination of the roof.
  3. Snow loads.
  4. Wind and climatic conditions in this locality.

If necessary, the quality of the fortress used ferrous metal.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

The frame of the winter garden
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about garden swings .


In the project of the winter garden, drainage is laid in the plan of the whole house. For the glass roof of the winter garden will need to solve the situation with water. It is assembled in the corresponding box-profile and profiles that block its penetration.

Building materials

Aluminum profiles are used in the production of winter gardens. They proved to be excellent as a material for facade glazing. They are easy to mount, deliver, and they are also lightweight.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Aluminum frame

Realization of the frame in the old building

Thanks to the lightness, aluminum profiles are used in the old building, which will not withstand gravity on the supporting structure.Aluminum profiles for facade glazing just undergo processing, after which you can even make a complex frame and elements. They are perfect for translating the ideas of designers.

Surface selection

In most cases, walls in a winter garden are made of glass, but there are also polycarbonate samples. The choice of glass is a very important stage:

  1. Most often use glass with a thickness of 4-6mm.
  2. For a garden, it is advisable to choose glasses with high thermal insulation values.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Triplex as a material for the surface of a winter garden

Tempered glass or triplex glass with durable and reliable fittings is used on the roof. To get rid of fogging, it is recommended to take a double-glazed window with electric heating.


Glasses to be used for the winter garden:

  • double-glazed window;
  • energy-saving;
  • reinforced;
  • tempered glass;
  • sunscreen;
  • triplex;
  • colored in mass.

In addition to ensuring the area of ​​the winter garden with natural street lighting, glass is still required to protect the area from snow, rain and wind.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Proper glazing has saved the owner of the garden from problems with maintaining temperature and humidity

In addition, the glass must have features such as:

  1. Sound insulation.
  2. Thermal insulation.
  3. Aesthetics (beautiful appearance).
  4. Protection from the external environment.

To ensure such requirements, special types of glass have been created. To give a beautiful and aesthetic look, you can buy painted, laminated and hardened materials. For thermal insulation it is better to buy energy-saving. And from natural conditions can protect the reinforced glass.


When choosing materials for glazing, it is necessary to proceed from the following parameters: sound insulation of the garden, heat and the amount of natural light needed. Modern construction market offers a large number of translucent materials. Below are the main ones.

Tempered glass

The most expensive way is to fill the openings with single-tempered glass sheets. However, it cannot provide the necessary thermal insulation and does not store heat. Consequently, in the winter time it will be cool, and the summer will be too hot for the plants. Although it is placed in a winter garden in a private house, it is more suitable for a veranda.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Tempered glass

Double-glazed window

Double-glazed windows are the most profitable option if you want small energy costs. Inside the windows there is an inert gas with low heat transfer. In their production using different glass. There is a choice from: glazed, with increased safety, energy saving, impermeable sounds and with protection against impacts.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Double-glazed windows

Glasses are:

  • mirror;
  • transparent;
  • painted in mass.
Need to know! The light penetrating through the colored glass changes shade. Therefore, the color scheme of the interior may be slightly distorted.

As a convenient use, it is suggested to pay attention to self-cleaning samples. They "work" as follows: the dirt, falling on the glass, decomposes because of the light, and after a while it is washed off by itself during the rain. They practically do not need to clean and clean. But when there is a rainfall in the construction, there is no sense in self-cleaning glass.


Polycarbonate is a material with a high light absorption coefficient. Compared to glass, it insulates heat more strongly.

Polycarbonate is sold in 3 types:

  1. Dark.
  2. Transparent.
  3. Matte.

The latter is distinguished by a smaller omission of lighting. The first option is used in places where many rays of the sun are directed to the winter garden in the house.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing


There are three minuses of polycarbonate:

  1. Not as dense as glass.
  2. Pollutes in a short time.
  3. In the rare case of exposure to the sun zone, it turns green due to algae.

This material is produced in two versions: honeycomb and cast. The second heat loss is less due to the low heat conductivity. Professionals advise using polycarbonate on roofs, not on walls, because it is safer, is lightweight and is inexpensive.

Important! Polycarbonate may change in size due to prolonged exposure to air. As a result, it is forbidden to mount it rigidly.

It is advisable to use special fastening systems and adhere to the installation rules. Compliance with technologies in a positive context will affect the quality and design of the winter garden.

Additional typology of winter gardens

Winter gardens are divided into 2 types:

  1. Separately built from the house.
  2. Adjoining the residential complex.

Based on the construction, they may have several facades:

  • three-fronted (one side adjacent to the house);
  • two-front (built in the corner);
  • separately built winter gardens.

features, types, types, feasibility, construction, glazing

Two-fronted winter garden
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The winter gardens can also be erected as buffer type buildings. This category includes any non-residential premises. For example: a loggia, platform or balcony. Another type of garden is unheated rooms of the type of veranda. The next type is partially heated gardens. And finally, the last option is a greenhouse.


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