Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Stone, wooden and metal fences are classics of protective structures. But today they are cramped on the market by a completely unique model - a decorative plastic fence. Therefore, there is a great interest of private developers in it, because, according to manufacturers, this fence has a large list of advantages. In this article we will talk about the plastic fence, what material it is made of, the pros and cons of the design, as well as how to install it.

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Plastic fence of the closed type

Plastic properties

Let's start the story with the plastic from which the fences are made. It is nothing like polyvinyl chloride, but shorter than PVC. Everyone has long used windows and doors made of PVC, and everyone knows what positive properties this polymer has. But once again, we list them:

  • high strength PVC profiles are sufficient due to the presence of stiffeners in the design, and the larger, the stronger the structure;

  • low price compared to any other building materials;

  • plastic does not rot , does not rust, does not burn, but only melts;

  • it does not form colonies of harmful microorganisms;

  • wash and it can be cleaned with any liquid or gel detergent;

  • alcohol and other solvents are not affected by ;

  • today, manufacturers offer PVC, which does not change its properties under the action of sunlight ;

  • withstands a rather wide range of temperature exposure ;

  • rodents and insects are indifferent to it;

  • it is a 100% dielectric;

  • a wide range of in terms of decorative filling.

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Natural loads for PVC fences do not care about

The only thing that fears PVC polymer is abrasives, sharp items and tools. But it should be noted that the plastic fence has several disadvantages:

  • the construction in the street is quickly polluted ;

  • there is a large the likelihood on the market to purchase products of low quality made from recycled materials;

  • it is better to choose white or beige PVC fences, they are stronger than color models .

PVC for plastic fences

Today, manufacturers make plastic fence designs that are made using three different technologies.

  1. Molded plastic . From the name it becomes clear that the product is poured on special equipment, like a monolith. In this case, we must pay tribute to the quality of the casting determines the quality of the machine used. After all, it depends on him a uniform distribution of raw material throughout the body of the product.

  2. Glued . Here the technology is as follows - thin plastic sheets are glued together. This is the cheapest option, and the most fragile among the three modifications.

  3. Reinforced . In fact, it is a metal-plastic having the highest strength characteristics. Of all the proposed species, it is the most expensive.

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Reinforced plastic fence

We add that not all manufacturers of plastic fences use clean materials as raw materials PVC That is, in the market you can buy products from recycled materials. In appearance, from which plastic the fence is made, cannot be determined. It remains only to hope for the correctness of the quality certificate. For evaluation, we can say that recycled PVC fences are much cheaper.

The appearance of the plastic fence

Now we turn directly to the decorative fence itself to give plastic. To begin with, manufacturers offer several varieties of barrier construction.

  • Solid . This is a structure consisting of one large panel, the maximum size of which is 2.5 x 2.5 m. Usually, the installation is carried out using a frame made of a profile pipe and special connecting profiles.

  • Fencing . In fact, this is the first option, only the installation of the panels is carried out with gaps between the sections.

  • Fence . These are elements in the form of boards that are installed in a continuous row or with a gap.

  • Wattle . This name came from distant times, when fences were woven from tree branches. Mostly the latter were laid horizontally. Plastic fences of this type strongly resemble wooden wicker railing. Anyway, weaving technology also.

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Plastic protective structures of the "Wattle" model
On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most sites popular in the suburbs for the construction of a country house . In filters you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.
  • Mesh or grid fence . This structure consists of support posts and a grid or grid, respectively, which are attached to the posts.

  • Combined option . There is quite a wide variety of variations. For example, the bottom is deaf, the top is lattice. Or transparent them, deaf top.

It should be noted that picket fence is very popular. The traditional protective design, which has always been used by summer residents. It is simple, not heavy, transparent, fits perfectly into any landscape design of a country site. This fence can protect the entire territory of the cottage, a small section of lawn or flower garden, garden paths or parking lots. And if for the protection of the flower bed a small plastic fence is used, then for the fencing of the territory, structures with a height of 1.5-2.0 m are installed.

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Plastic fence in the form of the "Peasant's" model lattice

PVC fence installation technology

In principle, the installation technology is not very different, for example, from the installation of a lattice model or from a professional flooring. That is, the whole process is divided into three main stages.

It may be interesting! In the article, the following link reads about what should be the height of the fence between adjacent sections: standards, calculations, controversial issues .

Stage 1 - preparation

The first step is to mark the fence. That is, the boundaries of the suburban area are determined and, taking into account the width of the panels, the installation sites for the supporting pillars are optional. The latter, as well as elements of the intake structure, are made of plastic.

Usually markings are applied to the ground using pegs and a cord. Pegs driven into the ground in the installation of pillars. And then they are tied with string, leaving free space for the gate and wicket.

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Marking on the ground for the fence

Step number 2 - installation of the support columns

Manufacturers usually offer plastic fences complete with support posts. But there are designs that are sold separately. More often pillars are square cross-sections of the product, but they are on the market with a circular cross section. Both options and other are identical in technical and operational characteristics. The ways of attaching panels to posts may simply differ.

The very installation of the pillars is as follows:

  • in places where pegs are driven in, bore holes 60-100 cm deep with a diameter of 250 mm, if the cross-section of the pillars is 100x100 mm, and 300 mm, if the cross-section is 150x150 mm;

  • they are covered with fine crushed stone or gravel in a layer of 5-10 cm;

  • set up pillars in the wells;

  • set up their vertical plumb line;

  • pour a standard concrete mortar with cement-sand-crushed stone proportions like 1: 2: 3.

Usually, after placing the pillars vertically, they are temporarily fixed with wooden struts, which are removed a day after pouring the concrete.

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Installing plastic support posts
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about , which is better to buy a fence for the cottage and the house: materials, structures and prices .

Stage 3 - installation of the intake spans

It should be noted that the ready-made intake sections are attached to the support columns with regular fasteners. That is, those offered by manufacturers. They come with a fence included. This is very easy to do.

It is more difficult with fences, assembled from individual elements. First, they lack the second stage. That is, it is there, but it is carried out simultaneously with the assembly of the piece elements of the protective structure.Here's how to do it:

  • set one pillar, which is leveled vertically;

  • it is concreted;

  • and then two guides are installed in its side grooves, which are U-shaped;

  • upper form is set correctly, that is, the letter “P”, the lower one is vice versa;

  • now, insert piece panels of the intake structure between the guides ;

  • they are simply inserted into the U-shaped slots , and the first panel is pressed tightly to the pole;

  • the second panel fits into the first panel as tightly, and they are connected with the lock notch-tongue ;

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Installing chaff in U-shaped guides
  • and in this way all panels ;

  • after which the next well is set to the second column , two guides are inserted into it;

  • then the column is set at a height equal to the height of the first column, and the entire assembled structure is aligned in the same vertical plane;

  • hold pouring concrete for fastening the second support;

  • in this way the entire protective structure is assembled.

The video shows how craftsmen collect a plastic fence at a country site:

How to mount a plastic fence

The picket construction itself is different from other models of plastic fences. These are rather narrow panels that are attached to the guide screws. Guides fasten with screws to support posts. In this case, the guide profiles, they are also railings, can be made of plastic or metal (usually aluminum or galvanized steel).

Here, as in the case of previous technologies, the installation of support pillars is carried out, which are set vertically and among themselves in height. Then at the required height, determined by the manufacturer, the rails are mounted. Usually there are two, rarely three rows. Under them in the pillars made the seats, so there is no need to align them horizontally. For mounting use regular hardware or ordinary galvanized screws.

When all the pillars and rails have been installed, proceed to the installation of the picket fence. Although the technology can be carried out in sections. That is, they mount two supporting pillars, insert railings between them, and then fasten elements on them. Then move on to the next section.

Decorative plastic fence: types, prices, installation technology

Plastic fence for fencing a flower bed
It might be interesting! In the article the following link read about volume, how to choose a country house for permanent residence: properly prioritize .

With regard to the installation of small fences (plastic, decorative) type of shtaketnik, which are most often used for fencing garden paths, flower beds and lawns, the technology of their installation depends on the type of construction of the fence. Most often, they are sections of 6-10 pieces, assembled in a monolithic structure with ready-made and inserted into the structure of the columns. Under the last make shallow holes in which install section. In the same place fasten concrete solution. In the photo below, just this version of the fence is shown.

If such a fence has only the functions of forming boundaries, then you can not use the concrete solution. The columns of the building just dig into the ground. And this is enough to talk about the strength of the installation design.

The video shows what plastic shtaketins are, what colors and textures they are:

Price of plastic fences

Buy a plastic fence to give (we will denote the prices below) today is not a problem. They are sold in hardware stores and markets. The price range is wide, and it depends mainly on the size of the protective structure and used in the manufacture of plastic. We denote some models with dimensions and prices.

  1. A straight fence with a section width of 183 cm and a height of 133 cm. The package includes two rails and poles. Price section 245 rubles.

  2. Closed picket fence safe for fencing cafes, children's and playgrounds, recreation areas and others. Height 91 cm, width 183 cm. Price - 2100 rubles per section.

  3. Deaf sections from the monolithic panel. Height is 1830 mm, width is 2440 mm, the price is from 8000 to 8500 rubles.

  4. The same with a height of 710 mm , a width of 1300 mm. Price - 3000 rubles.

It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the highlight of the design - a collection of furniture from colored sand .

Conclusion on the topic

It is necessary to pay tribute to the scientific and technical progress, which gave us all the opportunity to use, in the broad sense of the word, products made of polymeric materials. The latter have a large number of positive characteristics. But most of all they are pleased with their price component, which is several times lower than that of traditional building materials. In this regard, plastic fences - the clearest example.


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