Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

It is possible to build a house for rest from any material offered on the market, but not each of them is endowed with the properties that foam concrete. Foam block is an environmentally friendly material of a new generation, therefore it can be used for private construction. This explains the reason for its popularity with the Russian and not only the developer. Country houses made of foam blocks durable, reliable, they are well kept warm. In a word, foam concrete is an excellent material for the construction of residential buildings, several times cheaper than brick counterparts, more durable, in comparison with buildings made of wood beams. And projects of country houses from foam concrete blocks can become the real masterpieces.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Architectural project of a country cottage from foam blocks

Features of building a country house from a foam block

Key advantages of this construction technology are considered:

  1. a small proportion of material, which allows building a house on a lightweight foundation, which will cost less to fill;

  2. forms accuracy , sizes and ease of processing blocks during construction;

  3. quick installation of walls and partitions (average 70 days);

  4. good resistance to physical exertion , mechanical damage;

  5. low thermal conductivity ;

  6. good performance of sound absorption ;

  7. no shrinkage .

Note! The mediocre quality of foam blocks, according to most experts, is only in poorly produced material. A good foam block - a pledge of a warm, cozy, modern home for a low cost.

Structure and features of a foam block in the construction of residential buildings

Foam concrete (aka foam block) is a unique building material in its properties, combining the best advantages of wood and stone. It is made of special foam added to concrete solution, saturating it with air bubbles. As a result of this mixing, a homogeneous foamy mixture is obtained, which is poured into standard blanks until complete curing.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Pouring foam concrete into molds at work

Advantages of material in the construction of residential buildings:

  1. low thermal conductivity , which increases the energy efficiency of the building, which means that the charge for energy consumption will be lower;

  2. correct forms high-quality foam blocks allow you to make very thin seams, this will increase resistance, reduce heat loss, due to a significant reduction in cold bridges;

  3. low density helps reduce the mass of blocks, and it influences t to choose the type of foundation.

Imperfections are also present:

  1. the foam concrete house itself looks not sufficiently presentable , therefore, it is imperative to finish works after full construction;

  2. low density foam concrete blocks facilitate construction, but make it impossible to use the material for construction of buildings higher than three floors ;

  3. laying of supporting structures needs additional reinforcement to increase their strength.

Important! The material should be transported from the manufacturer’s warehouse or store under polyethylene, the blocks should be piled on a pallet. Keep the material in need also under the film or under a specially constructed canopy.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

When stored in open space, foam concrete must be protected from moisture

Construction steps for block cottage

The process of building residential buildings is multifaceted, including the country house of foam blocks, and the cost of building depends on many factors. The choice of material for construction is only one of the first steps in the design of a building. The construction itself is divided into the following stages:

  • selection of the area for construction;

  • creating your own home project or choosing a finished one;

  • calculating the amount of material and components;

  • construction of the foundation;

  • construction of walls and other supporting structures;

  • installation of windows and doors;

  • installation of the roof;

  • laying of utilities;

  • exterior and interior decoration;

  • building insulation.

Provided that the project is well developed and the foam block is selected as a material, the savings on construction will be appreciable.

How to make an overlap, roofing structure in a rest house from a foam block

Overlaps are made of wooden beams:

  • first on the supporting structure (wall) is marked the place of their mating;

  • then, stainless steel anchors are inserted into the blueprints;

  • after this anchor are fixed with concrete or nails.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Complicated gable roof of the house from foam blocks with an attic

The type and shape of the roof are chosen with a personal preference so that it matches the architectural style. The arrangement of the roof for all models of houses is the same:

  • rafters are first laid;

  • then the crate is filled;

  • then the waterproofing layer is laid down;

  • then the installation of the finishing roofing is carried out.

Roofing material can also be selected at your discretion and in cash opportunities. It can be a metal tile, slate, a tile or any other material.

How to revet a garden foam block house

A clean (basic) country house of foam blocks has a porous top layer and a rather unpresentable appearance, so it must be faced to make it more beautiful and prevent moisture accumulation in the pores . If this is not done, the walls will very quickly darken and begin to collapse, and with rapid speed.

Specification! If D600 brand foam concrete was used for the production of a foam block, protection against wetting can be ignored. But these units have higher thermal conductivity, so there will be a need for warming the house.

Finishing of exterior wall surfaces in no way affects the performance of a foam block. But for aesthetic reasons, it requires plating more attractive materials.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Without finishing the house from foam concrete blocks does not look attractive enough
On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of foam concrete blocks from building companies represented at the exhibition houses "Low-rise Country".

Moreover, by covering it is possible to hide the defects that were formed during the construction of walls, to eliminate the so-called cold bridges (and they will surely appear in the joints of the masonry). The most suitable methods and materials for lining:

  • decorative brick;

  • sadding of any kind;

  • plastic or wood paneling;

  • plaster designed for a foam block.

When choosing how to sheathe a country house from foam blocks, you need to remember that foam concrete is very bad for air flow, so you need to take care of ventilation.

The price of a dacha house made of turnkey foam concrete

The cost of any structure depends on something and for some reason. The key items of expenditure affecting the cost of construction are:

  • Architectural plan . This includes: the development of a construction plan, approval of permits for construction. The final cost will depend on the number of floors of the structure, the initial - about 15 thousand rubles.

  • Construction of the foundation . For block structures, lightweight base types are selected, reinforced with a reinforcement frame. The cost of work with materials will cost about 130-150 thousand rubles.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Building a house with a full basement floor will significantly increase the cost estimate for the foundation
  • Construction of the base . The height of this structure is approximately 20 * 30 * 50 cm. At a price it will be about 50 thousand rubles.

  • Masonry of the walls . To build a house on one floor will need to make 15 rows of blocks. Taking into account openings for windows and doors, this will cost 120-130 thousand rubles.

  • Roof . The cost of this part of the design is approximately 5% of the total budget.

  • Solution . 1 bag of dry cement costs an average of 300 rubles. On the foundation will need approximately 100 bags. The sand is chosen quality construction, the cost of 1 cube is about 500 rubles.

Projects of country houses from foam blocks may include additional costs:

  • wiring communications;

  • plating facade;

  • thermal insulation of the building;

  • arrangement of additional partitions.

A preliminary calculation of the cost of the finished project:

  • of a single-storey country house of economy class is approximately 800 thousand rubles. ;

  • residential cottage - 3 million, 500 thousand rubles. ;

  • standard class - from 900 thousand to 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

This is a rough estimate for the construction and the total cost of the finished houses.

Some thoughts about the cost of a house made of foam concrete can be seen in the video:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer construction services houses from foam blocks. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Projects of country houses from foam blocks

Houses for rest or year-round living can be different: on the complexity of construction, dimensions, architecture, number of storeys, with additional elements (terrace, balcony, garage, attic and other constructions)

The project of a single-storey country house

A single-storey structure of a foam block for a summer holiday in the country is the most inexpensive option. It is very popular among the majority of Russian average families. The advantage of buying or building is obvious - this is the cost. Not everyone has the strength to build a brick garden house, and it is not rational to invest big capital in building a house intended for summer holidays.

A house measuring 9 * 11 m, for example, will be a good warrant for a large family. It has rooms with communications for a comfortable stay and full life, not only in summer but also in winter. The living room is spacious, you can take a lot of friends here, arrange gatherings for the company, or just watch movies with the whole family. There is a kitchen, 2 bedrooms, a hall, a porch and hygienic premises that are no different from the usual urban ones. For living in winter there is a boiler room.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Architectural design of a one-story house 9 x 11

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Layout of a one-story house 9 х 11
It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about building a foam block house.

A two-storey house 12 x 9 with a veranda

A foam block house on 2 floors is an excellent solution for lovers of space, reliability, and comfort for a small price. The structure of 2 floors will save cash investments by about 40%. It is about the foundation, with a small area you can get a large house with several bathrooms (one for each floor) bedrooms to accommodate not only family members in a personal bedroom, but also guests or friends who came by chance. Comfortable spacious veranda will certainly become a favorite place to relax after a hard working day. Such an attractive house in the Art Nouveau style will be much cheaper than its counterpart made of stone or brick.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Architectural design of a two-story house 12 x 9

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Layout of the first floor of the house 12 x 9

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

The layout of the second floor of the house 12 x 9
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about the projects of two-story houses from foam blocks.

House with a mansard roof

Those who prefer to have a sufficiently spacious apartment building on a small suburban area are offered a project for a house with a mansard roof for a relatively low cost. Such buildings are considered universal. The second floor is an attic, it can be equipped for a bedroom or a guest room, as well as for a working area, a cinema, workshops.

Such houses are very popular, there are many of them, they differ not only in appearance, but also in size, type of roof, construction and parameters of the attic. Such buildings attract attention with non-standard solutions and interesting architecture, therefore they are in great demand. The layout can be very different, one thing remains unchanged - the beauty, color and style of any building with a mansard roof.

Country houses from foam blocks - turnkey projects, prices for construction in Moscow, photo

Architectural design of a foam block house with an attic under a sloping roof

And a few more foam block projects in the video:

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link, read about which concrete blocks are best for building a house.


Country house projects are diverse. All alone have a lot of advantages over brick or stone. In addition to ready-made projects about the developer, you can create your own and safely implement it in reality: with a basement floor, a veranda, a mansard, in 1 or 2 floors. The main thing is that this building will delight residents for a long time, serve for a long time, be reliable, warm, cozy and multifunctional.


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