At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

Construction of a dwelling house is a responsible business, requiring a considerable investment of time, labor and capital investments. Improper location of buildings on the site can lead to unforeseen difficulties, including the demolition of buildings. You can make a mistake in smaller details: for example, a polycarbonate fence between neighbors in the country can cause litigation. To avoid this, it is necessary to comply with certain standards that determine the distance between buildings on the site. The main legislative document, which spelled out the rules for the construction of any objects, is called the SNiP - Building Regulations and Rules. It contains recommendations on the location of buildings on the site, fences and outdoor structures according to architectural, fire and sanitary requirements. It is in these standards that it is indicated at what distance from the fence it is possible to build a house and other structures, to plant trees.

At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

The rules of planning and building of urban and rural settlements regulate SNiP

Building codes in planning fences

When installing a fence separating a plot from a street or a neighboring household, you cannot be guided solely by your wishes. Build a fence between adjacent areas - can only be in accordance with certain requirements. The same applies to the distance between the houses.

There are a number of documents that normalize how far the fences and fences should be. The main one is SNiP No. 441, developed in 1972. The document indicates the maximum allowable height of the fence between neighbors - 1.5 m and the external fence - 2.2 m. But the local administrative authority can make its own corrections concerning this value. This is due to architectural or other requirements for a particular locale. Therefore, before the construction of fences, it is necessary to learn the parameters of the permissible height, first of all, from the local municipal authorities.

At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

Requirements for the appearance and height of the fence can be put forward by the administration of the settlement

Fire regulations regulate the installation of the fence with point of view of security in the event of an open fire. With crowded buildings, the immediate vicinity of large trees, the fire can spread very quickly.

Sanitary and household recommendations are designed to avoid air, soil and water pollution and the spread of unpleasant odors. This is very important when constructing cesspools, building barns for keeping small livestock and poultry, and enclosures for dogs. The SNiP specifies the minimum distance from the house to the neighbor's fence. The distance is measured from the basement of the structure or its protruding part, if its size exceeds 50 cm.

Violation of the norms defining the distance between buildings in neighboring areas may cause serious consequences: misunderstandings with neighbors, court proceedings, problems with the law .

Therefore, you need to carefully read the requirements of the SNiP to apply them during construction.

Allowed distance between neighbors' houses

If the building land plot is purchased in the private sector, where neighbors already live, when building a house, existing buildings should be taken into account.

At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

Fire resistance categories of buildings

According to the requirements of the SNiP, the distance from the building to the border of the site depends on the building material :

  • Further away, you need to retreat from the existing wooden building: 15 m in the construction of a new wooden house and 10 m in stone, brick and concrete.
  • If both houses are made of brick or concrete, but have wooden floors, the distance between them should not be less than 8 m.
  • The closest of all can be made of buildings made of non-combustible materials without wooden elements - this a distance of 6 m.
  • If houses have 2-3 floors, the safe distance between them is more than 15 m.

The position of objects inside the private section is not strictly regulated by fire regulations.

At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

The minimum allowable distance between neighboring houses is 6 m
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Distances from the outbuildings to the fence

Building regulations regulate the location of the outbuildings on the site relative to the fence:

  • If you plan to build a barn for storing garden tools or a garage , the minimum distance from the fence should be 1 m. The slope of the roof should be directed to your site.
  • If it is supposed to grow small living creatures in the barn, at least 4 m should be retreated from the borders of the site. Greenhouses on organic fertilizer should be placed at the same distance from the fence.
  • Structures with increased fire danger, where open fire is used, it is not recommended to bring the building closer to the fence than 5 m. In this list, baths, boiler rooms, saunas on solid fuel.
  • The distance from the garage to the fence is at least one meter. But only if the rest of the buildings are 6 meters away from the fence.

The layout of buildings on the land plot should not be ignored not only to avoid problems with the law, but also for the purpose of convenient and safe operation. these buildings.

    At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

    Allowed distances from buildings to the fence, established by sanitary and fire regulations
    • A shower and toilet are allowed to be placed on a site no closer than 2.5 m from the fence. Baths and saunas on gas fuel and electricity can be built at the same distance.
    • Spreading tall trees should not be located closer than 3 m from the fence. The distance is determined from the center of the trunk to the edge of the plot. Under this condition, the shadow of the crown will not interfere with the neighbors.
    • Srednerosly trees can be planted no closer than 2 m., And shrubs - 1 m from the borders of the site.

    At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

    In building codes, the minimum allowable distance between buildings, plantings and the fence
    It may be interesting! In the article on the following link read about a cheap fence.

    The height of the fence in front of the neighbor's windows

    The fence between the plots should not cause inconvenience to neighbors who live nearby. Requirements for height depend largely on the type of fence.

    A fence cannot have a height greater than 1.5 m in case its design is grid or mesh.

    At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

    The mesh fence can have a maximum allowable height for fences - 1.5 m

    height of deaf fences should not be more than 0.70 m. If this size exceeds the recommended value, you must stock up with written permission from neighbors. If a conflict occurs, it may be necessary.

    It is allowed to build a blank fence with a height of 0.70 m with any translucent materials up to a maximum value of 1.5 m. Without coordination with neighbors.

    Help! In some regions, an increase in the transparent fence to 2.2 m is allowed, and deaf - to 0.75-1.5 m.

    At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

    Deaf fence can be expanded with a grid, grille, wooden crate with clearances

    When installing a fence with a thickness of more than 5 cm, it should be located on the territory of your site. If it is required to establish a construction of a large thickness in the border, the written consent of the neighbors is necessary.

    If the fence installed at the site causes the melt and rainwater of a neighboring household to be flooded, drainage must be done, otherwise the design of the fence needs to be changed or demolished.

    No complaints from the point of view of the norms and rules will be caused by the installation of a lattice, mesh fence or hedge from ornamental and fruit bushes.

    Board fences should have gaps from 50% of the total area.

    Materials and structures for fencing must be safe, securely fastened and not have sharp protruding parts.

    Capital fence can be erected only after the borders of the site are registered in the cadastral office. Before that, you need to use a temporary fence, for example, from a chain-link net.

    What you first need to think about after purchasing a site, see the following video:

    How to arrange buildings inside the site

    Prior to construction, it is necessary to make a plan of the site with the location of a residential building and household buildings. The main law regulating the construction of facilities on the site, SNiP 30-02-97. Here are written recommendations aimed at the safety and preservation of human health. The document indicates at what distance it is possible to build objects inside the site:

    • A toilet with a cesspool, a shed for poultry and small livestock should be located no closer than 12 m from a residential building and a cellar.
    • A septic tank, a toilet, a compost pile are arranged at a distance of more than 8 m from the well.
    • Shower, bath, sauna - not less than 8 m from the apartment building and the cellar.

    At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

    The allowable distance between buildings within the area
    This can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about poles for the fence of corrugated board.

    With an adjacent location of the hoe-block with animals and a dwelling house - the entrances are arranged separately and removed from each other at a distance of at least 7 m. objects with increased epidemiological risk. Adjacent areas are also subject to regulations.

    How to plan the construction on your own land plot, described in detail in the video:

    Distance from the road to the house

    During construction houses used the term "red line". It marks the boundary between a private site and a street or passage.

    If the fence is located directly on the “red line”, the door leaves and gate must open inwards. The conditional line cannot be blocked up and built up in any case, since the passage of cars and the passage of pedestrians are disturbed.

    SNiP 30-02-97 determines the distance from the "red line" to:

    • residential building - 5 m;
    • outbuildings - 5 m.

    In cases where the site is not bordered by a street (with a name), but by a passage (a lane without a name), these distances are equal:

    • to the dwelling - 3 m,
    • to the outbuildings - 5 m.

    At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

    The distance from the building to the border of the site - the "red line" depends on street type

    These values ​​are mandatory, not recommended. In case of violation of this paragraph, local authorities may require dismantling the fence and even the building. In addition, the minimum distance from the fence to the road will depend on the laid communications.

    At what distance from the fence it is possible to build a house in the garden plot

    According to the norms, the distance from the fence to a residential house cannot be less than 3 m. Moving the building to the edge of the plot is not only closer for strict rules, but also common sense. In addition to protection from street noise and prying eyes, such a gap will provide an opportunity to carry out maintenance and exterior repair of the building.

    Even if there is an agreement with the owner of the neighboring site that he is satisfied with a closer neighborhood, it is not necessary to violate this clause. Failure to observe the minimum distance to the fence when building a house is often the cause of civil strife, which can lead to proceedings in court. Nerves and money will be spent, and the court will make a decision not in favor of the person who violated the law. Failure to comply with the norms will result in large administrative fines or even forced dismantling of the structure.

    At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

    Disputes with neighbors due to improper location of buildings, the fence often ends in legal proceedings

    When planning building a house must take into account the requirements for its location. The distances from the border of the plot to the building are determined as follows:

    • Retreat from the “red line” 5 m in case there is a street behind the fence, or 3 m if there is a passage there.
    • The distance between the neighbour's house must be divided, which implies fire safety. Depending on the flammability of the materials being erected and the existing building, choose a minimum value that can be from 6 to 15 m.
    • At the same time, the condition - the distance between the house and the fence should be at least 3 m.

    When combining a dwelling house with a garage or outbuildings, the distance to the fence is assumed to be 3 m. .

    At what distance from the fence you can build a house, outbuildings: requirements for the fence

    The building codes
    It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the fence made of bricks and sheeting.


    The first step in the construction of a house is a careful familiarization with building codes and regulations. Compliance with the requirements set out in the document will help avoid problems with neighbors and authorities. In addition, the residential buildings correctly located on the site, the outbuildings are less exposed to the risk of fires and do not pollute the environment. Compliance with the norms during construction is a guarantee of the safety of your property and health.


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