Houses of a frame type are often built from materials that impede natural ventilation, so when planning they immediately introduce the required option of ventilation and air conditioning. If ventilation is installed in a frame house, how to properly equip it will depend on all the structural features and availability of materials. But, in any case, the construction process must comply with all the rules and regulations, as well as the type of air exchange system to be installed.
Needed whether the ventilation in the frame house, primarily depends on the material of the frame. Standard houses of frame type are made of non-breathing materials, therefore the design of the system is made together with the layout of the house. And then, together with the arrangement of the house is carried out according to the drawings and diagrams, specially selected for the type of building.
The standard frame house has an energy-saving and hermetic construction, which is complemented by plastic windows and doors. This causes the air to constantly heat up inside the room, since there is no full exchange of air with the surrounding house.
The most demanding premises of the building with regard to the need for air exchange are bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. The hood in the frame house is installed in such places.
For each type of building, a different type of air exchange device is installed for use:
seasonal accommodation. Usually this is the usual cottage. In such cases, the system establishes a natural in all necessary premises;
year-round summer use. In several rooms, including the kitchen, an exhaust duct with forced ventilation, that is, mechanical, is installed;
permanent residence in the house. The most commonly used type of forced ventilation. A heat recuperator and a gradual air supply to minimize temperature fluctuations are used.
In addition to the options presented, there are also mixed schemes, which include the features of each type of ventilation, with separation into rooms that require an increased or decreased air exchange.
There are several basic types of air exchange systems. Each of them is used under certain conditions of operation at home, as well as under a set of conditions and design features.
The natural type is considered the simplest and is used in small frame houses.
Most often these houses have seasonal use. Features of the natural type of air exchange:
the hood is located in the kitchen and in rooms with a bathroom and sanitary facilities;
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pipes, mainly plastic or asbestos-cement, are used for air flow. Metal pipes are rarely used.
The main way to use the natural look of the device is through the intake channel air enters the room, and then through the corridors comes to places with a hood. The channels themselves are needed because of the tightness of the frame structure. With a simpler version, the windows simply open, and the air goes further through the premises with an exit through the ventilation system.
A fresh-type valve is a small device through which air from the street enters. Among the models of valves there are those that are equipped with special silencers and filtering. The outside valve inlet is necessarily closed with a grid with small cells. On the air outlet side in the room, a special screen is installed through which the air is adjusted.
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The standard size of the hole in the wall is a cross section of 5-13 centimeters. Plastic pipes with noise and thermal insulation are initially inserted into the supply channels.
Natural air exchange only fully works during the cold season, as it is based on the difference in temperature and pressure in the room and around the house. In warm weather, additional fans are required. This allows you to make the air full. Each fan in special rooms, including the kitchen should be connected to a humidity sensor.It helps to provide climate control in full mode at any time of the year.
Ventilation of a frame house is provided for in advance, as this helps to avoid problems during its installation and arrangement.
The installation of the ventilation valve is as follows:
Forced residence is considered the best option, which is installed still at the very beginning of home improvement. Forced air exchange is achieved by the presence of fans at the entrance of air masses into the rooms and at the exit. This ensures constant circulation.
Most of the forced systems are equipped with automation that regulates the air inlet and outlet. Very often, the ventilation in a turnkey frame house is installed precisely forced type.
Features of the forced option:
air flows through intake ducts;
as the pressure rises in the house through ventilation in the kitchen and in the lavatories, the exhaust air is exhausted;
the supply and exit of the air mass are approximately equal; 2>
during heat recovery, the incoming air is heated.
It should be noted that houses from SIP-panels usually have built-in ventilation ducts, which facilitates installation of the entire system.
Forced ventilation is considered to be the most modern and economical, but in terms of price it often exceeds other options. It is required to remember that during the initial home improvement, it is necessary to immediately start installing the ventilation system.
This may be interesting! In the article on the following link read about plastic air ducts for ventilation.
Mixed type is a combination of mechanical (forced) and natural ventilation options. The exhaust air is from the premises through the channels of a ventilation nature. The volume of channels and their sizes depend on the area and size of the building.
The standard ventilation system when combined is based on proportions - 200 sq. . meters serves 7-8 channels.
The channels themselves should be made of plastic or asbestos-cement pipes. Exhaust fans are mounted in each channel. They can be with manual or automatic start. In automatic mode, additional moisture or infrared sensors are required. The first option works on indicators of ambient air, and the second when people appear in the premises.
The fan powers are calculated by a specialist when carrying out a design calculation of ventilation based on the building characteristics and requirements.
The air intake is created on the basis of a system of supply channels built into the walls or windows.
The combined system has one drawback - cool air enters the room during the cold season. Therefore, this type of ventilation is not used in buildings for permanent work. Or installed additional heating of the room.
Each type has its own characteristics that affect its choice for operation. There are several basic nuances:
most of the frame houses have a pre-installed air exchange system;
each house has its own layout and layout of the ventilation channels;
automation provides a complete functioning only if there are good and intact sensors;
the ventilation plan and plan must be drawn up even when planning the house, but if this has not happened, then the plan is executed about the arrangement of all rooms;
most often metal pipes in the ventilation system are not used due to their heat loss and too much conductivity of sound;
for permanent residence, mechanical ventilation is used, which can fully ensure a good microclimate and air exchange in rooms at any time of the year and in any temperature mode.
A ventilation system has already been thought out for the arrangement of certain type of frame houses, which facilitates the layout. This approach provides a complete ventilation system based on all the characteristics of the premises and the building as a whole.
The layout also depends on the type of building. For example, for a two-story house, you can use a mixed type, which will be different on two floors.
All schemes are drawn up according to the parameters of the premises and the house structure. In addition, all channel outputs must have grilles, as well as bolts. From the side of the interior, special dampers are installed, which are necessary not only to adjust the flow, but also to fully preserve the house during the absence of tenants.
What is and how does the ventilation work in this video:
Automation takes into account not only the power of the fans and mechanical traction, but also the performance. This allows you to make the air full volume.
It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the ventilation of the cellar.
Ventilation in the frame house is necessary. For different types of buildings for use and accommodation, you can select your ventilation system. Each system has its own characteristics and characteristics that need to be taken into account when arranging. Part of the frame houses in the production already has the layout of the ventilation channels and everything for their installation.