Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

A bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue is an excellent option to compensate for a small plot in the country. Such a union will provide a multifunctional place for a comfortable pastime. From this article you will learn what materials are best to use and see beautiful and creative options that will warm up interest in building a comfortable recreation area.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

Bath with a terrace and barbecue - well-equipped place to relax


A modern bath is made of timber , brick and pre-fabricated frame. The market offers other materials and methods of construction, but these options are popular.

Often the bath is built with a terrace or veranda. The terrace is sometimes equipped with a barbecue. But even the simplest guest house with a sauna and a barbecue nearby will make country rest more comfortable.

The best variations in the layout of suburban structures in the plots are obtained by combining these two complexes. In addition to the bath there is a place closed from the sun to rest after whipping.

Terraces are sometimes made with glass walls. Which allows literally not to be separated from the surrounding nature, and not to experience adverse weather changes, such as rain or strong wind.

The terrace combined with the bath will not only give comfort to the rest, but will speed up the construction procedure, as well as save time and space on the site. It is longer to build a gazebo and a bathhouse, and individually they occupy much more space.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

Draft sauna from a bar with a terrace and barbecue

The best location for building

According to your device, the veranda is only an extension to the bath (as to the main structure). In addition to the roof combined with the bath, the barbecue area serves as protection from the winds, since it has one common wall with the building and there are small partitions along the perimeter.

When placing a bath, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • when housing and bath are built as separate buildings, it is necessary to separate them from each other by at least eight meters. If the bath lights up, the fire will not switch to other objects;

  • it is desirable to build in the place where both the wind direction and the bath were behind other objects. The reason for this is the same as in the paragraph above;

  • you need to build as far as possible from the road. This is required by the Land Code. It is necessary to keep a distance of at least 5 meters.

If the terrace is summer, it is necessary to make a capital floor. They are often made of wood, sometimes laid out with tiles or other finishing materials. It will not be superfluous to arrange a bench, a couple of chairs, a rocking chair and a small table on the terrace.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

A brick bath will cost more, but the money spent will be worth it

Thanks to the convenience of everyday life and during construction, the terrace is made along the facade . So equipped place is great for relaxing after a steam room, and you can breathe the air. Soft drinks and food are accepted here.

Need to know! There is no limit to the size of the barbecue terrace. Her project is done taking into account the number of regular guests and convenience.


Suggestions on the type of bath with a turnkey barbecue are quite common. However, it will not be superfluous if the future owner will know the basic materials and their advantages. Basic knowledge will help to avoid fraud on the part of the construction company.

On our website you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of baths, saunas and other "architectural small forms" for a country house - from construction companies represented at the exhibition "Low-Rise Country".


When building a bath, wood is almost always used. The usual of it stack log house from a bar.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

A bath from a bar with a barbecue shelter and an attached pergola

The following advantages are at the tree:

  • perfectly retains heat . This will save on additional materials for insulation;

  • in wooden buildings a special atmosphere and flavor , without which it is difficult to imagine Russian baths created in the framework of traditions;

  • due to the fact that the tree breathes, inside the bath there is a natural regulation of humidity ;

  • this material allows you to create structures of various forms , combining the original solutions of architects;

  • environmentally friendly material . Due to the lack of chemistry, the tree is completely safe for people. In the specific case it will create a healing effect.

The only drawback of a wooden structure is susceptibility to rotting and mold.

Important! In the event of improper handling of fire, the likelihood of ignition is high. This deficiency more than compensates for the following material.


The possibility of a fire in brick buildings is many times less. However, the room will warm up longer.Consequently, you will need to spend more wood.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

A brick sauna project with a gazebo and an open terrace

In the brick baths, a good ventilation system should be made, since condensate, Appears in the process of using the building, will cause reproduction and the appearance of fungus.

The future owner should know that the brick is one of the more environmentally friendly building materials for the construction of any structure. Another advantage is durability. The brick will serve many times longer timber. Finishing is also optional.

It can be interesting! In the article on the following link read about brick stoves for a bath.

Gas silicate

Sometimes you should not dwell on traditional material, but choose something more modern for the bath. For example, a gas silicate unit is perfect. Create them with the latest technology. They have a lot of advantages, because of what they are increasingly used for bath complexes.

Gas silicate is different:

  • long service life;

  • fire resistance;

  • excellent thermal insulation;

  • reliability;

  • installation work is easy;

  • relatively inexpensive price .

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

It will take less time to build a bath from blocks, but you cannot do without external finishing

Gas-reinforced blocks are not subject to rotting.

Creating a project

After you have selected a material and a site where you plan to build a structure, you must proceed to the next stage - the creation of a project.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

The project is created after the material for construction is selected

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

According to the finished project, all the necessary materials are calculated and proceed to work

In order for the project to fully satisfy the owner, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • how many people plan to relax in bath at the same time;

  • whether it is planned to operate in winter;

  • which layout is suitable. If there is not enough space, the project of a corner bath with a terrace and a barbecue is perfect;

  • what amount will be spent.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

The corner design fits perfectly in the corner of the yard

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

Planning of a standard bath project

If a bath is built for summer operation, it makes no sense to warm the dressing room and spend money on it. With year-round use, you need to pay special attention to entering it. A good project will help reduce the cost of construction. A comfortable and open barbecue area in which all guests fit makes the guest room unnecessary. This is perfectly illustrated in the figure below.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

Large open area for recreation with a large company
It might be interesting! In the article on the next link read about how to finish bath.

In some cases, it is quite enough to attach the veranda to the existing bath complex, if its service life does not imply repair in the coming years. In the presence of an old bath, a place under the roof for rest must be placed between the house and the bath. It is important to choose a form that does not distort the stylistic and architectural idea.

The bath size is selected on the basis of finances and free space. A large family will perfectly fit a size of 6 by 9 m, where a large company can easily fit. A kitchen, a bathroom, a resting place, a washing room, a steam room and even a billiard room can easily fit into a structure of this size.

Sometimes they design two-story baths.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

On the second floor of the bath, you can arrange recreation rooms or a billiard room

Guests are accommodated on the upper floor, and the terrace is provided with a stove or fireplace to give the atmosphere.

Rounded logs are perfect for building such mini recreation complexes. When planning you should consider several factors. If you separate the living room with a glass wall from the veranda and move it to the first floor, the terrace will look better, and the room will have excellent lighting. In bad weather, guests will be easier to get from the living room to an outdoor area.

When creating a bath with a mansard roof, you need to add an external staircase from the terrace to the upper floor. This will save some space inside.

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

Bath project with attic and street stairs

The project shows a bath from a bar with a terrace and barbecue, which is on the side.

In some cases it is easier to attach a bath to the house. In such cases, if the bath with a veranda and a barbecue is suitable in the size of 5x6 meters. Need to develop a new project, taking into account the size of the house. With the right approach, this will save space without damaging roominess. The best solution would be a corner bath with a terrace and a barbecue.

Such an extension looks like this:

Projects of baths with a terrace and barbecue: photos, layout, location

This corner bath can have many different rooms for recreation and household needs

Overview of the finished project of the bath with a terrace and barbecue in the video:

The modern market offers a large number of baths for every taste. If you hire a good planner and architect, tell them about your preferences, they will create a good project that will completely satisfy the owner. You only need to know some of the features of the materials, calculate the budget and describe important points for yourself.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the sauna in the form of a golden egg.

Conclusion - briefly about the main thing

Modern bathhouses are made not only from wood. It may also be, for example, a stone or frame.

High demands are placed on comfort. This is expressed not only in the size and design of the rest room, but also in the presence of a terrace with a barbecue stove.

When building a bath, you need to know and fulfill the requirements for placing a building on the site.

There is no single correct project for a bath - the location and size of the rooms should be chosen to suit your taste.

A little more attention

Modern baths are becoming more and more like complexes for relax.

Do you think it should be that way, or do you still need to share bath procedures and barbecue cooking?


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