Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

The entrance staircase to a private house, in most cases, is one of their highlights, emphasizing the special architecture, aesthetics and attractiveness of the building. Such types of stairs can be of various types, the choice of which depends largely on the area of ​​the building, its design project, and the wishes of the owner of the house. They are able to include several building materials at once (wood, metal, concrete and others).

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Entrance Stairs to a Private House

The Role of the Entrance Stairs

Most types of porches in private houses do not only the role of a technically important element in the structure, but also adds certain decorative, aesthetic functions to it, gives the building originality, convenience, and the external structures perfectly complement the facade. Modern staircases can be made of metal, wood, natural or artificial stone, concrete and other building materials.

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Entrance stairs as decoration for the facade

Many citizens can make entrance stairs to a private house with their own hands, but for this they will have to have certain tools with specialized equipment, possess skills in the field of construction. All created entrance ladders are obliged to meet the prescribed building standards, to comply with the technical specifications.

Some types of ladders should have an established clearance, a slope angle, and certain dimensions of steps. Specialized organizations with all necessary permits and other resources for this may take up the drafting and approval of a project that is desirable for you.

Criteria for modern stairs at the entrance

At the moment there are a huge number of all kinds of entrance stairs with a wide range of their own criteria. Awareness of the popular types of structures will allow you to timely determine one or another type of house stairs. So, the main parameters of this product should be counted:

  • According to its purpose, it can be input, work or pass.
  • According to the layout distinguish straight and turning.
  • According to the functionality of the stairs are divided into brownies, landscape, special.
  • According to the components of the supporting elements, they are metal, concrete, reinforced concrete, wood and combined.

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Entrance ladder as an element of landscape design
On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer installation services designs. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visit the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

You can see that there are quite a few options for choosing suitable parameters for further design desired for yourself, as well as suitable for planning and architecture of your house.

A photo collection of interesting ideas on the design of the entrance staircase to the house - in this video:

The main components of the entrance staircase in a private house

Today, assembled beams with steps called the flight of stairs, designed to move people from street to house. Often modern entrance stairs are made in the original complex configurations, emphasizing the particular architecture of a particular structure.

Any modern entrance staircase to the house has an established list of its own details. One of them, of course, are the supports and steps supporting the ladder itself, allowing citizens to safely move along it. Bowstrings are called beams, at the same time supporting steps from their bottom and end parts, and kosoura usually call elements that support the flight of stairs only from the bottom. If the steps overlap on 3 kosoura, then the one in the middle is called intermediate.

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Entrance ladder on kosoura

In addition, the design of the steps includes treads (their horizontal plane) and the steps. The design of the staircase may be without steps, which are an auxiliary support for it. Another component of the ladder, which is not always used on it, is a fence or handrail, other similar accessories that act as metal racks, rods and other products can be considered as similar elements.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the stairs in a private house to the second floor.

Entrance stairs made of concrete

When building a new cottage, the advantages of a concrete staircase tend to prevail over the merits of their competitors. For example, it is easier for architects to determine and design a concrete staircase, where and how it will be mounted. Often, preference is given to typical factory staircases, made at the factory in compliance with all technological standards.

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Entrance stairs made of concrete

The advantages of this type of staircase include:

  1. Its simple design.
  2. Relatively fast installation.
  3. Possibility of finishing with numerous types of building materials.

By minuses, it is worth counting what is not always such a typical structure (its dimensions, limited space on the land plot) can be mounted on site. In this case, the performers have to create it with their own hands (mount the formwork, knit reinforcement, pour concrete). Often, when self-assembling a concrete structure, one difficulty arises: to give the steps precise dimensions, angles, turns. In addition, this type of ladder has significant weight and rather high cost.

Varieties of concrete stairs

Often, the stairs at the entrance to a private house are made of concrete and because they can be made in different shapes and sizes. The most popular are such varieties as U-shaped, one-marsh and some other species. Often, all these varieties are mounted without any difficulty when entering the house. The main materials in their design are concrete and metal fittings.

For a long time, quite popular products, which in every respect are distinguished by a convenient and simple constructive solution, have been attributed to one-march concrete ladders. In turn, turntable and U-shaped concrete stairs are considered to be of this type.

Their distinguishing feature is certain characteristics: the straight line has only one span. The main disadvantages of single-front concrete ladders are the obligatory presence of the volume space required for their installation.

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Single-entrance entrance staircase

The so-called U-shaped concrete ladders have a significant list of advantages in relation to single-forward versions. Among them are:

  1. Convenience and aesthetics.
  2. Significant space savings.
  3. More affordable cost and some others.

These and many other nuances that, be they positive or negative, have to be considered by everyone to build similar types of entrance stairs in their private house.

Metal ladder

On the other hand, you can create an entrance ladder from metal or wood. According to statistics, in second place after the concrete stairs, the owners of private houses prefer metal constructions.

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Entrance stairs made of metal

Stairs, which are based on a metal frame, have a greater number of advantages than concrete, they may give any configuration. It is advisable that during the construction work on such a ladder not to apply expensive coating, but to do so already after their completion. For this period, the metal structure can be primed, and after the repair work is completed, for example, lay wooden steps on it or pour concrete into the frame and lay ceramic / granite tiles on it.

It may be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the width of the stairs to the second floor in a private house.

Entrance stairs made of wood

Entrance wooden stairs, you can assign a third place in its popularity. The advantages of this material have already been mentioned, and its main disadvantage is that it will have to be constantly monitored, timely painted, treated with special substances from pests, and so on. Caring for this variety is quite expensive. Moreover, as a rule, within a few months after installation, the wooden staircase may begin to creak, it does not like frequent temperature changes, which means that a constant level of temperature and humidity is desirable. In recent years, the once-popular entrance staircase in a tree house is becoming less and less common. Such a product is often relevant only for modern wooden houses.

In order for a wooden product to last a long period of time, it is advisable to select the material wisely to create it. In addition, for greater reliability, it is desirable to lay several concrete pillars under the base of the future entrance flight of stairs, which are called bulls in common people. In case you mount the ladder on the open field, then in the very near future it will begin the process of decay, and it will become unusable for several years.

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Wooden entrance staircase

The main advantage of this type of staircase is still its high level of attractiveness. The tree has always possessed such valuable characteristics as environmental friendliness, the ability to demonstrate wealth and luxury. For the manufacture and installation of such a ladder you will not need special expensive tools and equipment.For these tasks it is necessary to have only a personal aspiration, a screwdriver, a hammer, a file, nails and screws.

However, if you intend to install a wooden staircase at the entrance, you should understand that you will have to take care of it constantly, to monitor its current state. Timely process special antiseptics, protecting it from possible processes of decay, harmful insects that are ready to cause irreparable damage to such a design. Entrance adjoining wooden staircases must always be in excellent condition.

A few useful tips

If every owner of a private house adheres to certain simple rules, then he may not worry about comfortable and completely safe movement on his entrance ladder. Here are some of them:

  1. If the ladder has a steep climb, then it should have a strong and wide railing.
  2. The steps should not be made of slippery finishing materials, and on their surface it is better to install linings of a material with a high coefficient of friction.
  3. It is desirable that the external aesthetics of the stairs fit the architectural appearance of the house.

Entrance stairs to the house: requirements, components, materials

Sturdy handrails are a necessary element of a steep staircase

It is worth remembering that the entrance staircase is primarily necessary for safe movement of people. Competent selection of materials and artists for its installation will help save time at the time of its construction, as well as avoid problems during further operation. You should not save on the quality of erected ladder.

It might be interesting! In the article on the following link read about the railing for the stairs in a private house.


Each owner, before building a private private house, can choose from which material the entrance staircase. It is advisable to make such a decision at the design stage. An important role is played by the choice of the basic material of the building: for a wooden cottage, despite all the hardship difficulties, a ladder of the same material is still better. As for the design, it should harmoniously complement the facade of the designed building.


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