Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

Select between wood and brick building materials have always stood, and even experts can not always indicate the preferred option. Private houses on the basis of bricks are considered more reliable and durable, while wooden buildings create a more comfortable indoor microclimate. Both of these materials have their strengths and weaknesses that must be considered when choosing.

Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

Wood or brick - the eternal choice in low-rise construction

Brick use

Brick is one of the traditionally used in building materials. Despite the development in the last decades of many alternative types of raw materials for the construction of walls, it still remains one of the most relevant options for both private low-rise construction and for the construction of large-scale facilities.

Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

Brick is one of the most popular materials in construction
On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular house designs from a brick from the building companies, presented at the exhibition of houses Low-rise Country.

Advantages of choosing in favor of a brick

The advantages of using brick in construction include:

  1. Long life of this material.
  2. Excellent level of strength.
  3. Fire resistance.
  4. The material is environmentally friendly.
  5. The brick is resistant to insects, fungus or mold, rot.
  6. Precipitation in the form of rain or snow is not terrible for building on such a basis.
  7. The high heat capacity allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate inside the house at any time of year. Also, this feature will allow good savings on heating.
  8. Excellent sound insulation.
  9. The material does not require additional care. Brick does not need to be periodically treated with protective compounds or paint.
  10. Brick can be used to build houses of any shape. The process itself is also not particularly complex.

Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

The brick is convenient for the construction of buildings of complex shape

Brick minuses

Like any other building material, brick has weaknesses. These include:

  1. Quite a lot of weight. This characteristic directly affects the cost of transportation, so that this will not save.
  2. This material will require a base with a burial, which will also entail additional costs.
  3. The construction procedure can take quite a long time.
  4. It is not recommended to build at temperatures below 10 degrees.
  5. Such a material needs internal lining. In this pre-wall will need to plaster.

Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

A brick house needs a strong foundation

Features of using wood in construction

Wood is a traditional domestic construction material. Today, the most popular are structures made of profiled, laminated veneer lumber and rounded logs. Each of the options has a number of advantages that are worth exploring separately.

Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

The round log will allow you to build a log house in the classic style
See the best wooden house projects from companies Whose proposals are presented at the exhibition of houses Low-rise country can be on our website.

Pluses of wooden buildings

Wood is often used for the construction of private buildings, as it has a number of undeniable advantages. These include:

  1. Attractive appearance and decorative properties.
  2. In a wooden building, you do not need to use climate systems. The structure of this material allows it to provide air exchange. This helps to create an optimal level of humidity in the house and saturate it with oxygen.
  3. Wood has a low thermal conductivity and a good sound insulation.
  4. From coniferous woods resinous substances are released that have a positive effect on human health.
  5. The construction of a wooden house is much more economical compared to a brick building. It uses a budget base and inexpensive building materials.
  6. The construction procedure itself also takes much less time. On average, the process can take about 2-3 months. In this construction can be carried out around the clock.
  7. The life of a wooden building is quite long and can be about 100 years.

Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

The attractiveness of the exterior and interior of a wooden house is beyond doubt

Cons of the tree

Although wood and more and more often used in construction, it has a number of significant drawbacks. These include:

  1. Wood has a high level of moisture absorption.This often leads to decay, fungus and desiccation.
  2. This material will require additional thermal insulation and external cladding. The tree will need to be treated with special antiseptics to prevent possible decay.
  3. Shrinkage of a wooden frame. Shrinkage percentage and timing can vary greatly depending on the type of wood used.

Wood or brick: what to choose for a country house?

Wood requires additional processing


Each version of the material has its strengths and weaknesses. The use of wood will allow good savings, while the construction procedure will end much faster. The brick will help to build a reliable building with maximum protection from various external influences.

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